Page 37 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 37
~O~EMBER 'J S', 'l9n !, THEIGOLD BUG PAGE S' What every hetero The Inquiring should know by Hobert Ramsdell Investigator Just a little over a week and a half ago, it was Human Sexuality Weekend. Well, this article is about the series of lectures which the Religious Life Council sponsored in And although I'm certain that almost anyone Just how apathetic are WMC students? conjunction with this. can think of something better to do with human sexuality than give lectures on. it, that is, un- fortunately, what this article is about. B.Y Francois Derasse The lectures kicked off on Thursday, Western Maryland College can be considered a November 4, with Dr. Franklin Kameny community apart from all others. This college of the programs that were broadcasted included speaking on the topic "Gay Is Good" or, as he community is therefore a type of subculture; live sport events, debates, panel discussions, and in Alumni Hall. programs subtitled his presentation, "The Homosexual that is, the members in t.his group practice I asked Dean Makosky if it would be possible to Dilemma: What Every Hetero Should Know." different norms patterns of behavior. 01' Now I can speak only for myself, but Dr. Moreover, WMC students have different reac- have such a program today, and he answered may let us do it-- Kameny really impressed me. J went into tions, attitudes, and thought patterns toward the that WTTR (Westminster) are interested and provided enough students Decker Hall thinking I had a very liberal attitude world around them, than the average American on homosexuality. But I still found it hard not to person. willing to work. When I asked students if they be taken aback when I heard this man saying in would like the college to broadcast such a program. most of them answered that it would so many words: 'J arn a homosexual. I am not The purpose of this column will be to in- be a great idea. Some students, though, won- ashamed of being a homosexual. And, as a vestigate these reactions, attitudes, and thought homosexual, I am just as good as you are as a patterns and analyze the structure of the WMC dered whether there would be enough student heterosexual.' . community. This investigation will be ac- interest; that is, are enough students going to listen to the programs to make the whole project But as soon as I overcame my initial surprise, complished through surveys which I will give to worthwhile? Which brings me to my next point: I realized that Dr. Kameny had a lot to say - and a great portion of the student body; and he said it! questions of which I will record the answers on a how much apathy is there in this college? He spoke at some length about the persecution tape recorder. Later, I will analyze the results (Before I continue, I would like you to write me, of homosexuals as a minority. Of the negative, from the surveys and the answers [rom the if you are interested in working on a radio program). biased manner in which society views the questions, and I will write my conclusions based homosexual.' Of the misinformation and lies on the conclusions of others such as professors in I conducted a survey last week in an attempt to which distort the stereo-typed image of the the sociology department or others find the amount of apathy there is on this homosexual. campus. On the survey I asked for four answers: 1) the number of sport events attended this year, The cause of homosexuality? Rumors ann campus problems will not escape Well - what does it matter? You should accept my investigations. Using many facts and student 2) the number of programs such as concerts, yourself for what you are and build the best life opinions, I may also question the validity of recitals, films, etc ... that each student attended. each :l) the number of club!': o organizations possible for yourself. Besides, 'not until we know certain actions carried on by certain members of student actively participates in, 4) and the class what causes heterosexuality, or sexual the community. Finally, I will inquire on any of the student answering the questionnaire. Mr. preference in general, will we know what causes topic any student, faculty member, and ad- Daniel T. Hadary of the sociology department homosexuality' ministrator woul~ like me to inve.stigat~ ..(~Vrite helped me estimate the percentage of apathy of Dr. Kameny also had a-bone to pick with the your problems, rumors, comments, crtncisms, each class from the results I received. (It should laws regarding homosexuality. 'A state of being etc ... to: "the Inquiring Investigator", c/o THE be noted that the results I am about to reveal are is never against the law in our society.' And yet GOLD BUG, Box 394) by no means-and therefore should not be taken Illinois, Connecticut, Oregon, Colorado and as-absolute and unmistakable facts, but Idaho are the only states which do not have laws My first investigations brought me to the fact as an interesting rather interpretation against homosexuality. And the only other nation that Western Maryland College had a one half possible situation on this campus). of the with laws against homosexuality is, you guessed hour radio program every-week-for about five Upon tabulating the results, I found that about it, that bastion of virtue - the Union of Soviet years beginning in the early 1940's. Sponsored by !)U% of the students in the Freshman class, about Socialist Republics! Dean John D. Makosky, the program was And what are the homosexuals doing? broadcasted from Frederick on the PM band 40% of the Sophomore class, about 60% of the Junior-class, andabout30%of the Senior class are They're organizing -that's what they're doing! Dean Makosky mentioned that there are many apathetic There are now between 200-300 homosexual problems involved in producing such a program, First of all, the high percentage in the Fresh- organizations. They are taking test cases to such as keeping to the time limit on live court, providing information and education on programs, and obtaining good sound quality on man class can be accounted for by the fact that most of these students answered that they did not homosexuality, planning social activities for taped programs (the echo, for example). Some belong to any or only to one club or homosexuals and are working in community organization, thus raising the percentage. This is service. Their goals? understandable considering they have not yet The recognition of the basic human dignity of been acquainted with many of the college the homosexual and the right of a person to love organizations. I found that the Freshmen. who they want, how they want. though, went to more sport events and programs 'Humanity is pluralistic, people are infinitely than any other student. I will now let you draw your own conclusions on this and on the rest of diverse there is no one single pattern of the results of the survey. development. .that is the only right one.' The next evening, Dr. Irvin Cushner from the One thing the survey is not attempting to do is Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, spoke on the to say that one class is better than another Too many rectors are involved that could affect the subject of "The Sociological, Psychological, percentage of each class, and there are probably Physiological And Ethical Aspects Of Human Sexuality" reasons other than apathy which could affect the survey. Dr. Cushner began his talk with a discussion of Personally, I do not think the students of WMC the psychological development orthe human in the area 01sex. The four stages 01 development are particulary apathetic; I consider the college he mentioned were sex identity (time of self- about average among other colleges. The discovery), gender identity (notice other people, situation could be improved - and should im- prove as the year goes on: but this will take associate with members of same sex), gender individual efforts from all students role (decidewhat roles male and female should play) and, finally, sexual role development Around the drawing of Raquel Welch in the last GOLD BUG issue (page ar. there was a comment (become aware of your ability to have sex). on the sound system in Decker Lecture Hall On the topic of premarital sex, he said, 'Non- when a movie is shown. Since r also had noticed marital intercourse is not an unalterable yes or no. The question is between who and who.'. that the sound was a little hazy coming out of the 'A non-marital pregnancy is a crisis. The speakers, I decided to inquire on the possible prospective parents have a choice among four causes. Dr. William T. Achor, the physics professor, to whom I addressed myself, an- alternatives: a marriage (40% of which end in swered that the problem probably comes from divorce), putting the baby up for adoption, either the amplifier or more likely from the 'never married parenthood', or an abortion.' speakers. He added that the acoustics are good, In closing, Dr. Cushner commented. 'In sex 'therefore the problem does not arise from the there should be self and mutual esteem, respect, architecture. acceptance of responsibility and consideration I would now like to end by thanking Kirk L. between the two people involved.' Shriver and those who helped me with the sur- 'In short, love is what it's all about.' vey. Dr. Irwin Cushner
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