Page 22 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG ~. OCTOBER 19, 1971 01'\ 5lLllJ~ -t~ Honor system kept alive 2.~~ 0 ~ oc,..+t,bu (~ n.,· Pat Logan In its eleventh vear of existence, the Honor xvstem. with the aim of reducing the cost of or stolen books. The Honor Court We.~ 'oc.\o«. ~~\lo<.Uee.,,) xvstem at \\'estenl Marvland continues to work d.uunged became concerned about this because it cost the purpose of providing an' its established tow.u-d opportunity for students to work in an at- , librnrv snom to replace only part of the books In keeping LV€_. '-~ ~ ....u;~'\ ~ Ill.osphel"e of honest and integrity. Honor Court is which were rendered unusable last year. 1 tenor Court Chairman. senior Sue Crowe, has with this goal. the ta-member fl.:~..\ 'o~ cs."\.\.~ currentlv engaged in revising the Constitution. stuted that her hopes for the Honor Court this .,·e;tr are to make it more "visible" to the student to uive the Honor System a clearer definition of bodv and to alte~' its somewhat deflated image. its role in and to strengthen its procedures. ,\ first step in this direction was the orientation Olf\ e~ ~i_:_\ ~,,~e.. academics includes mnnv aspects of the of ;111 rreshmen to the Honor System, ac- rbe current questioning of fhe Honor System's through discussions in English c-omplished orrect iveness S-\"'e.. ~111.~ ~ '5",~. system ..\n important one is the pledge signed by l'I;lsscs ;.l!ld ;1 speci 0 ~ ...,_, to the proposed publications board set-up as most pal:enls ,Ihout $12,()OO. All such vain ex- bv the Academic recommended Advisory ( ......+ ('ommittee . IX'IHlitur('s should be condemned To sho\\"m.vsupport. I propose to present to the tp, ~ Ce_. ~ ~~~c.'!:!'tt. The'-lrnendment. which would have the dean of \";H'ltlty. one year, a resolution espousing this _ .. , lllf'1l ~, --ro the Ai\{'. who had suggested it to the former All th;1I [ ask of seniors the year I present my \ SO'f¥\e....O~e. llnder the SLC' proposed plan. a publications r('solution is th;lt their spirit also be moved to hoard would be established to protect and forego ;1 few niggardly items while they are 0 \.Y\ e..:'_ l'l""c.e... ddenci. if necessary. the rights of the freedom of sttld('n1s. ,Inri that the meager amounts of money } .c. ~ \,.""\ \~ the pre:'>son campus. It would also insure that s;lv('d go ('itll('r to charily or to a scholarship 1) the ftlml for the cullul"' to changing staffs of the three (";trs costing more th<1n a used car that runs Y\~ue.... , t\i Ce.. &:~."'- recommendations that could facilitate smoother I"(',tsonahlv well \ _ pUhlications. In addition. it would make a This dOlie. I wouldpledge my resolution and, if oJX'rntions '2.:2.. w...,i M.a~V\ ~~. t-------------. Iltlsl!ccessful. my sit-in. And I would cry out with :\lir;tnd,1 :lnrl Aldous: "0 brave new world/ That THE GOLD BUG h,IS stich people i-;:;>"l!" Cordially, \'2. \'\00"" ~ c;. 'P.~. Enlend .. M!COnd dau matter" the post orrtce, Weslmin- Ri3YS,tevens da:. MuyhNl, 21157, SecoRdd .. posta. paid II We'JI- ..~~~\""'~ c.l:~llit. wt~~ .. minder. The most Meaningful Semester Editor - in - Chief Donna Hrrbst Associate Editor Chris Bothe you'lI ever spend ... News Editor Cathy Nelson could be the one on Business Manager Belinda Bonds World Campus Afloat Photoagraphy Dave Korbonits Pregnant? ArtWork Jim Sollers Sailing feb. 197Z to Airica and the Orient format. Need Help? Circubtion Cindy Thayer Through a transfer in this unique more program than 5.000 have participated from 450 campuses studenlS for a semester in inter· We .,n help Int .omln .el1lrdlell Nellie Arrington • Stt;ye Gamson • Jackie Parsons • nationateducation. ol .. ce.religion.lg.orhn.nC'11 WCAwitt broadeo your horilons, literattyand lIalul. Wa do not mO"lire. but Janet Levy. Special thanks to Miss Nancy Winkel- figurativety ... andgiveyouabet1erchanceIO merely help womin oblain qUllilied man, PR l)irec:tor f« news rdeases· make it-meaoinglutly-in this changing world Ooclo" lor abortion I, il thi, '. Francois De- You'll study al sea with an experienced cos· what .hey desire. Plene do no. mopolitan laculty, and then during port slops dell" an earl, Ibo.hon i, mo.e rasse * Pat Baker * Pat Logan * Terry Cook * Buzzy you'Ustudylheworldilsell.Vou·tldilcoverlhal .,mple .nd ten co,lty .• nd can be Schultz. Dave Newkirk· Bob Ramsdale * cover by no matler how foreign and far·away, you have a performed on In OU. pa.,en. bui. . Jim Sollers 101 in common with people of olher land~. Address aD mail to: WCA isn't 35 expensive as you'might think; .,..e'~e done our best 10 bri02 it within reach of _352 most tollege 5ludenls. Write today for free ..,---- 215 878·5800 W.. tern MuyIaDd Cell.., details. Womans M.d,CI~ AII.Sllnc. W r. MaJylaDd21157 TUCHERS:SummerlrlvelwitbcrtditforteKII- ers and administrators. a AM-10 PM-7 DAYS ....... .,. ,. 01 ...... ...,.... =~I1I=Write'rodaytD: A NON·PROFtT ORGANiZATION ~ ~ChapltanCDtllI" r6ct .. ol ............. ~BOICC26,lIranle,CalifamIt92666
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