Page 47 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 47
-~-------------------...., " THE cotf Bul; -ss Roy Fender-artistic vagabond By Jim Sollers Roy Fender dresses in denim or old Army seen." green and has trekked a good deal around His most intriguing sparetime project recently America. He started out in his home state, Ohio, has been the building of his own cabin ("my attending Oberlin, but found "I wasn't really biggest work of sculpture"), with his own hands, ready for college when I started." He decided to on his own island in Canada. A hunting trip in '67 head for California; a stopover in Colorado in- eluded him in to the possibility of leasing land directly led to his signing up at Colorado State from Saskatchewan Province. In '68 he returned U. His major, which had previously transmuted to start building the Sn-by-Sn-foot cabin, with the from engineering to math, set,tled on interi~r occasional help of a couple local Indians. This design and art education, in which he arned his past summer all the logwork was completed. BA. Eventuallv the cabin will be his summer studio. college. "some of the most. beautiful I've ever He taught a year in a Colorado high scnoot. but acres ("it's never been surveyed") is about 15 found the experience depressing. "The high minutes from the nearest town by water, across school kids weren't captivated by the teaching, Lac La Ronge. . but held captive. I wound up doing routine stuff "It's where 1 can go to get away from When you know it's for keeps like collecting lunch money and looking for everything he reflects. -- and everybody." bombs in lockers ... The only good thing was that have a radio, but mainly all you can get up there "I Happily. 1111your special moments together will and engagement I really liked coaching sports--cross-country in is static. You're pretty isolated ... J remember be symbolized lorever by your Keepsake. is in Ihe 11 the name. wedding rings. the fall, swimming and basketbali in winter, golf going into town one day, and ever-ybody started ring and on the lag. you are assured of finequalily in spring." yelling at me, 'They're back! They're back!' __ and lasting salisfaction. The engagemenl diamond 01 superb COlor. and precise cut. Your AU. S. Fellowship allowed him to attend Ohio 'Who's back?' -- 'The astronauts!' They'd done is perfect. Jeweler has a selection of many lovely Keepsake State and receive his master's in art education. something really wild, going up to the moon; styles. He's in Iheyellow pages under "Jewelers" After that there was another stint in high school, everybody was crowding around, shaking my this time in Boston -- "It was the same thing, only hand, and here I was, without the foggiest idea more so." The stint lasted a week. we'd done anything like that, taking the congratulations for the whole country." Back at Ohio State, he received a teaching Asked how Canadians thought of Americans in assistantship and taught there while completing general. Roy noted they are a little turned off: his MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in ceramics. The "Everybody up there knows our states, but on the other hand you can say 'Saskatchewan' down ~~;~I~~rhe t~eac~n~a ~npl~~~Z:ntfl;e~ng~~ here and only a few people know where, or what, WMC and came down last June to take a look it is." As far as dress goes, "with this beard and around. The proffered position agreed with him, all I fit right in up there." He added: "I don't- and so did the rolling farmland around the grow a beard to reflect my political beliefs, or college, "some of th~most beautiful I've ever protest anything -- I just don't like to shave." As'hburn:planner Art instructor Roy Fender: " .. .1 really liked coaching sports..." by Nellie Arrington Sociology'S Dr. Franklin Ashburn: I HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT ANO WEDDING " ... 1 remember having a lot more fun .. :t:~;:;,~,,:,q•.~.~;.;~!~.'::;i;,:n~:" ~:"'_:\.;~.:;~'.~:1'0~'~ ,.-~' ~:,; "Working for a bureaucracy ...your time really ,. isn't your own. You're working for the people .. Psych professor Dr. Howard Orenstein: I ~.~. J 1 1 and the salary compensates you for that. In the I""" - __ ~I academic setting you have a little more freedom "I'm the director of a warehouse of 1 1 to read and think and do some of the thing you information ,. I C " I really want to do and are interested in," ex- Three more of the Gold Bug's 1:,;,;_",,_,_, -""-'-0,-,-,-,,-:-,.'-'-0-' -"-"-"-'ACUH. NY 111-"" plained Dr. Franklin G. Ashburn, the new sociology professor. The bureaucracy he spoke ............................ ~.~.C!f.1.~.~~ ~ of was the Baltimore City Police Department, where he was the Director of Planning and Research, and one of the.tx top men directly 'Docter 0" likes rock responsible to Police Commissioner Donald by Pat Logan Pomerleau. In this position, he studied crime Psychology The Department and WMC statistics, and was responsible for translating students are likely to find Dr. Howard Orenstein them into manpower deployment of the force. After graduating from Western Maryland in to be a valuable and interesting member of the 1953,Dr. Ashburn went to North Carolina State college community. Dr. Orenst~in has a since~e College and received his Ph.D from Fl?rida interest in education, as evidenced by hIS State University, doing his doctoral thesis on statements. "I consider myself, as a teacher, a criminal gangs in Manila, Philippines, and then resource, a supplier of information on where to becoming head of the' law enforcement depart- get things: I'm the director of a warehouse of ment at Florida State University before his four information, based on the skills I've acquired." year sojourn at BCPD. Indeed, Dr. Orenstein has acquired considerable his B.A. in 1964 from Hunter skill, receiving Here, he teaches introductory sociology and a College in New York City, followed by his M.A. graduate course in juvenile delinquency. "It's quite a spread because in introductory soc. and PhD. at the University of Cincinnati in 1969. you're getting alot of freshmen and sophomores Dr. Orenstein has positive attitudes about a and youngsters just coming into the college college education, specifically about Western setting and the graduate course in juvenile Maryland. He feels that college prepares one delinquency, which I teach off-campus .... has the adequately for an existence in "the real world," teachers. counselors, the athletic directors and gives one independence. Having thus far a favorable impression of this college, he wants to coaches and so on whom these' people in in- see students "learn by doing." Dr. Orenstein troductory soc. have just had, maybe last year, states that students need to do more than learn and so I've had some interesting contrasts facts, they need to be able to look at information r""""-~;;_~~ there." In addition, Dr. Ashburn is catching up and use it constructively. on his reading and. is beginning to work on Another side of Dr. Orenstein is his interest in writing some of the ideas he has about police !. ,EdU~" donna he"'" -",,,,;.te, chris bothe New",~. ptanning which he thinks he has an obligation to ~~k '~~:~~' ~~~f:r'sBaa~~~bf~~S~n~~a~f!o7is7i~~ ~cathy nelson Business: belinda bonds PhotograPhY:1 that profession to let them know about. favorites. In connection with this love for rock dave korbonits bob ~dar mark steele Art: jim soi- As an alumnus, Dr. Ashburn sees many music, "Doctor 0" was the director of a radio l. Ie. IS Circulation: cindy thayer Hard Work: nellie ar- ...• physical changes in the campus in the past show by the same name, at Furman University, ~rington steve haje francais deresse bob ramsdaJe twenty years, and finds it sometimes difficult to wher~ he taught before coming here. ~ tom trezise jeff bell connie erhardt special thanks be a colleague of a former professor. He feels Inspired by the usual frustrations of graduate ~tr Miss Nano/ Winkleman, PR Director, for press re- students here have changed, too. "I think the school, painting became another interest. D!'. ,.".,bob jacobs • caliber of student who is here now is a notch Orenstein displays in his office a painting done Entered as second class material at the West~ter. III! above the caliber of student who was here when I by himself in blue and black latex. I Maryland post office, 21157. class postage R was here, speaking academically .... I remember His office also provides an insight into his Second somehow having alot more fun. There were alot sense of humor, with the carefully-lettered paidat wes. tminster. Published by and for the stu-- ~ more of other types of activities here, I think. Jewish proverb, "If I dealt in candles the sun dents of Western Maryland College. The opinions in' ~ For example, when I was here each of the wouldn't set." Thus, we have in Dr. Howard l this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the Ad--i organizations on campus sponsored a dance Orenstein a serious educator, whose personality ni
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