Page 56 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 56
PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG JANUARY 16, 1973 WMC Cagers Intramural b-bal/; prepare for no casualties yet home games by Bob Ramsdell to be Well, the hacks have been going at it for over a week now and there are as yet no casualties reported due to Men's Intramural Basketball-a by Charlie Englemief statistic which shoots hell out of the credibility of Western Maryland's varsity basketball team has the National Safety Council. Things got going when played eight games to date, winning two and the Animals and Bong City tipped-off at 12:30 on dropping six. The Terrors trounced Bridgewater 86- January 6. The Animals completely dominated the 71 way back on December .7th and then two days first half to the tune of a 20-81ead at the half. But for later lost a heartbreaker at Moravian, 55-54. After almost the first ten minutes of the second half it the Christmas holiday recess, the schedule seemed as if the Animals had completely lost the resumed January 6th when the Terrors lost at range on the hoop as Bong City pumped in eleven Widener and then three days the later when they straight points to narrow the gap to 20-19. However, dropped one at Loyola. During this January Term, the Animals never lost the lead as they finally got the Western Maryland cagers play four very im- back into the scoring groove and pulled away at the portant home games, which are crucial turning end to gain the first victory of the new season, 30-25. points regarding the success of the season. Active As usual, if you want to see a real basketball fan support and participation at these upcoming game, the First Division has the best play to offer. home games is encouraged; for as being typical of Sofar, the Gamma Betes and tlie Faculty share the all basketball teams, a team always plays better at divisional lead; the Betes having utterly outclassed home when inspired by the home crowd. the Phi Delts, 57-32, and the Faculty taking a 42-34 decision over the Bachelors. With only three games At home against Bridgewater, the Terrors out- to a round in this division, any loss is a catastrophe classed the foes by the count of 86 .71. Western and it already looks as if either the Betes or the Maryland looked sharp that night as their offense Faculty will take the championship. flowed smoothly and their defense was im- The Second Division has also had some play of penetrable. Dan Stubbs paced the Terror scoring good calibre to offer. The Crazy Dogs appear to be with 26 points and 17 rebounds. Bill Swift added 13 the team to beat as they have scored impressive tallies and Captain Bob Decker and John Feldman victories of 62-46over the Hammer and 76-28 over each contributed 12 points. the Faculty. The Rejects have also looked very Two nights later at Moravian, for all the official good in a 71-38win over the Hammer and will be a time of the game but one second after the buzzer, it force to be reckoned with. appeared as if Western Maryland was going to Down in the Third Division, the Animals and stretch its winning streak to two games. The' Sloans are tied for the division lead with 2-0 Terrors had led most of the time and with two records. After their season opening triumph, the seconds remaining in the game nursed a 54-53lead .. Animals next game was against the C.C.A.S. This Moravian inbounded from near half court and one game was tight all the way. and the Animals didn't Moravian player heaved a last second desperation reap the victory until the winning bucket was thirty foot high arcing bomb at the basket as the scored with 21 seconds left on the clock, making the final buzzer sounded. The ball went through the final score 29-27. The Sloans have gotten their two hoop immediately after the buzzer giving Moravian victories with wins over the Gladiators, 44-31, and a 55-54 win. Western Maryland's usual balanced Bong City, 40-37. attack wasn't evident at Moravian as Stubbs netted The Fourth Division shows the Psycho Ward with 21 points and Feldman 17, but not one other Terror another potential winner in the Gambits, who are scored more than four points. currently tied for first with the Pyrrhic Feet. In both of their games the Gambits have over- Away against Widener, Western Maryland whelmed their opponents with a deadly fast- simply could not mount a consistant rally as breaking offense and an agresslve defense. The Widener protected a fifteen point lead throughout Pyrrhic Feet have been somewhat less impressive most of the game. This game was the first for the with two narrow victories but have shown that they Teorrors after the holidays. Since Western have what it takes to hang in there when the Maryland did not have-the opportunity to practice pressure is on. during the holiday layoff, the Terrors appeared In the great tradition of bottom-division rusty and slightly off their game. Handicapped by basketball, the Fifth Division offers a style of play ,the lack of height, Western Maryland depends upon certain to warm the hearts of football fans the timing and teamwork as essential ingredients for world over. The Gross Outs and Jeopardy currently success. The holiday layoff upset this timing. share the divisional lead with 2-0 records but un- Widener displayed a large team which included doubtedly the most interesting team to see in action some incredible leaping rebounders and scorers. is the Moonflashers who, crowd-pleasers that they are, are doing their damned best to live up to their Another handicap presented to Western Maryland was the injury befalling a talented starting guard, -A----:.,1 name. John Feldman, who suffered a burst appendix and will miss the remainder of the season. The Widener Top: Jerry DoWne~or)ind bUketbali g,me. Greg Get!"y CF'~f;;';"Uie makes Annual banquet held ean in ,n ,ntr;lmural Rowan left:Tlm Above game marked the return of Da ve Cole to the lineup. the .hot agal,nl UMBC. Which Ihe Terror. defeated on the 13Ul.· ind d~fulea Stubbs scored 18points and picked off 24 rebounds. AbQVe. .. gnt:. The Terrorelle. batlled team practiced the Bridgewater The Terror Football Team held its' annual The swimming since November Eagles 37·35 •. Lower: Cole recorded 12points and Bob Decker contributed Sheperd loday at home. defnled The Intramu,,1 swimming The 101m meets banquet last month in New Windsor. Among th and on January_,O by Gettysourg. wu meel Will held seven assists. yesterday and the eaenetcrs won It with 1.,2 pOints, Il'Ie Phi Delis attending were the Coaches, players, and several came "'!xl with 132 anO Inen the Behwllh 119 points. Bottom: fo.rmer players from the recent past; including Lack of size was again obvious when Loyola Bob Grif.ln (rlghl) I. rnay to Ugl'It Bucknell's 142 Ibl. wrestler. Rick White, Splinter Yingling, Larry Garro, Kenny In tnl. Bucknell, hosted Western Maryland. The Terrors were blown overWashlnglon Ihre.!, team encounter, record won over WMC who won Bowman. and John Gertsmyer. Th"team's sofar a. Lee. Is 3·3. out by a taller Loyola squad by the score of 93-60. The Terrors, still rusty, could not penetrate the stingy Loyola defense and their outside shooting Terrorettes outshoot Eagles 37-35 was off. Loyola's team was anticipated to be among the most difficult competitiors on the Terror schedule and they lived up to their reputation. by Chip Rouse The TerrorJ.V. has recorded a 1-5record to date. In the Terrorettes first home game against the began shooting as well as rebounding. After the rest Typically, the J. V. games have been close contests, Bridgewater Eagles, Western Maryland was at half time, both teams came back slightly cooler, but the Terrors have been plagued by brief cold recovering from a disappointing drop" to and the Quarter ended 27-25.WMC behind, with only shooting periods. Western Maryland usually stays Elizabethtown, 28-27, in the previous night's game. minor subsititutions: Cindi Williams and Lesli within striking distance until one of those cold Evidently the recovery was a quick one, for the shooting spells as the scores indicate; Bridgewater team's spirits were soaring as they entered the Applegate giving Walters and Van Name relief. The 71-66Widener 66-51, and Loyola 1!l-77. Jeff Landis game. An opening combination of Kathy Walters, final quarter began with the starting five opening, has been the high scorer for the Terror J.V. Lin Van Name, Cathy Dudderar, Sharon Spainhour, but after a few minutes, Van Name had her last fou and Penny Parsons kept the Eagle's scoring low, and Applegate substituted. After a tense fight in a Upcoming varsity and J.V. games during Jan. and the first quarter ended 9-5, WMC trailing airtight game, Western Maryland. grabbed th term include; Jan. 16Johns Hopkins, home; Jan. 19 slightly. The Terrorettes got hot -in the second victory, 37-35, in one of the best displays of spirit Frcstberg, home (no preliminary 6:30 J. V. game); quarter, and pushed ahead 21-16 at half. The teamwork, and skill the the WMC Terrorettes hav Jan. 24 Di~~~, •.~Q.~e;. teamwork suddenly clicked and the Terrorettes shown for a long time.
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61