Page 53 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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Working indoors Jon. Term brings versotolity The departure of the African safari group on Handicapped in Baltimore, working as a genetics January 5 meant that the emigration of students research technician. from thp -oueee communitv to distant areas of Theatre management is the interest of dramatic studies was about to end. Other cultural tours in- art major Barbara Kr-istiansen who is at the chided visits to German-speaking Europe, France. Washington Theatre Club for an intensive ex- Western Europe, and the Soviet Union. Some perience in modern theatre management. Monika students are on trips in the United States, on an van der Berg has turned an 1890's meladrama, Indian reservation, at the Fort Benning airborne Curse You Jack Daltan, into a musical. She has school, or on the Eastern seaboard touring schools composed original music to accompany the for the deaf. script and is directing the performances which will The students remaining on campus soon began to be given January 25 and 26 in Englar Dining Hall. fall in a new routine which includes more leisure This is her special studies honors project in music. and less academic pressure than in the regular school year. Some are taking part in political in- Five students, Mark Shef£ied, Bob Davis, Glen ternships, working with legislatures and judges. Mawby, Mark Murphy. and John Tuthill are Others' are looking into the meaning of death, a travelling across the continental U.S.A. to course which turned out to have the largest California while keeping a daily journal of their enrollment of all those offered. There are about 40 experiences and conversations with other Americans. Michael Mock is doing the same thing students playing games-simulating political behavior. Musicians have the opportunity to take as he hitchhikes back to Westminster from part in a stage band clinic or a course in musical Bozeman, Montana, by way of the southwest. literature for the recorder. One of the few courses Nellie Arrington, who is thinking about a career that is repeated is Orientation to Social Welfare in journalism, is now working as an intern in the Agencies. Students in this course are working at news department of WJZ- TV Baltimore television least four days a week in social agency settings. studio. Another repeated course is in the classics-Classical Using primary sources, biology student Art and Archeology. Each year the classics offering Raymond Ulm is completing a study of the Ku Klux has attracted a larger number of students. Klan during the reconstruction period. A math- Not all students are enrolled in the courses offered sociology team, Thomas Yates and Gary Wright. is in the January Term catalog. Some use the term to making a study of winter camping and survival English complete research on honors projects. others apply under the physical education department. with the major Stephen Doarnberger is traveling study in their majors to a part-time work ex- Maryland State Police as an observer in order to perience, while still others use the mini -term to exp~nd interests and abilities in special study become acquainted with basic police procedures. A projects. future sociologist, Thomas Jerbi, is comparing and analyzing military and local penal institutions. Some of the most unusual special study projectA are listed below: One of the more ambitious projects is to study the Art student Margaret Powell has gone to Frank- transportation problem in Philadelphia furt, Germany, and will do a study of Ihat city's Metropolitan area done by John Wilhelm. Drug architecture including a comparison of modern and abuse in secondary schools is another study un- older buildings, and the methods of construction. derway by Harry Entenberg. Another art student, Annette Witt, is working from During January Term Judy Kastner is a student sketches made on the Outer Banks of North research assistant at a community mental health Carolina this past summer in order to create a body facility in Greenbelt. Shirley-Ruth Wright is doing ofwork in acrylics on canvas and masonite. Ronlyn the preliminary research and contact work ro, a Arnatt, who is thinking about becoming an art kindergarten for underprivileged children in teacher, is showing students at.a Washington-area Virginia. The Transitional Family Research In- school how to weave' and she is also doing ex- stitute of American Institutes of Research in Silver periments with natural dyes. Spring has Adele Gunn keeping records in the In- In order to be completely clear about his future as ternational Reference Center. a physician, Kurt Jacobson is working as a In addition, thee are very technical problems volunteer at Delaware Division Hospital of the being researched in various laboratories on Wilmington Medical Center Complex. Douglas campus. Also, several students 'are making use of Paulsen, another biology student, is at the John F. such facilities as the Library of Congress for other This is Jan. Terml Kennedy Institute.for. the Physically and Mentally work.
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