Page 62 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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Pa98Two The Gold Bug February 20,1973 Communication is our mission Help. The purpose of a college newspaper is to situations that may arise, and efficient. It will keep students, faculty members, and ad- be more efficient in the sense that there will be ministrators well-informed as far as college more and better coverage of college events. business, events, and news are concerned. This coverage, unlike in previous years, will Some aspects of the newspaper may be en- be more college oriented - every topic in the tertaining, but on the whole, it should be in- paper will relate to the college or its formative. It should act as a communication population. Our Cities. tool to the entire college population. By Student participation in a college newspaper Our Oceans. fulfilling these and other purposes, the should also be stressed. Students are urged to newspaper has then accomplished its goal submit opinions,..comments, ideas, and other Our Trees. serving the college community. writings as letters to the editor. These will Our Towns. have priority over most other writings in the THE GOLD BUG therefore will attempt to paper although the staff reserves the right not Our Forests. accomplish this mission. Through a bet- to print certain letters. Our Rivers. terment in staff organization, the paper will be We hope that by attempting this, we will more versatile, responsive to various get more student and faculty interest. Our Air. ,- Our Mountains. !Jetters to the Editors .Our Plants. Our Fishes. December 10,1972 the preceding semester. The purpose of this was Our Streams. To The Editor: double: to congratulate for a successful semester Our Deserts. Recently, I had an experience which I would like and to encourage outstanding scholarship. to share with other students at Western Maryland, In June of 1972,I was astonished to find that the Our Lakes. especially women and couples who are dating "List" included a few more than half the student Our Tomorrows. steadily. However, it is a matter that should be of body. Obviously, though the letter was appropriate concern to the college community as a whole. for the first purpose stated above, it was not ap- In December, 1972,I went to a clinic in a near-by propriate for the second. The College grading city to have an abortion. It was a frightening and pattern through the years has changed sufficiently lonely experience, but it was a reality I had to face. so that at some class levels a "8" average was I am writing this letter for other women who may actually ranked in the lower half of the class. have been in my situation and to make the campus. The "List" is not an effort to recognize an elite aware that Western Maryland, idyllic as it may group of very few students. Its purpose is to seem, is not immune to the problemsof unwanted acknowledge the influence of approximately the top pregnancies and pre-marital sex relations. I have third of the student body in academic achievement. heard of a number of women at W.M.C. who have Up to the last few years, the 2.0 index. was a. also had abortions and I know many who are reasonable bench mark. As of June, 1972,however, I currently using contraceptives regularly. was forced to realize that (at least in the upper two Many women are not fully aware or informed of years) an index of 2.0 did not indicate "outstanding the alternatives to pregnancy until it is too late. I achievement." feel there is definitely a need for an information For the semester just concluded, therefore, with center on campus to handle birth control and family the cooperation of the Computer Center, I arranged planning advice and an abortion referral service. the classes separately in order of descending index, This is a project which could be undertaken and wrote letters to the top third of the class, voluntarily by interested students, especially provided they were above 2.0 index. In the senior sociology or psychology majors, who could be given class this technique excluded some students above scholastic credit for their contributions. Campus 2.0; in the junior class it excluded students at 2.0. In organizations, such as N.O.W. and the S.G.A., could the sophomore and freshman classes the 2.0 index work this service into their established framework. provided a few less than one third of the class. The I, for one, would gladly work for such a project total listing produced 31.6% of the full-time since I know what it is like to be unmarried, enrollment. unemployed and pregnant. It is a situation that Like all objective systems, this one has its flaws, other women could easily avoid if Western and I am sure that some students whose Maryland students faced the problems I have achievements were noteworthy have been omitted. mentioned and got together to do something about The rising index for the entire student body can them soon! Anonymous be explained in many ways, but I feel sure that one factor is increased interest, concern, and ability in letter from Dean Makosky academic work. On this score a much larger February 1, 1973 number than the recipients of letters from the dean Since the locally-styled Dean's List was instituted deserve credit and gratitude from the faculty and about 1950, I have been writing congratulatory administration. Givaa hooll letters to students who made at least a 2 0 index in John D. Makosky, Dean of the Faculty Don't poilu". COLLEGE STUDENT'S POETRY ANTHOLOGY The NATIONAL POETRY PRF.SS announces its the Gold Bug SPRING COMPETITION The closing date for the submission of maauscriuts by College Students is Editors· C~thy Nelson and Francol. Der~ne April 10 - Managing Editor-Chip Nellie Rouse Arrington. Editor· Sports Editor· Circulation Debbie ANY STUDENT attendi", JUDlOf or senior college is eligible to submit Photography Manager· Richard Day Elliott his verse. There is no limitation .. to form or theme. Shorter works. are pre- AdvertisIng Manager. Bob Ramsdell Gail ferred by the Board of Judges, because of .pacc limitations. sue Mullins, COCking, Judy Gardner, Powell, HiUo, Julie D'Nnl, Cindy Linda Sue stalker, cotLEr~ BeCky Williams, Suzi Reggie Lee. Mark Rich Phenicie, Wlndermuth, Blucher, Engelmler, Charlie t:J:~A~~ta~~ ~J~~ri~T!Dth~nst~d~~t~!~dh~ht~ Keith P~ffen, Chip Wright. ADDRESS as well. Special thanks to Ms Nancy Winkelman for prll"SSrelaa$8$.· MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to the OFFICE OF THE PRESS Entaradas S8condClass'matarialat theWertminstar, Maryland post office, 21157. Second cress postage paid at Westminster. Published by and.for the NATIONAL POETRY PRESS students 01 Wastern MarVland Col1fl"!11!,The opinions e"pressed in this paper do not necassarHv refllK:tthoS8 3210 Selby Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. of the administration of the·collage. 90034 Addrll"SS all maHto aex 3; Western Maryland College, Westminster,Maryland 21157.
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