Page 43 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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THE GOLD BUG Board of Trustees names attorney and systems analyst An attorney and a systems analyst have been counsel for several Carroll county banks. cer ned with operations research, systems elected to the Board of Trustees of Western Mr. Hoffman is a graduate of Baltimore engineering, human factors analysis, social Maryland College, Westminster. Business College and studied law privately while sciences, and computer analysis as they apply to During its fall meeting the college board acting as official county stenographer in the law enforcement, health, education, tran- elected Ralph G. Hoffman, Westminster lawyer, Circuit Court for Carroll county. A member of sportation, science, pollution abatement, and and Dr. W. Edward Cushen, Chevy Chase. the American, Maryland, and Carroll County antipoverty programs. For two years January Mr. Hoffman was admitted to the practice of Bar Associations, he has held several offices in Term students from Western Maryland have. law in Maryland in 1936.He has practiced law in the Maryland Bar Association and has been taken part in an operations research workshop Westminster since that time being associated president of the Carroll County Bar Association. conducted by the National Bureau of Standards. with the late Chief Judge Francis Neal Parke Mr. Hoffman will serve on the development Dr. Cushen is past-president of the Operations from 1941 until Judge Parke's death in 1955.Mr. committee of the college board. Research SOciety of America and a member of Hoffman is now senior partner with his son in the Dr- Cushen jr-aduated Irem Western Maryland the Council; a Fellow of the American firm of Hoffman and Hoffman in Westminster. College, sup, rna cum laude; received the Ph.D. Association for the Advancement of Science and The new trustee is chairman of the Board of Directors of Carroll County Bank and Trust ~~5~~ea~di~~~ittr~~e~t~igb~~g~o~~~~t:~ni'i~ :ru~oer~~~ c~~i;~a~~~:~1 fnt~r~:t7:,~;~' ~~~~~ Company, Inc.: director .nd secretary of Radio from Western Maryland College in 1966. He is for the International Federation of Operational Station WTTR; vice president and director of the chief of the technical analysis division of the Research Societies; and an editorial board' Salisbury Shopping Center in Salisbury; National Bureau of Standards. The new trustee member of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences treasurer and director of the Westminster designed, created. obtained funding for, staffed, and Policy Sciences. In 1971Dr. Cushen has been Shopping Center; a trustee of the Raymond .1. and continues to manage the division. chairman of the committee on. state-national Richardson Foundation, Home for Boys III The technical analysis division assists relations of Governor Mandel's Science Advisory Middleburg; is director, officer and attorney for agencies of national, state and local govern- Council and active in several other state and sever-al Carroll county real estate and ments to use the systems approach in operation local activities. development corporations; and is general of civil problems. Systems appr.oach is con- !!:\2.~Gl.e..!v!n2.!!!£,h:zl.Ce:.· _ Dr. Cushen. his wife, and son and daughter live .- Vernon appointed Dr. McCay Vernon, proressor of psychology at Western Maryland, has been appointed national chairman of the Psychology Commission of the World Congress of the Deaf and to the National \ Association for the Deaf's Advisory Committee for the World Congress. The NAD will be the host group for the World Congress of the Deaf to be held in July, 1975.Dr. Vernon also is a member of the executive board of the Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf.' The psychologist recently has presented three papers: "Dynamics in Families with Deaf meeting of the Minnesota Crippled Children" to the Service, "Psychodynamic Formulations on Reaction to Irreversible Deafness in a Child" to the attending and resident 'otolaryngological staff of the Yale University School of Medicine, and "Psychological Evaluation of Deaf Clients" at S1. Elizabeth's-Hospital. His chapter, "The Deaf Community's Responsibility in Medical Habilitation" ap- peared in (0. Hicks, editor) Medical Aspects of Deafness. The article, "Free-Recall Learning of Word Lists by PrelinguaJly Deaf Subjects," appeared in the October Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. This was jointly authored by Dr. Vernon with Dr. Soon Koh of Michael Reese Hospital and Professor William Bailey of Queen's College. GBstaff appointed Chosen a few weeks ago, the new editorial staff of the Gold Bug should prove to be as capable as the staff they are succeeding. Headed by Editor- In-Chief Cathy Nelson, the staff is comprised of Associate Editor Francois Derasse, Copy Editor Nellie Arrington, Sports Editors Robert Rams- dell and Tom Trezise, Business Manager Cindy Thayer, Art Editor Jim Sollers, and Photography Editor Dave Korbonits. New Editor-In-Chief Cathy Nelson has had much experience in both writing and editing, for she was the Gold Bug's News Editor last year, backing up the past editors Donna Herbst and Chris Bothe. Cathy is a sophomre English major who has high hopes for the up-coming year. Planning to put out two issues during January Term, she says, "I believe that the staff this year is a talented, supportive one. This past semester we've tried to work for more creative cover designs, more variance in stories, and more emphasis on campus life. I'm not under any delusions about making the Gold Bug a potent force on campus, but I would like people to read it." Francois Derasse, new Associate Editor, is a freshman. He was Editor-In-Chief of his high school newspaper, The Owl, from Westminster Senior High School. LJPY Editor Nellie-Arrington has worked on the Gold Bug staff for three semesters, and plans a career in journalism, making her well-qualified to handle news and feature stories. She is a sophomore majoring in Political Science. During January Term, the Gold Bug office wiII be open at least two hours every weekday af- ternoon for anyone who wants to sign up to work Pictured is the 1972 editorial staff of the Gold Bug. From left to right: Nellie ArrinId:Qn •.Copy Editori DaveKorbonits, on the issues, help sell ads, or help clean out the Photography; Robert RamsdeU, Sports Editor; Jim Sollers, Art Editor; Francois De~,. Associate Editor; Cathy office. Hours will be posted on the office door. Nelson, Editor-in-Otief;Ondy Thayer, Business Manager; and Tom Trezise. Sports Editor,
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