Page 39 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 39
_NOVEMBER 15,1971 PAGE 7 Sapota "Oysters den't grow pearls unless..." by Jim Sollers Spartan, except for the bicycle and a wall-case of- The first thing a visitor' notices in Robert books that looms behind his desk. A central niche Sapora's compact office is the gleaming warm- in the bookcase houses a photograph of his wife; green Schwinn ten-speed parked in front of the photography is one of his hobbies, although desk. Asked if it 'is his, he smiles: "It's my recently be has found less time for it. The books pollution preventer." themselves ("my grab-bag of famous The new English instructor received his philosophers") also prove interesting: "Actually bachelor's at the University of Connecticut, a realizing there's nothing new under the sun _ much larger institution than WMC. "This is the that's a trip in itself." He utilizes this point in his first campus I've been on with less than 12,000 English classes, especially 101, where he likes to people. There's a good relation here between the use "a broader approach than usual __we try to faculty and students .: here you get a more examine it, before we jump into the reading." personal handling of a problem." His own personal reading Includes science He came down to WMC from Connecticut, fiction, which he regards as "a healthy fiction" although his true home is the dairy country of which "gives you new ways of viewing northwest New Jersey. "Contrary to what many problems." It is "relevant," although he quickly people think. all of New Jersey is not covered adds: "The word 'relevant' gets batted around a with macadam. 1 grew up in the country, lot today, in student demands for courses ... but which 1 think gives a person a more active, unfortunately a lot of times it means, 'let's talk rather than passive, approach to life." He is about something I already know.' " His con- interested in ecology and conservation, ob- c1usion: "Oysters don't grow pearls unless serving that "American individualism was they're irritated." necessary for the frontier, but now it's turned To sum up: Mr. Sapora runs to keep in shape, back on itself. People are realizing that in- enjoys tennis, is working on his doctoral dustrial expansion can be dangerous, for dissertation by correspondence with U Conn, and children and other living things." admits to occasionally taking his baby daughter Mr. Robert Sapora His office, at least for the moment, is rather for rides on the folding seat on the Schwinn's rear fender. Smith ----------------------- "Right- Wing Libertarianism" His Bag PROFILES Serving as a new instructor in Political by Tom Trezise Often, the only thing one hears about Science, Mr. Terry Smith is in hi~ first year of "The problem with American students is they teaching at Western Maryland. Previously, he are brainwashed to accept a lot of things about- society to be true that are either false or immoral new professors is criticism, especially if had taught at a junior college in Missouri and a and they ask a lot of questions about the system number of courses at Michigan State University. but not the right ones. They ask what govern- Residing in Westminster with his wife and three one doesn't have them for courses. ment can do to solve man's problems when it children. Mr. Smith received his RA. degree should be how we can get government out of the from Central Methodist College in Fayette, 1\10., business of solving man's problems", com- With this in min~, the Gold Bug i~.rU~l- in 19fm and his M.A. degtee Irom Michigan State ments Mr. Smith. lie personally subscribes to a Untverstty in, 1968. _~ .philosophy of "right-wtng-Itbertartantsm" which He decided to go into Political Science because ning PROFI LES, a series on new pro- he knew he wanted to teach at college level and is a "problem-solving approach." He wants his viewpoints known and will bring his philosophy .since politics take in every .im~rtant activity into class discussion to make students aware of fessors on the Hill, to give students a involving people, it interested him most. The other arguments. decision to come to Western Maryland came When he first came to Western Maryland, Mr. chance to know them as personalities, about because his undergraduate work was done Smith was very impressed. The fact that no at a school similiar to WMC and he knows the things a small school can accomplish. He feels restrictions were placed on how he would handle his courses was very important. He is even more not merely lecturers. that a university situation tends to supress a enthusiastic now because of the aggressive at- student's individualism and that may account titudes of the students. The only improvements for increased radicalism -among university he feels could be made to the college would be the ----------------------- students. According to Mr. Smith, "A small addition of a Student Union which would provide school provides the best things educationally. Everything is more' personal. It gives the the atmosphere of an informal gathering place student a chance to become a whole person." for students that isn't provided by the machines at "The Grille." Hadary "Water grabs me" by Robert Ramsdell Mr. Daniel Hadary, the newest addition to the staff of the Sociology Department, is a rather unusual Sociologist. In his undergraduate work at Antioch College, he majored in Economics and did not take a single Sociology course. It has been only since then, in his graduate work at Johns Hopkins, that he has decided to con- centrate on Sociology, though he desires to study aU of the social sciences. 'His comments: "Western Maryland is located in a beautiful environment. I really like the setting of the campus and the intimacy. The only bad thing is the distance from my home in Baltimore." "When 1 first carne to \V.M.C., I was most impressed by the swimming pool. I'm always mspired by alot of water in one place. Water really grabs me." "The students, as a group, aren't quite as freaky as I expected." "I want to use the 'exchange theory' to unify the work in my introductory Sociology classes. Also, I intend to emphasize processes instead of concepts." "My plans for the future? Well, I want to get my Ph.D., be a professor, get grants and do research. I want to know what I want to know."
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