Page 31 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 31
THE GOLD BUG PAGE SEVEN The All . New Adventures of Rocky Fenworthy Chapter 2: OOPS! bv Jerterson Dakota apartment house lobby and proceeded to look in .As you mayor may not remember in our last the Yellow Pages under doers of nefarious exciting segment, Rocky Fensworthy. ace wrongs. pr-ivate eye, had just dashed into an elevator "Let's see here. The Purple Plunderer, Taos shaft (sans elevator) in hot pursuit (all this took Teddy. Oops, passed it. Ah, here we are. The place in August} .. Now with that amazingly Scorpion. Any crime, day or night. No haul too complete briefing we bring you Chapter Two of small. TUxedo 5-3408. I'll try that one." Rocky The All . New Adventures of Rocky Fensworthy. deftly dialed the number. "Hello, is the Scorpion As he plummetted down basementward (as there?" opposed to hospital ward) Rocky remembered "No, I'm sorry. This is his answering service. that he had an official regulation-size portable Is there a message, sir?" Army life raft. suitable for hunting or fishing. "Yes. this is Rocky Fensworthy that With the speed and dexterity of a scared wombat redoubtable chaser of society's enemies. Tell the Rocky took the raft out of his hip pocket pulled Scorpion I want to arrest him." 'the handy Inflato-Ring (pat. pend.j and landed "What are they saying, Rock?" comfortably and gently on his spleen. After "They're laughing." stuffing the life raft into an empty CIgarette pack "W('11 you tell them that. and picking up his entire collection of Ted "It's no good she hung up." Williams bubblegum cards that fell out of his "What manners! The lady obviously doesn't back pocket. our hero ran upstairs to meet In- honor etiquette. '" spector Henricks who was busily pulling his tie "Nor the police. Inspector. Maybe we should out of the elevator door try 10 contact the Scorpion's mother." "Inspector. I'm sure it W
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