Page 45 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 45
---------------------------------------~----....~ I December 1-3, i971 1HEGOLDBUG Thanks, Mr. Flint by Cathy Nelson Poetry lovers at Western Maryland are in danger of being spoiled. On Thursday, December 2, another in a series of excellent sessions took place when poet Roland Flint came, read, and conquered. Flint, who in addition to being a poet is an instructor at Georgetown University, is a quiet, totally unassuming man, devoid of preten- tiousness. Indeed, he seems so totally unaware of any conscious effort on his part in producing poetry that one wonders if he can rightly be called a poet at all. He wonders about it, too. "I prefer," he says, "to think of myself as a person who wrote some poems, rather than a poet." He does, however, concede that a poet might have more of a "sense of ordering ...they cultivate that." But, he adds, "I had that when I was a good bartender, too." His idea of poetic craft- smanship lies in the refinement rather than the creation of a poem. "Refinement of a poem is one of the few things Ican do for a long time and. not be bored." Yet he cautions overeager poets against too much revision. "Don't analyze details." The College Choir performed selections from Handel's "Messiah" as well as other numbers at its Christmas Concert, Behind the podium, rea-ding his own work, Flint takes on a somewhat more dramatic and Chapel services promote "community spirit" ap- pearance. He reads with feeling, warmth, his personal insight is effortlessly conveyed to the audience. He doesn't read, he tells. "I try to by Cathy Nelson keep it simple, and tell the truth in my own Sunday mornings around campus aren't what notably liturgy and music. Susie committees, way." His attitude toward his poetry? "I take the they used to be. The newest and most welcome Squires and Dottie Hitchcock, members of these same kind of pride in writing a good poem that I change in Sunday morning worship is the in- respective sub:committees, utilize. as many take in building a good martini." ception of the student-planned, student- Bottoms up. conducted chapel service. sources as possible when gathering material for services. "They come from the Bible, other Propelled under the auspices of the Chapel churches, previous services, articles, your head Committee, the new service makes use of varied Christmas doors spontaneity is encouraged, with members of the and- other people's heads," says Susie of the forms of worship in liturgy and music. The use of Dottie agrees. "The songs, liturgical material. everywhere ...but the from too, come main congregation often responding to prayers and ~7w~,~,is a little brown book called Hymns -For by Cindy Thayer readings. Music, too, is an important aspect, On Saturday afternoon no one would have with traditional hymns being augmented by The feelings of Chapel Committee members known that Christmas was near by looking at popular folk songs, and songs written especially ar~ all for the new services. Most agree that the the doors in Blanche Ward, McDaniel, or for "new" services. More use is made of chief advantage of such a service is that it Whiteford halls. But Sunday was a different congregational reading, dramatic productions creates "a community of feeling." Dean Zepp story! Judging for Christmas decorations was to and community 'prayers, rather than the agrees with this, saying,_ "We are trying to be at 2:00, so every girl worked up to the last traditional sermon. become more conscious of the expression of our minute, wrapping doors in foil, spraying snow, The small but ever-growing body of people that concern, more sensitized to the needs around and cutting out paper letters. Mass confusion keeps the chapel service going is known as the us." He, too, is positive about the new services. took over in every hall and no one got any work Chapel Committee. Although primarily "Several things are being made possible, now." done, but it was worth it! responsible for the presentation and conducting Npw !hat the services are beginning to gain By 2:00 almost every door had been adorned of the service, the Chapel Committee is by no popularity, the main objective of the Chapel with lights, foil , snow, and glitter. Judges means a closed circle of planners. In fact, Steve Committee, apart from continuing to plan ser- presented ribbons for the categories of most Judd, this year's committee chairman, insists VIces, IS to get more people to help plan with beautiful, contemporary, original, humorous, that "there is a constant need for planners. This them. Anyone interested in helping is invited to and religious decorations as girls stood is basically because people from different areas attend the Chapel Committee meetings each anxiously awaiting their decisions. As a result, of campus life are needed to best determine Tuesday night at 7:00 p.rn. now one can walk through the hall where "Santa what will best fill the needs of the campus," Claus is Coming to Town" or the "Hall of according to Steve. Perhaps this was the chief Christmas Carols." Themes ranging from aim of the original Chapel Committee, formed at Snoopy's "Jingle Bell Rock" to "While sheperds the end of the school year 1969-1970, when people Women's council watched their flocks by night" greet the ob- from all areas of college life were brought server as he passes from frivolous to more together to attempt to establish some sort of serious motifs. student-planned chapel service. From this group The system whereby there are no mandatory For a "psyche-break" from studying ror sprang a body of interested. and concerned exams, walk around the halls and see the many students, now the Chapel Committee. To further trials for violations of curfew or Open House interpretations of Christmas on our campus. insure concentration in all areas of worship, the hours by women students has been approved by Women's Council and Dean Laidlaw. If there Chapel Committee has a number of sub- is a violation the violator shall receive one of the All this and leaven too; y~mmy food following penalties: . I. Violations of curfew a. 1/2 to one hour after curfew ... 3-5 days donning. By Jim Sollers b. one to two hours after curfew ... ~ Constant gastronomic titillation has never gradually. If something works -- if the response 7 consecutive days dorming. been the forte of WMC,"nor for that matter any is good and people evidently like it, we keep it. If c. two or more hours after curfew ... other college. But talking to Mrs. Arlene Mac- it doesn't work, we'll try something else." She 2 weeks social probation and dormed at 6: 15on Donald, the interviewer realizes that now WMC noted she has received especially favorable the 2 Fridays and the 2 Saturdays. .has a food manageress who is sympathetic to the comments on the barbequed chicken, for which 2. Violations of Open House hours in the tastes and food preferences of long-suffering the cafeteria must augment its own oven space women's dormitories students. by using that of the Bake ShOD. a. 30 minutes or less before or after Open The interview was prompted by Mrs. Mac- House hours .. Donald's invitation that the Gold Bug return two Some dishes, such as liver, were cut entirely, Suspension of Open House privileges in the months after our first introductory article. Since but then brought back in small amounts because women's dormitories for 7 consecutive days. then, she noted, there has been a continued some students made it plain they like it. In ad- b. 30 minutes or more before or' after Open marked increase in the amount of food consumed dition to actual comments, the opinion index is House hours ... in the dining hall. Even breakfast is running frequently gathered by the dining hall staff, who Suspension of Open HGJse privileges in the circulate and merely observe what the general peavier:_ "But that isn't. limited to this school reaction to a new dish is. women's dormitories for 2 weekends and the alone," she pointed out. "Last week I attended a week in between. . conference with 45 other colleges, and they all The biggest recent sensation, of course, was If the violator feels that her punishment is report the same increase .... My own idea is that the Saturday night smorgasbord, a festive affair unjust she may appeal to the President: of students are simply getting less money to spend featuring a bogglesome array of salads, cold Women's Council, and a trial will be held at meats and other delights. It was an idea that she on outside food.' which time she will state her case and be judged Of course, students at WMC have also been and Mr. Jenkins had been "dying to try" for accordingly. For repeated violations of the same turned on to the possibilities of new dishes such some time, and she promises another one in the offense the woman will have the option of a trial, as lasagne or the ravioli last Friday night. future. anyone deserves credit, though," she and penalties will be at the discretion' of Planning is necessary due to the huge amounts "If Women's Council. involved; everything has to be made up fresh in stressed, "for the smorgasbord or any other This system will go into effect at the beginning the cafeteria kitchens. "We've been proceeding meal, it's the kitchen staff. They're the people of the January Term.~.;,j. . who actually have to cook and Dr~n~r" it "II "
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