Page 10 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 10
October 9, 1973 Georgie Milby Reflecfions -30 years ago and Billie Jean The ACe and SGA Folks around these parts are still buzzing over the whooping and hollering that went on when Billie Jean King proved what we all knew all along; that a thirty year-old woman can beat a fifty-five year old man at prac- tically anything-except talking. The female population of WMC did itself proud that night, WIth rebel and other yells worthy of the best Preacher serenade. There wasn't any tennis match to be excited over in 1943, but there were two separate S.G.A. groups, and this charming creature was president of the distaff. side. (Let Georgie do it.) And speaking of the S,G.A., it has not escaped ~y notice that they received a rather bad dre~sing down at the last me~ting, when an appomted delegate from Omicron Delta Kappa (WMC's leadership honor society for men) was sent to tell them about the All- Can the SGA appoint the ACC? College Council. In a campus this size (which, by the way is getting to be an awfully tired excuse) it is ridiculous for organizations to overlap, much less for one organization to tell Last spring the concept of an All-College Council c~mmittees are chosen this way. But students may another what to do. The S.G.A., let us was approved by the faculty, administration and WIsh to explore with. their Senator possible alter- remember, is elected. That means that it is the Student Government Association. While native selection procedures. supposedly representative of the student body President John and the administration joined One such method would employ direct election. as a whole. Now, for an appointed body forces with members of the faculty to build an ef- ~~~~!r~~;~~~~~~~s ;~dr~;k ~~ ~~:~~r~~~~1~:~~ (members of ODK are appointed) - and one not fective instrument for college policy formulation, the students of WMDC (Western Maryland Daycare that the best qualified representatives are chosen. appointed by the male students, at that to take Center) basked in ignorance of the All-College But if the overwhelming majority of the campus upon itself the responsiblity of telling the Council's purpose, format, and even its very strongly favors this approach, it should be used. S.G.A. what to do--well, frankly, I can't existence. Sentenced to obscurity by the non- Another alternative would define a special stomach it. My suggestion is for Sandy Stokes publicity of last year's SGA, the Council was committee, composed of elected student leaders to crash the next ODK meeting and tell them doomed to suffer the fate of a second-rate com- from various campus organizations. This "elite" what color ties to wear, or another important mittee of which students knew nothing and cared group could possibly choose all of the members, or decision. The appointive bodies on this less. Fortunately, this year's SGA has granted a they could screen applications and nominate a campus (Trumpeters, ODK, committee stay of execution for the ACC, by consenting to ~~~~~~~:~ti:;~S to be approved by the Senate or representatives) are supposed to be service delay the election of the Council's student members Besides considering the actual machinery for oriented in some way. Just because they are But the postponement will benefit no one unless the entire student body uses the time to learn about selection, students should attempt to define criteria touted as leaders does not give them the right this new and mysterious organization. for the composition of the six-student group. There to tell the duly elected student representatives The Council will consist of six students, three should probably be provisions to insure year-to- that they are doing a bad job. If they're so faculty, and three members of the administration. year continuity by requiring a minimum of juniors crummy, why wait until you're in ODK to say (Professors Tribby, Zepp and Sapora have been and/or sophomores. And it might be wise to reserve something? And why not help them to see that elected to represent the faculty; and Deans one of the seats for the SGA President-or an the job is done better? Mowbray and McCormack will' be two of the alternate appointed personally by the President-to Now, for those of you who are really burning administration's representatives.) These people facilitate smoother communications between the to be on the All-College Council, please apply. will come together to study problems which affect s~0:tn1~~~rf:~S~~l.all students should become The letters should be in to Sandy Stokes in all phases of the campus, and make policy aware of the All-College Council, and consider the charge of the S.G.A. by Friday. If you have a recommendations to the appropriate campus possible role it can play in the future of Western lot of questions as to what you're applying for, authorities. The jurisdiction of the Council was set forth in Maryland College. The potential for meaningful there is a detailed explanation in the Nov. 21 '-f\.D..lA..J terms which are intentionally vague. The aim, interactions among all segments oj the campus Gold Bug of last year. At least it's as much however, was not to confuse, but rather to provide must not be lightly dismissed. We must recognize information as is available. sufficient leeway for the organization to ex- periment and modify. ~~!;~sco~:~~u~~~; ;::~i::\oa;!~r:'J\~~o:::r r~~1 ,----------------- At this point in time it is not possible to predict the cooperation. And we must give it aU the help we can issues which this body will consider, but it doesn't to prevent a pregnant idea from dying in childbirth. take a quixotic dreamer to comeup with a number Tim Meredith the cold Bug of areas which could be dealt with effectively by (on behalf of ODK) such a group as this. Itis conceivable that we would find the ACC conducting an in-depth study of the Honor System, or possible comprehensive examinations. As a forum for student opinion, the Editor-in-Chief Cathy Nelson Council might study the plans for the several new Why is it when SGA exerts it authority to make buildings which will be constructed here in the near decisions as a representative student body, that Associate Editor Nellie Arrington future. Likewise, it could examine guest-lectures certain effect organizations of the campus begin to Cindy O'Neal and entertainment from off-campus, seeking to criticize. For example, the All College Council will Managing Editor develop a program which students consider worth- be delayed at least two weeks just because a Photography Editor Richard Elliott while. And until faculty meetings are open to campus organization badgers the SGA that it does students -which may come after we're all dead-the not have the right to appoint. Where are these Advertising manager Steve Boyd All-College Council provides the most direct route organizations when SGA needs help with campus for any student to get his proposals and complaints life activity or community service? Are these considered by the faculty. organizations promoting student leadership when St~ff: Mike A~drei, Gerry Philips. Gene Funk, Considering the vast potential of such an they divide student support for their own glory? Leigh Rogoff, Jim Massey, Baron Tayler, Chip organization as this, concerned students will want Aren't they the same people who comment, Rouse, Lori Grimes, Adele Moorman Jack to make every effort to see that the Council's first "There's too much apathy at WMC, but who Tracey, Sue Cocking. ' year is a fruitful one. Everything depends on the cares!" people who make up this Council, as they are S.G. Annoyed Special thanks to Keith Moore, Director of charged with writing their own constitution and Publications and Pubncrtv, tor press releases. setting their own goals. And since so much depends on the members who are chosen to represent the Published by and for the students of Western student body, they must be selected with great M~rylan~ Co_lIege;.The opinions expressed in tought and deliberation. The student members are this publication do not neccessarily reflect those to be chosen in a manner determined by the SGA of the administration. your comments and/or suggestions. We welcome Senate. And this veer's Senate has decided I Pk~~<, JO"'~[·0-f.f..d! rrl?il tf)' Box 3A, Wert~rr tnat it should~_p~-JJiti~ a1: six ctudent repro- 1"it. ,:a.1 ....·...."",o.;B;::, l'I'ort:, ~nstcr, Maryl31
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