Page 54 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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Venice comes to the Hill Venice as Seen Through the Ages, a collection of prints, opens Wednesday, January 10, in Gallery One, Western Maryland College. All prints in this show are from the T. Lessing Rosenwald Collection, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. The exhibit is in support of a January Term course on the Imperial Age of Venice being taught by Dr. Cornelius P. Darcy, chairman of the college's history department. Works by Whistler are highlighted in this collection of prints although a number of other artists are represented. First on view as the Gallery is entered is Canaletto's large etching, an actual view, which has a sureness of touch and great linear facility. Whistler is next. Critics have fell that the artist's earlier etchings were magnificent but agree that he outdid himself with more than 40 plates of Venetian views. Tom Prideaux in The World of Whistler ov- serves, "He revealed a fresh vision of Venice, a city that in the past had been extravagantly over- painted-end under etched. Artists in general had felt that Venice, at least the Venice everybody knew, was so gloriously pigmented that it was mandatory to show it in full color. In defiance of County pollution scrutinized this, Whistler selected his personal Venice and made it a monochromic city of intimate by Becky Williams passageways and enchanting shadows, sites and Dr. Richard Smith's Environmental Chemistry improvement over last year's class, which pic- scenes little known to tourists or doges-end most of course holds a little bit of excitement for students of neered the idea of a course on pollution. The them unrecognizable even to the most assiduous art any major as they become involved in some of the scholar." pollution oriented problems of Westminster and course then emphasized more of the theory of Gallery hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. week- Carroll County. pollution chemistry, and did not include group days. Gallery One is located in the Fine Art The Jan. term course centers on a practical projects. Students did, however, research into Building. application of the material which is presented in areas of indi vidual study, and Dr. Smith has found lectures. Dr. Smith considers this to be a definite their reports to be a great help in providing in- formation for this year's class. The class is divided into three groups for project 'Alice in Wonderland" revisited work. Onegroup is looking into the sewage disposal system of Carroll County, analyzing the present and comparing methods of sewage treatment and new facilities. This project is more politically old by Chip Rouse oriented, as the students talk to public officials and I think we have all gotten over our original shock anti-war march, presenting their little Alice at observe this definite community problem. Dr. from Trib's carefully planned first-day schedule Hopkins Plaza; then on the 20th they will go to D.C. Smith selected this project with the idea that it is of which had us meeting from nine until 12 noon, from for the anti-war march, possibly in conjunction with special interest in looking at the future of Carroll two until five in the afternoon, and from 7:30 to 10at other guerrilla theatre groups in the vicinity: . County. Water supply and sewage disposal will be night. I'm not certain whether anyone had a good The Absurdists, our second group. haven't made two major limiting factors of population growth of idea of the task confronting us: we had planned to a lot of sense yet. but then, they'r-e not supposed to. the county, as it receives its share of the expanding take Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, split it They achieved a paramount of success in population of the major cities around it. up into scenes, and transform each scene into a presenting a volleyball game played with no net, 20 The Black and Decker industrial plant provides a different style of theatrical art. Moreover, we target for. another group's study. Their work would not only perform our production as a whole re~~e~~.aT~~~h~k~~~!~~a~~ci~:~~t~:c::~u~nga~ centers on the problems caused by the discharge of here on campus, but we had plans to take our had its share of unique problems: try writing Alice industrial wastes into the environment. Black and Decker is the county's major industry, and for- separate scenes "to the people," as a sort of "get into iambic pentameter and you get a clear picture the theatre out of its ivory tower" rebellion. of the difficulties. They've also decided to do some. tunately has made efforts to cut down on their Now that all the groups are underway, it's easier work with puppets, and a group spokesman said polluting. such as recycling the water lhat is used tolook objectively at the project, though admittedly, that they were recruiting models for the pigs heads and sending it out to a sewage treatment plant how objective can you be when you are on the in- they were making. rather than returning it immediately to nature. The side? We have not changed our plans about taking The final group is doing their segments as a environmental chem group will study the specific our show to outside groups: hospitals, high schools, musical comedy. a la any time segment from the problems caused by industrial wastes and attempt day care centers, shopping centers, old age homes, Twenties on. Their score and lyrics are all original, to formulate solutions and their practical ap- colleges, and elementary schools-no one can and, shall we say, spontaneous. (Were AI Jolson plication to the plant. HopefuUy the group will be escape us. Some settings, of course, may be more alive today, I'm sure he'd turn over in his grave.) able to make suggestions to the industrial apropos (or one group than for another. Trib's The Mad Tea Party was never quite this mad. management that will help in fighting misuse of the environment. making the arrangements, and with luck, all of So the course is not really a course at all-fer the Westminster and Carroll county will be burning inexperienced, it's like learning a whole new way of The third group is concentrating on the water with desire to see the production as a whole. For the life, discovering a new way of looking at things, 'Supply of Westminster. They will be comparing travelling around does not have only altruistic finding new ways to approach problems. For those samples of water taken from streams, ponds, and both in areas where the roads have the reservoir goals-it's also good publicity for our show. who know this way of life, it affords a chance to been salted following snow, and where no salt has Each of the groups-and there are four-are as yet branch out and study some other aspect of the completely diverse and independent. The different theatre, as well as to grow in knowledge and been used. The results of the sampling may show a genres necessitate this separation but we all have assurance of that which has been learned. We're definite effect on our water supply which could time to meet with the rest of the cast-. Trib sees to not only learning how to makeup, costume, design, have an impact on public drinking water, ponds and this, for in our planning stages everyone felt the need build, and put them all together, we're learning how wells, and crops. Following their investigations, the for interchange within a larger group. We decided to interact with each other successfully. And it's group may be able to make suggestions to the then that if we did break down into smaller working fun. When, in the middle of a game of freeze tag, , County concerning the use of other methods of units, it would be with the assumption that there Trib remarks, "Just think, at other places on this improving winter road conditions. would be time to be together with the whole group. campus, people are sitting in desks and taking pop The three projects stress different areas of So far, these times have been purgative and quizzes right now," you realize just how good a research and each concentrates on a distinct uninhibited (how can you be inhibited playing thing it is. problem of the ecosystem, giving the class a redlight-greenlight, freeze-tag, or an absurd ren- Performances, which are open to the public, will stronger awareness of the adverse conditions dition of "Let's Make a Deal!" ?). be given Friday, January 26 at8:15 p.m.; Saturday, existing now in the environment. For next year, Dr. And the small groups themselves (if the one I am January 27at2:00 p.m. and 8:15 p.m., and Sunday, Smith hopes to involve more students from non- in is any indication) have their share of fun. Take January 28 at 3:00 p.m. All performances will be on science majors. The chemistry and biology studied the guerrilla theatre group, Or the Gorillas, as we Mainstage in Alumni Hall. Tickets (adults, 50 cents, is of a level readily understood by scientists and affectionately call them, first. They've already led children (l2 and under), 25 cents) will be available non-scientists alike, and a class which is about one.of the group therapy sessions, and have even at the college bookstore beginning Monday, equally divided between the two groups is what Dr. entertained-if that is the word-at one of the coffee January 22.There are no reserved seats. All profits Smith would like to see. In this way members of the hours. Costumed, they appear bizarre, and claim realized from the production will be donated to the class would be exposed to different viewpoints in their power comes from a little magical box Billy Miller Fund. In addition, a free-will offering their work as everyone contributed ideas, and through which they will take over the world. They may be made at the door at the time of the per- students not in a science major could become plan to travel to Baltimore for the pre-Inaugural formance. acquainted with ecological problems which do directly affect them.
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