Page 42 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 42
"The Military Science Department conducted their annual weekend training at Fort Meade last weekend. Approximately 35 cadets l!nd. cadre enjoyed nature in its Hnest season, Early Winter. The weekend started off with a physical training test that included such events. as: The grenade throw ably demonstrated by Cadet Bob Peckam; The mile run performed by determined Cadet Dan Roh; and, the horizontal ladder skillfully demonstrated by Cadet Ned. Rhodes. Following this exhibition of physical prowess the next big event took place when the senior cadets were introduced to one of the sides of the soctal.Iife of a junior officer at "Happy Hour" which was held in the Fort Meade Officer's Club. At 5:30 AM the next morning, the somewhat bleary-eyed cadets were transported to the field training area and conducted small unit tactical exercises throughout the day. Cadets Dave Ellis and Mike Deener showed their proficiency in detecting artillery simulators and powdered tear gas. During the day the cadets were treated to the Army culinary delicacy known as the "C" ration. Most of the cadets said it made them feel like they were back on campus in the cafeteria. The evening was capped off with the casets conducting a night ambush. Methods of walking ROTC students work out at annual Ft. Meade weekend training. at. night were ably demonstrated by the Cadet Battalion Commander, Kevin Hanley, who Chicanos explained by alumnus showed everyone how to stay out of the many mud holes. He was probably hampered somewhat by the new Army equipment that he by Nellie Arrington is strictly Spanish, thus causing a problem of Swiftly, David Carrasco drew lines and circles was wearing, socks. on the blackboard in Decker Lecture Hall on translation. However, the aim of the Chicano Most of the cadets agreed that they had found a November l5 to illustrate the movement of his Movement is not equality with whites, but a way to heat the weekend blues on the hill and Chicano people, almost as if to concretely place coalition between white, black, brown and red expressed a desire for a return trip to Fort men. The Chicanos want to live within their ,~eade in the Spring. the Chicanos in American society. As one of a cultural heritage while trying to be something series of speakers for Dean Zepp's "Liberation Movements" course, Carrasco, a WMC alumnus, new, thus "La Nueva Raza." To achieve this in end, they campaign for bilingual education spoke to an audience of approximately thirty- Alfred V. Clark, director of development, has five, including several faculty members. public schools in their areas. They also have been named to the recently organized. Public Generally, David Carrasco spoke of the established a successful Chicano political party Affairs Committee of the American College background of the Chicano people which has in Texas and California, gaining control of local Public Relations Association. . driven them to their movement of "La offices where the Chicano people will be more Mr. Clark also serves as Maryland mem- Nueva Raza," the new man. Chicanos, act- directly benefited instead of Congressional seats bership chairman for the Association which ually the first sett!t_rs in. the l.!; S_;despite the which are removed from the problems. They have includes over 1,250 colleges and universities also responded with a stance of resistance or.' at throughout the country, with 30 member in- claims by the English on the East -Coast, are the deepest, with violence. to popular belief, are Mexicans who, contrary stitutlons in Maryland. not Spanish but a combination of Spanish, Indian Possibly most illustrative of the aim of the The new Committee to which he has been and Negro. Deep within their culture are values Chicano people was a picture of a stereotypical named will: focus on political aspects of of ancestral land holdings and respect for older Mexican; wrapped up in a brightly colored legislative and congressional liaison; increase poncho and wearing a sombrero pulled fa~ down awareness of the importance of political aspects family members, both of which were belittled by over his face, nothing of the human himself white settlers as the culture of Eastern U. S. to federal and state funding of higher education; moved westward. showed as he took a siesta slouched against a develop methods for the exchange of information For a long time, Chicanos wanted to be equal cactus. Next to this picture stood David on techniques, trends, and ideas; and provide with whites. This was seldom possible, often due Carrasco, a Chicano, an example of what pis liaison and -assistance as necessary between to an educational system which interprets people can contribute in understanding as well as Washington-based associations and colleges and strictly in English while the home environment ability to American society. The man over- universities. shadowed the stereotype. Dean Ira Zepp- "Initiative without Imperialism" comfort to the girl who would have a tough time they needed any staple items and play with their Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived navigating this pregnancy in the small town. And children. It was not always easy because of the an elderly couple. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were of when the girl's mother was depressed because language and customs, but somehow the Smiths ordinary means, not well educated and had no her social club friends snubbed her and gossiped had a way of managing that. social status in the community. To a great ex- about her, Mrs. Smith would be there to hold her The orchard owner, Tom Jones, found out that tent, they were ignored by most of their fellow hand, let her talk it out and to support her. The the migrants were fond of the Smiths. When citizens. girl's mother wondered why Mrs. Smith was not Jones and Smith met, the former said, "Smith, The one quality possessed by the Smiths was a judgmental and self-righteous, why she made you know the whole town laughs at you--always self-effacing sensitivity to human need. the effort to come. She was not being paid for it. trying to help people. Why do you make yourself Whenever they hard of someone in trouble, they She had nothing to gain. so vulnerable? Why do you risk being a fool? You took upon themselves to be there-to put in an Late one summer, a band of hippies came know what a severe social price you are paying. appearance and see if they could be of any help. through town and during a violent thunder It would be different if you were trying to sell This concern for their brothers got them into storm, needed some shelter. The Smiths asked something: if you wanted to convert people. How hot water; for they were neighbors to all. Their them_into their house, gave them some refresh- can you take the initiative so much, get roundly desire to be of service went beyond social, racial ments, freely related to them and told them they criticized and not impose your views on people? and cultural divisions created by the com- could stay as long as they liked. The townspeople You must have an ulterior motive." Smith replied, "Well, we don't like to talk m~;~Ysmith was often seen visiting the three ~~~J~~:p~~n~;1 ~f ~hi~J:~~sto~~~':n~~~~t about it much, but my wife and I feel this is what black families who lived on the edge of town. On hippie perverts! The hippies themselves were it means to be Christian. There is an awful lot of one occasion he discovered that Lester Brown's nonplussed. "Man, you are two of the coolest human need. People need care and concern, not six year old boy was in the late stages of straight people we ever met. Do you have heavy handedness. We feel that God, in the leukemia. So that Lester and his wife could earn something up your sleeve? You Christian or stable and on the cross, was taking the initiative money for the medical bills, Smith baby-sat the something? We bet you you are going to lay a in love without imposing his ideas on us." child-holding the dying hoy in his arms for very heavy religious rap on us before we leave." Jones mused, "Is it possible to take the hours. After a length of time, Lester asked The Smiths just smiled. initiative and not be imperialistic?" Smith Smith, "Why do you come here so often? You The town in which the Smiths lived was responded, "I am not sure w~at 'imper.ialistic' don't need to and you never try to change us like surrounded by orchards and when the peaches means, but if it means Imposing your views on other white people. You know how your friends and apples were ripe, migrant Puerto Rican people, I think one san initiate in love and net be feel. They also want to know why you are always laborers came to pick the truu. 'rney nveu in imperialistic. As I said, that seems to us to b~ the "down there with those niggers." But Smith just shacks a short distance from the town. During meaning of Christmas. Love can afford to risk a kept rocking the boy and sort of put Lester off. the picking season, the Smiths would frequently lot, even failure and scorn." One day the word was out that the banker's walk out to the poorly-housed families, bring an Some years later, when Mr. Smith was ter- daughter was pregnant before marriage. Mrs. old guitar their son had left them and listen as minally ill, no one seemed to have the time to Smith, who did some housework for the banker, the Puerto Ricans played their Spanish songs. come around to comfort his wife. dropped around moreroftenr now, ~br:inging' L ;T;hBlSmiths would.inquire.aboutfhetr health. ,if ",I John(3,:19Ii_( I~L. .,;, ._!"'c.:, 't J r.t c
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