Page 59 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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JANUARY 30, "973 THE GOLD BUG "India Today" needs industry . K. Venkates:varlu from India presented a -then talked about social change in Modern India lectures to Interested students and faculty with a lecture titled "The Former Untouchables in 22. Dr. the week of January I IY~~i~\~~~~f~~i!taProfessor of Politics and Public Indian Society." Of special interest to Dr. Holthaus's Non Western Studies Class on Japan Andhra University and has He is presently spending a year was his lecture entitled "The Background and Development of Buddhism in India and its Spread at the University of Penn- to Japan". granted a post-doctoral Dr. Venkateswarlu ended his lecture schedule 1 1~~:~::i'~':;'1~1~:~~~~gave talks arid lead with a talk on "India Today". This talk con- centrated on a general picture of India in relation to morning and evening this past Thursday.' . reflected his politics and its influence on social life. Dr. Venkateswarlu that India is too vast emphasized .. differed in and too complex a country to be drawn into Political generalizations, and stated that he would talk about and was the current government and try to give the the next day with two small group audience an idea of the possible nature of the .Dscussion' on that subject. 'evolving of India within the next two or three covered Indo-United States relations, decades. The 1967 elections seemed to indicate that democracy had adismal future as India's form of government. The Congress party experienced a decline in power and was partially succeeded by numerous regional parties, and by' the Communist party in several areas. The following five years Chess team again have shown a divergent political spectrum in which the regional parties and remaining Congress party conjunction with the January Term course representatives have worked. together over the defeats Shippensburg with the American involvement in Viet- problems of the country. Chaplain Francis Lewis spoke in A strong and stable government is needed for Chaplain Lewis was the head growth and success in India today. Financially the by Keith Proffen . Division at the time of the country must learn to become self sufficient, as it is He participated in the in- too large and too poor to be built up by foreign aid. The WMCChess Team came away with its second .~'-sltigation of the atrocities committed by Lt. Industry, for example, is badly needed and is victory as it trounced Shippensburg on January 21. the Americal Division during a mission in presently being brought intothe country. Winning all 5 games by mates, the Chess Team As far as the people themselves are concerned, expanded its record to 2 wins and 0 losses. Rick Spinck, playing black on the first board, Dr. Venkateswarlu stated that over the past twenty completely outplayed his opponent who used the years they have come to accept the role that SOlOnAttack to no avail. Playing white on board 2, government has to play in all phases of life, such as setting up a family planning program. Indians have' Mike Davis used the Bird's Opening in the longest also become more conscious of themselves in the match of the afternoon. Francois Derasse used the his op- Caro Kann Defense as he outmaneuvered recent years, especially in attitudes toward ponent before mating him on board 3. Jerry Lowe, women's freedom and the caste system. Most of India is definitely bound by tradition, however, and having the. white pieces on board 4, played the to change these deeply rooted attitudes and ideas Queen's Gambit Accepted __am! overpowered his will take time, opponent. Keith Proffen, playing black on the fifth board, used the Four Knfgfit'sDefense as he came Dr. Venkateswarlu ended his lecture by thanking from behind to completely cru.~_!lhis opponent. his audience and all those with whom he had con- Anyone interested in joining the Chess Team, see tact during his enjoyable stay here at Western either Dr, Cross or any of the five starters. Practice Maryland for the kindness-and consideration shown and Tournaments arc usually held Wednesday to him. nights in Rouzer Lounge. Fourteen take part in political world Fourteen students from Western Maryland Congressman Goodloe E. Byron; Robert L. Davis, College are working at political internships during Linthicum, sophomore, political science, Judge Lewis attended the University of the current January Term which ends Tuesday, Robert I. H. Hammerman, Supreme Bench of • rashington and went ori to the Garrett Theological January 30. Baltimore City; Glenn E. English, Scotch Plains, . His tour of duty in Vietnam The students are in offices of elected officials, New Jersey, senior, political science, Carroll . He has just returned from judges, appointees, and civil servants at the County Planning Office; David A. Fine, Baltimore, the year 1972.He is now federal, state, and local levels of political life. The freshman, biology, Dr. Neil Solomon, Maryland Proving Ground. . point of these internships, according to Dr. William Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; Joseph nature of information he gave could M. David, Jr., chairman of the political science J. Guydo, Jr., Johnstown, Pennsylvania, freshman, • " misinterpreted and could also cause him trouble, department, is for students to see and participate in biology, Mayor Herbert Jrag of Johnstown; E . that most of his presentation a segment of the political world. Kenneth Henschen, Columbia, freshman, history, . He plans to publish all of his in- Dr. David and his staff believe that many aspects Carroll County Planning Office; Jill Porter, My Lai incident when he retires of the academic program at Western Maryland Chester, senior, political science, The Governor's College are relevant to the world of practical Staff, State House, Annapolis; Linda J. Powell, politics and they want students to see that Westminster, junior, economics, with Neil Carvan relevance. Students are encouraged to recognize who is chief of the Economic Development Section, the use of thought processes and knowledge which Baltimore City Department of Planning. can be learned at the college. In addition they are Also, Richard A. Seid, Alexandria, Virginia, told to note needed skills or areas of knowledge freshman, political science, Carroll County State's Editor-in-Chief FrancoisDerasse which they can acquire at the college, Attorney Lanny Harchenhorn; Janice E. Sikorsky, Photography Editor Richard EliioH Students keep' a journal of their work with the Baltimore, senior, political science, Division of Sports Editors Chip Rouse cooperating official and evaluate the experience, Parole and Probation, Maryland Department of Hard Work: Becky Williams, Sue Stalker, Randy Dove, partly from the point of view of their reason for Public Safety; Nancy H. Silvia, Salisbury, senior, Charlie Englemier, Cindy O'Neal working in a particular office. Some students make political science, Senator J. Glenn Beall, Jr.; Mark Phl!niele, Chery' Mig, their own arrangements with the officials; others Sharon L. Snow, Germantown, freshman, no major, Spec;"1 thanks to Ms Nancy Winkelman for press releases. are arranged through the political science Carroll County Planning Office; Anne C. Stub- department. The college's concept of January blefield, Laurel, junior, math-economics, Senator Entered as second class material at the Westminster, Term is: a chance for students to have experiences Maryland post office, 21157. Second class portage J. Glenn Beall, Jr. paid at Westminster. PUblished by and for the outside the area of their majors or to develop Also part of the program is Peter B. Belmont who students of Western Maryland College. The opinions further in their particular field of interest. is a student at Eckerd College, Florida. Mr. el
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