Page 60 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG JANUARY 30, 1973 B-ball team split home games by Charlie Engtemier During this January term, the Western Maryland second half due mainly to the aggressive reboun- varsity basketball team has played four games, all ding and 10 point effort of Fred Naarlsima. Totals at home, recording two wins and two setbacks. for the game included a 23 point effort by Dan Presently, the team's record for the season stands Stubbs aided by Tim Rowan with 11 points. at four wins and eight losses. The Terrors edged Three nights later against Johns Hopkins, U.M.B.C. 65-62,blew out Frostburg 77-57,and were Western Maryland had much difficulty finding good dumped by Dickinson 71-61. Western Maryland shots and penetrating the stingy Hopkins defense. anticipates the remaining schedule to be easier Hopkins spurted to a game opening 14-4lead from than it has been regarding the degree of com- which the Terrors could never completely recover. petitiveness. Varsity Coach Alex Ober describes Stubbs was credited with 23 points and 19 rebounds the team as being optimistic in its goal of reaching in a losing cause. the .500 mark. To obtain this goal, the Terrors When Western Maryland hosted Frostburg on the would have to win six of their eight remaining night of January 19, Coach Alex Ober adopted new games. Coach Ober feels that this goal is tactics. The new Terror starting line-up consisted of reasonably obtainable and that the only two three large men instead of the usual two. This possible $tumbling blocks, where the Terrors are tactical move was installed for the primary reason marked underdogs, are the Mt. S1.Marys game and of strengthening the Terror rebounding game. The the Johns Hopkins game. new starting line-up included the three large men, The Terrors played one of their finest games of Dan Stubbs, Fred Naarisma and Dave Cole: and the year hosting V.M.B.C. on January 13th. the guards, Bill Swift and Bob Decker. The new Western Maryland outplayed a taller U.M.B,C. line-up proved to be a successful combination as the squad by effectively moving the ball and hitting the Terrors rolled up the score over Frostburg, 77-57. open man. V.M.B.C. scored most of its points from . Dan Stubbs netted 24 points as the leading Terror inside, rebounds and layups, while the Terrors scorer. Dave Cole had his own productive second tallied from outside shooting. The game was in high in recording 20 points and picking off 16 doubt until the final twenty seconds, when Western rebounds. Cole and Stubbs combined scoring early The JV basketball_ team seen here in a winning IIIIme allllinst Maryland controlled possession of the ball. The in the second half. Dickinson,hasare<:ordofthreewinlandsevenlosse5. Terrors led by as much as eight points during the On January 24, Western Maryland hosted a well rounded Dickinson team. The Terrors featured the same starting five with the three big men, as in the Lin Van Name excels in sports Frostburg game. Against Dickinson, however, th e startirig five strategy was not, as new Terror rewarding-when game. compared to the Frostburg The Dickinson line-up featured a six foot eight inch center and a five foot three inch starting guard, by Chip Rouse Fred Nooman. The game was relatively close all It's not hard to imagine junior Lin Van Name recogniton. the way. The biggest lead being a 12 point margin excelling at any sport: what she plays, she plays Lin began playing field hockey in the fifth grade, for Dickinson. Several times during the game the well. But it is slightly hard to imagine any Western about 10 years ago. Before entering Western Terrors chipped it down to six points but could no t Maryland student competing nationally and doing Maryland, she had had mostly offensive line reduce the deficit any more than that. Western well at it. When Lin was chosen by the United States training, yet switched to a defensive position here, Maryland had numerous opportunities but were Field Hockey Association to compete on such a though she herself says she likes to play anything, plagued by cold shooting. The I@mewas marked level one begins to wonder why publicity of such a "as long as I get to play." Freshman year, she many foul calla.anc VIolations which were . feat was not more widespread here. But this matter participated in three Varsity sports, including contested by the noisy home crowd. is all ex post facto; for now Lin deserves basketball and lacrosse in addition to field hockey. short guard Nooman, who amazed the This past fall, when WMC took a team to compete the pre-game warm-ups with his slick at an all college piayoay at uoucner College In and devastating thirty-foot shots, Towson, Maryland, Lin was selected to play as exciting to watch during the garne 'IS ne tauieu za on the Maryland all college team, along with points. Dan Stubbs recorded students from Towson State and Essex Community Naarisma added 10 points. College. Surprisingly enough, Lin was the only Dickinson, 71-61. Western Maryland student who was chosen this The Western Maryland Junior year; last year, three players were chosen from win, seven loss record to date. here, including Lin. This year's choices were Terrors have split their last four disappointing to all the team, for Lin feels that "we Maryland's JV relies upon its certainly had the quality for (the all college shooting for success and chiefly in team)". is averaging over· twenty-one . per This team travelled to Richmond for the Vernon Mummert and Doug Jones have also reaionals. The players that were chosen there sharp for the Terror JV. Scores of recent would go on to Philadelphia for the East Coast include a loss to UMBC, 75-72; a win preliminary nationals. After playing club teams in Hopkins, an 89-76 setback to Richmond, Lin was selected to become a member despite a Landis effort; an exciting over- of the Southeast team quite a feat, for she was tim win , sparked by the over- the only member of Maryland's team who was chosen. to advance. Weekends were aiven over to practices in Baltimore or D.C.; soon Thanksgiving vacation aproached and Philadelphia loomed _--..;,.,._ ahead. The Southeast team did well in the Steve Koster !left) in a home meet against Towson. The wrestling preliminaries, which made up somewhat for Lin's team has a record of 5-4 after defeating Gallaudet 54-0 on January Thanksgiving dinner at Ginos. More practices 27 followed and on the day after Christmas, Lin flew out to California for the nationals with the rest of 'IIIe Village Cue Lounge the Southeast team. The players that were selected on the west coast would become the United States Team and Reserve. Amid much banqueting and 140.village Shopping Center glamour, including a dinner on board the Queen BILLIARDS AND PINBALLS Mary, the United States Field Hockey Association celebrated its 50th anniversary, and after careful scrutiny of teams and players, women were -- selected to tryout for the U.S. team. Lin was among the players chosen to compete but unfortunately did not advance any further. Pitted against near - WESTEIlN MARYLAND COLLEG~ professionals and long time veterans, she was STUDENTS! outplayed, yet the fact that she advanced as far as she did is certainly noteworthy. NEW PIZZA! The Baby Pizza (for the mini mouth) And now that it is all over? Lin is not too sure she would do it over again alone, yet given a com- The Patio Sandwich Shop panion, she "probably WOUldn't hesitate team is at all." Maryland's And her hope for Western equally as high. "This year we had our best season yet, and the best one Western Maryland's ever had. 848 ·5860 We should do even more spectacular next fall." PS: c;.". Room now opMIt) With Lin as a model, who could hesitate to acquiesce?
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