Page 57 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 57
Good John clobbers bad Egbert by Sue Stalker "Curse You Jack Dalton", the production by Dalton and Anna sing a song about his ,habit of we be parted" and Bertha hides him in the closet. Wilbur Braun was performed last Wednesday and eating onions and how they make him "manly". Later Egbert convinces Eloise to come into the Thursday for the college and public and - on Egbert van Horn desires his union with Eloise parlour and tells her that they should elope that Saturday as a benefit for the Junior Women's Club Dalton to obtain a part of the Dalton fortune. Mrs. very night. Eloise consents and runs up to get her of Westminster. The melodrama was directed by Dalton is very happy about these marriages and medicines and teddy bear. Egbert once more Monika van der Berg with original lyrics and music rings for the maid Bertha Blair, to ask her to give renders his version of "Curse You Jack Dalton" .. she wrote to complete a special studies project for her a backrub in the morning. When Mrs. Dalton and ends it with a new line, "but I still hold the departmental honors in music. pulls the chord for the maid, a bell, sounding like winning card" drawing put an Ace of Spades from In preparation for this experience, Monika took that from a bicycle, sounds. These sounds and later his sleeve and leaves. Directing last fall under Dr. William Tribby. Before ones were artfully directed by the sound manager, deciding what she wanted to do for her honor's Mike Mahaney. Mrs. Dalton, Jack, and Anna, are assembled in project, Monika consulted Dr. Tribby who Jack Dalton enters to talk to his mother and the parlor and Mrs. Dalton rings for Bertha, only suggested she do a metccrama" She read many finding Bertha alone in the parlor, pledges her his the ring is a tremendous crashing of cymbols and production booklets and finally decided to do love. Bertha tells Jack about her past and the Mrs. Dalton almost faints. Jack catches her and "Curse You Jack Dalton". Since the melodrama "golden giant mine" that was taken by the evil seats her on the couch as Bertha comes bustling did not include any music, Monika's music advisor Hector Harcourt. Bertha is impoverished and into the parlor. Mrs. Dalton asked for her Mr. Carl Dietrich said, "No problem, why don't you cannot find her brother so she takes a job as a maid resignation because she overheard Bertha and just write it'?" Trips to the Library of Congress in the hopes of finding him. Richard talking about Richard's new daughter and were useful in obtaining sheet music of those times. When Bertha leaves to go back to her housework, thought them married. Everyone looks askance and freezes while Eloise and Egbert peek into the The cast was chosen last Thanksgiving and in- Anna strides in with a plan to blackmail Jack parlor before leaving only to be brought by gun- cludes the onion-eating hero, Jack Dalton per- because she had seen and heard them in the parlor, point into the parlor by Richard Blair. Bertha formed byTim Meredith; Bertha Blair, the maid to but Jack disregards her and goes to his study. explains that the man she was talking to was her the Daltons, portrayed by Jean Beaver; Egbert van Egbert van Horn enters and the piano player marks brother. The mystery, of the "golden giant mine" is Horn, alias Hector Harcourt, that scheming his entrance. He is dressed in black, a boogie man foreclosed, andAnna'sevil ways are brought to light diabolical villain, superbly done by Jack Tracey; ready to stomp anything in his path; he is the when Egbert hands Mrs. Dalton the paper Anna that evil-hearted Spanish senorita, Ann» Alvarado, villain, who Larry Lazopolus, the make-up director signed pledging Egbert five thousand dollars for skillfully worked by Debbie Barnes; Mrs. Dalton; has skillfully fashioned to appear as a Snidley Bertha's disappearance. When Jack declares that Whiplash. Anna Alvarado offers him one thousand the aged, old biddie, depicted by Denise Haver- Bertha is his wife all the other characters gasp in male; Bertha's long-lost brother, Richard Blair. dollars to rid the Dalton home of Bertha, the maid. surprise "Your wife?????'??'?'?" While Mrs. Dalton acted by Michael Gosman; and Eloise Dalton, the He says the price is not high enough and he wants a makes a motion to faint and Egbert retorts, hypochondriacal sister, played by Peggy Jones. receipt from Anna. Anna promises to pay him five "Curses, the game is up." When one first sees the parlor of the Dalton home, thousand dollars and writes out the receipt. She one is struck with a feeling of going backwards in wants Egbert to make Bertha take the sleeping All but Anna and Egbert UIwl-sing a song about time. The set used for the action of "Curse You - potion she has placed in the glass of water on the "good" conquering "evil". Anna and Egbert slng Jack Dalton" was cleverly designed by Jim Sollers. table. Anna leaves and Egbert pulls the chord to "We have lost". Then all stand together, clasp Pictures cover the wall of the parlour, oriental as call for the maid expecting a bell but instead it their hands and sing "Amen". well as the contemporary art of the period. The registers a cymbal's crash. Bertha comes in and The criminals are taken to justice and Mrs. library in the house of that period symbolized . recognizes Hector Harcourt, the villain who took Dalton gives her blessing in the marriage of Jack culture and an affluent unbrtnzlng. Next to the her brother's "golden giant mine". Egbert, alias and Bertha who then sing a duet. The remaining library was Jack D~lton's study and a bust of Hector) tries to take her bodily from the house but cast exits and Bertha cries, "My Jack," Jack an- Clarence Dalton, who was deceased. Bouquets of Jack Dalton arrives in the nick of time to save the swers "My Queen", and Richard poking his head in flowers were placed in every corner of the parlor fair Bertha. Egbert sings his villainous song, the door retorts, "My mistake", and pops out again. and as a final touch of the affluent society, a velvet "Curse You Jack Dalton ..." and exits. The finale is now at hand. All the cast reappears couch accompanied by a leopard skin blanket were on the stage and sing "Only the good people win in tucked into the parlor. Anna then enters and pleads with him to eat lunch the end" and they end with an "Amen". The The piano player, Floyd Twilley, entered the with her but Jack refuses and stumbles into his American flag is waved as an applause getter and parlor door and walked to his honke-tonk piano, study. Anna confers with her servant, Jackson, • likewise as the piano player plays, "Yankee Doodle and tells him whatIo do. He rings for Bertha and soon to be followed by a pretty singer, Debbie Bott, Dandy". who performed as a prologue to the play. cymbals answer the tug on the bell rope. Bertha This play was well-done and the actors and ac- enters to find her brother facing her. They embrace tresses put a great deal of time into its production. The melodrama began with the talk of marriage; and Richard tells Bertha that there is a plan to The music went along well with the melodrama and the alliances of the house of Alvarado- Dalton and ensnare her from the house of Dalton forever. She the costumes from Dorothy Elderdice were perfect. that of Dalton-Van Horn. Anna Alvarado wants to tells him that their enemy Hector Harcourt is The authentic pieces were furnished by Darrell marry Jack Dalton for his money, not his love, nor around and to hide in the umbrella closet to trap Robertson of King West Antiques and the lighting for his onions that have made him strong. Mrs. them. They sing a song together, "Nevermore shall was directed by Don Ehman and Bill McCormick.
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