Page 55 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 55
THE GO!-D BUG PAGE 3 'iews Briefs: drinking policy_, Bill Miller Fund.tauciion The Executive Committee of the Board of A special committee at Western Maryland Phi Alpha Mu successfully auctioned off many rustees at its regular meeting on December 12, College has started the Billy Miller Fund. interesting items to Western Maryland students on 972 approved a faculty committee proposal The campus group is asking friends of the child's Monday, January 15. A portion of the profits gained ecommending a change in the College policy on the parents, Dr. and Mrs. William Miller, to contribute will be given to charity. se of alcoholic beverages. to the fund. Dr. Miller is chairman of the college's Among the items available were clothing, food, Under the new policy, the student body will be psychology department. The boy, who was games and stuffed animals, a rug, and assorted xpected to conform with the Maryland State Law. seriously injured in an automobile accident in room decorations. Of special interest was the egarding alcoholic' beverages, as well as the October, is still in a coma. Recently he was trans- selection of furniture, which included chairs and a egulations and guidelines set by the College. ferred from the Shock-Trauma Unit of University bed. Bidders had a variety of items from which to The date which the new policy will go into effect Hospi tal in Baltimore to Carroll County Hospital. choose, and as competition developed the activities illbe set at a later time and will probably be early The special committee felt that since medical became more and more humorous. the second semester. insurance cannot possibly cover the full expense of Kathy Walter and Mary Ebmeier headed the Clinic for children Billy Miller's treatment the fund might help defray crew of auctioneers, -assisted by other Phi Alphs. A clinic for children with reading disabilities some of the costs. Contributions payable to The a Together the auctioneers were ableto provide an through Billy Miller Fund are being handled entertaining evening, which was profitable as well egins Saturday, February 10, at Western special post office box at the college's post office. for Phi Alpha Mu and the lucky bidders. aryland College. The clinic is part of the college's graduate ogram and is directed by Edward Bennett, ading specialist and instructor of reading courses Old Roman ship excavated the graduate division. Staff of the clinic consists teachers who are doing practical work toward e master's degree with reading as their area of. by Sue Stalker ncentration. The speaker in Decker Lecture Hall last Wed- article in the June 1970edition of that magazine. The clinic will be held on Saturdays from nesday afternoon was of average height and spoke Archaeology is a bit more than just the scientific ebruary 10 to May 26. Children- are worked with rather rigorously. Her name was Dr. Niki study of material remains of past human life and the dividually or in groups of no more than three. Scoufopoulos and her subject was Underwater field of underwater archaeology is a prime example articipation is dependent upon teacher avail- Archaeology. _ of the "more" required. Divers, engineers, ility. A tuition fee of $25 is charged; some' Dr. Scoufopoulos, a hard name to spell let alone photographers, doctors, and anthropologists were ~olarships are available. pronounce, is a professor of Classics at Yale all required to make this dig successful. They used For further information, contact the education University who came to discuss her experiences in equipment such as wet suits to preserve the body at the hundred foot depth, a plexiglass partment, Western Maryland College. archaeology in connection with Dr. and Mrs. temperature called the "telephone booth" allowing semisphere Bequest of $84,000 . William Ridington's course: An Introduction to the divers to converse with their barge the Western Maryland College has received a Classical Art and Archaeology. Her slide presen- "Eleesha" which means "eyes", and a "cradle" lecture about the tation added to the informative quest of more than $84,000from the estate of Mrs. excavation of a fourth century B.C. Roman trading used to transport the large objects found at the adeline A. Williams of Federalsburg. ship and the mapping of an underwater city off the wreck site to the barge a hundred feet above them. Mrs. Williams left money from her estate to the coast of Sparta. The task of excavating the ship Safety precautions were taken in the form of liege to be used as a memorial for her late from the ocean was partially funded by the houkas or long hoses used in an emergency to sband Jacob O. Williams. National Geographic Society and is a featured provide the diver with fresh air, a recompression chamber and an extra diver plus doctor were . .d. . ht aboard the Eleesha to help in any possible way. \rnerlca. rea rn,n 19 rna re or rea 1 y. distances between one section and another so that ,.t ? .~~~~~~~eO;fc~u:~ %o:;k:r~s ;~~~te~~~~~ ~~tes:o~ l?ea~ Ira Ze~p . . . . . :~:~ ~e ~~~~dfoau~£ !~:~th~~gfO~~dC~~ldT~f~oi~~ In the co~tmued pre~e~ce of an executive war, resisters ~nd t~ manipulate our con.sclences. by a formation was later transfered to a map of the site. d the eros.lan of our Civil freedom, there has been language m.which word~ .hav_eop'p~slte m.e~~mgs.+- To further assist the diver was the machine called e temptation on the pa:t of some people to dra",:,a ho.n~r IS dishonor,. saving IS killing, civilian IS the air lift which forcefully suctioned up the dirt rallel between the U.m~edStates. of the .seve! military. An ana~ysls of how-washington h~s used -and any other particles that might have been at- ~h~~~~~t ~~~~~~~r~:~,Tah:~~Sp~~i~~~~I~!~~i ~~~gt~a~ ~~~~~lve, pervert and propagandize has tached to the wreck and deposit them on the barge. f!!~e~~~m~:~~d s~~~mh~~O~i~:~.'7grg~~!~~~,~The Pentagon, with its worship of death, and ;t~~a~~e~~ f~~~~ ~~ah~~~:~ ~~e~~sp~lse~d ~~Jh: saying goes, "that could never happen in industries related to it, have so deliberately and strange pile of fourteen pairs of Stones, later r:aerica." That, too, is simplistic. effectively created a dependence of the average identified as grain storage bins. While underwater, Something is happening to the soul of America American on the defense economy that we are the photographer took photographs of the ship as it d be.fore our eyes. A nation conceived in liberty, incapable of imagining an economy in terms of lay, the equipment used to accomplish the ex- s become insensitive to virtually every other peace. A friend of mine said "The demons in the cavation and the archaeologist as they tagged and ople's struggle for liberation, e.g. China, viet- Pentagon must be exorcized." Maybe the demons recorded what was found. m, Latin America and our minorities at home. A are in us, also. tion, which in its founding documents, expressed Something has happened to the soul of America After removing the ship from the sea, having me of the noblest political, social and human when an average man whose heart once skipped a tagged, and mapped it out, the conservator was als ever penned on paper, has shown incredible beat during Fourth of July parades now wants the sent for. It is this person's job to restore the ar- regard for human life in the recent terror other side to win and when in order to live out the ticles, keep them in good condition after they have mbing on North Vietnam. rhetoric of that same national holiday, you find been restored and to find a place to store them after We have been told the lie long and loudly by our yourself on the F.B.I. list or in jail. restoration. Lastly, they have the task of dating the vernment that there are two Vietnams and the Something has happened to the soul of America objects so there is no later dispute among scholars ajority believed it. Even the urbane and when ten years of Civil Rights progress (in reality a as to the age of the object. phisticated William Buckley defends the response to truths we said we held self-evident) now Dr. Scoufopoulos was the leader in the Harbour istmas bombing on the basis of that lie. are practically a memory. And with the prospect of mapping and excavation of the ancient city of meone once said, "Tell people a lie long enough two more Supreme Court appointments in this Gythion, a city that had fallen into the sea in 375 d they will believe it." term, we could regress to pre-1954. A.D. due to a gigantic earthquake. In this ex- he current administration in Washington, Something has happened to the soul of America pedition, aerial photography as well as underwater oiling in embarrassment from losing four when first amendment rights are threatening to an photography were used to show the boundaries of nspiracy trials in two years, continues to isolat.e ~st~~~esro~d ~~~~~~~vec~:~i1~~~' g~1e~r~~~r~~;~ the town. The site was again sectioned off and many amphoras and were found as scientists mapped should be able to pray at the Inauguration along described the walls of the town. The positions items with Billy Graham. were found were ultimately placed on the map Vietnam has irrevocably altered our national completing the purpose of the excavation: to map self-image and destroyed forever the myths of and excavate the harbour of Gythion. Editor·in·Chief FrancoisDerasse American innocence and purity. That little country Dr. Scoufopoulos answered questions at the end Photography Editor Richard Elliott "has laid bare that serious malignancy in our of the presentation. ... SDOrtS Editors Chip Rouse, Bob Ramsdell collective psyche--messianism and self- Art Editor Jim Sollers righteousness from Wounded Knee to My Lai. Hard Work: Beeky Williams, Sue Stalker. Randy Dove, "It can't happen here!'?" By whatlaw of God and "Curse You Jauk Dalton" Charlie Englemier, Reggie Lee, Cindy O'Neal man; by what twist of logic and self-delusion do we Special thanks to Ms Nancy Winkelman for press releaslI$. conceive ourselves exempt from the normal course PERFORMANCES: Jan. 25 & 26at8:30 of history? Entered as second class material at the Westminster, Maryland POst office, 21157. Seeond class postage Will we be able to stop the lemming-like rush to in Engfar f:a/! paid at Westminster. Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions be listed among the twenty civilizations Toynbee TICKETS: $.50 at bookstore and at door el(pressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those claimed died because they could not respond to the of the administration of the college. moral challenges they faced'? I suspect that if "it Music written by 1I10ni{,-0 VOlt der Berg ddressall mail to BOl( 3, Western MilrylandColJove, happens her.e" it will be because we wanted it to. Directed by Monika Vall der Berg Westminst&r,Maryland 21157. --Ira Zepp
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