Page 40 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 40
· ~"' .. PAGE 8 AGT edges Phi Delts "by Bob Jacobs The intramural football season ended November 8th when the Bachelors of Alpha Gamma Tau beat the Phi Delt's of Phi Delta Theta by a score of 6-0. This victory by the Bachelors, who ended 8-0 on the season, clinched the intramural football title. The Phi Delt's held a firm second place with a record of 6-2, losing twice to the "Blue and White Machine" of AGT. The Preachers of Delta Pi Alpha placed third registering a 3-5 record. Last place was shared by Gamma Bela Chi and the Independent teams each having a record 1-6-1. When asked what factors produced such a fantastic season, coach Jesse "Bear" Houston of AGT replied, "Our success was due to the great team play of both our offense and our defense. Our offensive line of Wolfing, Schmertzler, and Froggy provided excellent protection for Stang. Our receiving corps of Duckett, Dickeye, Weller, Fields, and Davidson continually beat the op- posing secondary. Our defense made up of Brownley, Muench, Manny, E.Z. Nels, Crazy Jack, Buzzy, Blazer, and Abbott intercepted a record 43 passes on the year, and allowed only one touchdown all season. "Overall, the team spirit, talent, and coach all contributed to a great season." So, congratulations to the Bachelors on an unblemished season; and, congratulations are also in order for each and every participant who Quarterback Mike Bricker (10) hands off to Tom Botts (30) as Western Maryland rolled over Susquehanna l 7-7. made the season possible and took to the field with an unsurpassed degree of sportsmanship each game. Haugen, Bricker help down Juniata P.S. Thank you Commissioner Bowie for all your administrative abilities. by Tom Trezise WMC guns down Loyola and a touchdown by Mike Bricker, Western ended With the Terrors ahead 3-0. With the combination of Odd Haugen's kicking, Late in the third quarter, Juniata culminated a by Hobert Ramsdell Maryland's Green Terrors downed Juniata thirteen-play drive with a 27-yard field goal by The Western Maryland Rifle Team defeated College's eleven by the score of 13-3,November 6, Mike McNeal. Joe Brockmeyer took the kick-off Loyola College, 1076-994,on Saturday, November at the Juniata field. and returned it to the Juniata 35 for a 64-yard 6, at the Johns Hopkins' range to bring their It was a low scoring game marked by carry. A Bricker to Appel pass moved the ball to season record to 2-1. Dan Roh led the team in mistakes-six fumbles and three interceptions. the one yard line where the sophomore quar- scoring with a 229total, followed by Tom Resau, Juniata controlled the ground game with a total terback went across with the game's only touch- ~!~~d~lf~~~s, 218; Lloyd Brown, ,06; and Bob of 221 yards rushing to WMC's no. The Terror down. Haugen added the extra point to make the offense dominated the air with 102yards passing score 10-3 In their two prior matches, the Terrors had compared to a total of 33yards for Juniata. Fred KiemIe set up WMC's final score with a defeated Mount S1. Marys, 1101-927,for a season The first quarter saw neither team gaining fumble recovery on the Juniata 22. With 2:35 left opening win before falling to Johns Hopkins, much of an advantage. The only scoring threat in the game, Haugen made his third score of the 1074-1137 came on a 32-yard field goal attempt by Juniata day with a 27-yard field goal. The game ended At this point in the season, Ned Rhodes is but the kick missed its mark. with the score standing 13-3 in Western leading the team in both the prone and kneeling The second quarter opened much like the first Maryland's favor. positions, along with total points scored. Dan' with a series of ball exchanges. With 7:10 left in The victory over Juniata kept Western Roh has been the top shooter in the standing the half, Odd Haugen put Western Maryland on Maryland first in the southern section of the position, so far; and is trailing Ned Rhodes by the scoreboard with a 36-yard field goal. Later in Middle Atlantic Conference with a 3-0 record. two points in total points scored. the quarter he missed on a 43-yard attempt. The Franklin and Marshall is second with a 5-1 kirk was the only tally of the quarter and the half record. Soccer snaps streak The Western Maryland Soccer Team had a 7 Four named to S.E. All-College hockey game winning streak snapped on November 9 in a 2-0 loss to Johns Hopkins. The Terror's season by Dona Herbst uoucner tournament were Lin Van Name, record now stands 8-3. Western Maryland College Girls' Sandy Meldrum, Charlottee Lent, and -Liz Previous to this defeat at the feet of Johns Hockey Team came home from the Wheeler. The girls will journey to McClean, Hopkins, Western Maryland had scored lopsided first intercollegiate women's" hockev Virginia, November 19-21 to compete in the victories over Dickinson, 6-3; Gallaudet, 6-1; tournament with a .record of two wins, southeast tournament. At that time, players will Mount St. Marys, 5-3; and Randolf-Macon, 2-0. one tie, and no losses for their first be selected for the national tournament, to be Although their defeat by Johns Hopkins has team players held Thanksgiving weekend at Westchester, eliminated the Terrors from contention in the - The tournament, sponsored' by Goucher Middle Atlantic Conference, Western Maryland College, was held to select players for the All- Pennsylvania. There is a first and' a second' team 'in the is almost ascertained of a play-off berth in the College hockey teams. The four WMC players tournament. Lin Van Name will play left half- Mason-Dixon Conference. chosen on the basis of their at the back on first team. Sandy Meldrum is slated for right inner on team two. Charlotte Lent will see action as center forward, team two, and Liz Wheeler will be alternate left wing, team two. Western Maryland entered two teams in the intercollegiate tournament at· Goucher. Each team played four thirty-minute games. WMC's first team won 1-0 over both UMBC and Catons- ville Community College, and tied 1-1 with Towson. In a game against Towson States second team, ncnner team scored. Team two for Western Maryland tallied a 2-2 record for the day. They won 2-0 over Notre Dame, and 1-0over Loyola. Goucher won 4-0over the WMC girls, who then went down 1-0 against Frostburg. Summing up the college hockey season, coach Joan Weyers commented: "We had a fine group of spirited players who wor~ed hard all season. In my opinion, this was one of the most enjoyable groups I have coached at WMC. W~ are going to miss our nucleus of seniors, who will graduate. in June. Our team worked well as a single unit, rat~er than eleven individuals."
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