Page 27 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 27
THE GOLD BUG Dr. John Elected Sixth WMC President by Trustees Dr. Ralph Candler John has been elected on Education from 1958to 1963and as a member president of WMC by the college's Board of of the Commission on Religion in Higher' Trustees Education of the Association of American Dr. John will succeed Dr. Lowell S. Ensor who Colleges from 1965 to 1968 and currently is retires June 30,1972, after 25 years as president. chairman of the Beard of Directors of the Iowa When he assumes office on July 1, 1972, Dr. John Association of Private Colleges and Universities will be only the sixth president in Western and vice chairman of the Iowa College Foun- Maryland college's one hundred and four year dation, history. Dr. John is a past chairman of the Board of The'Board of Trustees announced Dr. John's Directors of the Central States College election following its fall meeting Friday, Oc- Association and is a director of the Mutual Funds tober 22. Dr. John will come to Western of the Bankers Life Company in Des Moines, Maryland College after nine years as president Iowa. He also is a member of the Board of Trustees of Randolph Macon Academy, Front f~t~!~~~~Oltlhl~eo~I~~~si,n.t:l~W~;'e~~~~~;t~~le1~di: h~ Royal. Virginia, where he is an alumnus. Dr. native of Prince Frederick. Maryland John is listed in Who's Who in America and Dr. John went 10 Simpson College from The Who's Who in Amcrtcan Education. He recently American University where he was Dean of the has been honored as a distinguished alumnus by . College of Arts and Sciences from 195R to 1963. He both Boston University and The American joined the faculty of American University in University. 19·H), as associate professor of philosophy and In announcing the election of Dr. John, Wilbur religion and chairman of that department, and D. Preston, Jr .. chairman of the Board of became Dean of Students in 1%5. Trustees at Western Maryland College, states, Dr. John is a graduate of Berea College. "We feel extremely fortunate that we have at- received the S.T.B. and S.T.M. degrees in 1944 tracted an educator with the proven record of and 1945 from Boston University, and was Ralph John to replace Lowell Ensor at Western awarded the Ph.D. in public administration at Marvland. Words will never be able to express The American University in 1950. Dr. John 0111' "grutttudo for the innumerable ac- received the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters complishments of Dr. Ensor's leadership, Under from Iowa Wesleyan College in 1969. Dr. John, however. I am confident that we will The newly-elected president served as a continue our progress and achieve our ultimate member of the Commission on Education in goal of offering the finest liberal arts education International Affairs of The American Council of any ~olleg:e in the country." News Briefs: Myra Copus Compositions in Gallery president of Western College. Hinge Keeps Going painter, will have a showing of her works in the slogan Gay in Government, will be the guest Myra Copus, Annapolis and oil watercolor at 4 in Decker, 7 P.M. November speaker Art building from November 2-19. Mrs. Copus is on the federal considered to be an authority by Connie Erhardt noted for balanced but free compositions, with speaking on homosexuality. Dr. Kameny is Organized approximately six years ago, freshness as her goal in painting. She spent time government's focus on homosexuality. primarily as a tutorial service for elementary in the small towns of Brazil with her husband as Second on the- weekend agenda is Dr. Irvin school children, Hinge has evolved into an of- a Peace Corps volunteer, which was an im- Cushnerof the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. portant influence on her work. The Art gallery is fered hand of understanding and friendship as open on weekdays from 10-4. Cushner will speak 'on the "Sociological, well. Academic problems may result from Psychological, and Physiological Aspects of personal conflicts: both are the concern of this Human Scxuality.' He opposes man-woman role group RLC sponsors weekend playing in sexuality, and will trace this through Many of the children under the care of the infancy, puberty, and maturity. This will also be organization this year were previously tutored. R~li~ious Life Council is once again spon-
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