Page 28 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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PAGE FOUR THE GOLD BUG . NOVEMBER I, 1971 Big things come from small package By Jim Sollers We don't want the club to get too formal, with What's small, quiet, helps charities and brings parliamentary procedure and all. Instead, it's Errol Flynn and RacqueJ Welch on campus? It's informal, and everyone participates. My job is Circle K, the college men's service organization really just to keep things together ...We'd rather and one of WMC's lesser-known clubs. It is also, . be a group with a leader instead of an with at present about ten members, one of the organization with a preside.nt." smallest, which proves a disadvantage. As club The actual weekly meetings reflect this in- president Dave Rogers remarked, "People formality. The usual place is in the lounge in Big approach us for projects, but a lot of times the Baker; after a brief prayer and introductions, club just isn't big enough." members break out Cokes and pretzels and sink The club is affiliated with, but not an actual hack into sofas' and armchairs to discuss part of, Kiwanis, although it derives its structure business. Sometimes there are guest speakers: and most of its support from that organization. at last week's meeting, Dean Mowbray was Its purpose is simply to involve college men in invited, along with Dr. Harold Ray Stevens, club worthwhile causes-rundralsing. charities, and faculty adviser, and Frederick Teeter, local other aid programs. Kiwanian Another form of "service" mctudes provnnng In discussing the club, Dave stated: "Our entertainment on campus; the present Circle K basic needs are really more members, and fresh When yQU know it's for keeps film series is a major part of this. Other ideas ideas." Member Leigh Rogoff pointed out the now in the planning stage include a Halloween possibiJitiesoftheclub: "The thing to remember Happily. all your special moments together will hayride and a cross-country car rally next be symbolized forever by your engagemenl Md is that it's a young club, and malleable. The wedding rings. II the name, Keepsake. is in the spring. members can shape it-they can make it ring and on the.tag, you are assured of line quality Dave Rogers commented: "We want to keep it whatever they want it to be." and ,"'1sling satisfaction. The enqaqement diamond away from a frat thing, with smokers and bids is perfect, 01 superb COlor. and preCise cut. Your Keepsake Jew'tller has a selection Of many lovely styles. He's in the yellow pages under "Jewelers" Relating to the Sightless; Some Suggestions Editors note: The following article was written by person. No one likes to be frightened. lee Schwartz, '72. It was published by the Massa- 7. When walking with a blind person who is on chusetts Lions' Eye Research Fund, Inc., Vol. 6, unfamiliar ground, help by describing what is on No. I, Summer 1971. either side or him. Show him where sidewalks branch off and explain where they go. or the total of about 20,000 blind persons in 8. Do not assume that because a blind person school, some 4,000 are in colleges and many does not speak to you he is unfriendly. Often he more are in high schools and presecondary has no way of knowing you are there if nothing is programs with Sighted students (American said. Foundation for the Blind, "Facts About Blind- 9. Please be frank if there is something you do ness"). It would be helpful to these blind youth not agree with. Healthy interactions grow out of and to their Sighted peers to have some basic open discussion, not an undue inhibition of guidelines which might help to avoid' the un- feelings. Most blind persons are quite capable of comfortable experiences that seem to occur so accepting criticism. often as to seem almost inevitable. It is the 10. When driving a car, do not stop for a blind responsibility of professional persons in person who is on a sidewalk to allow him to cross rehabilitation as well as blind persons them- the street. He has no way of knowing why you selves to educate the public about some basic stopped and will not cross until you moved courtesies and approaches to interaction be- forward. If he does others may not follow your tween blind and sighted persons that will make example and a serious accident could result. the experiences more gratifying for both parties. 11. Remember to turn off lights that you or The following suggestions are based on the others tur-n on. The blind person without good views of blind college students as yielded from light perception turns off only lights that he interviews. They have generality not only to remembers are on. these youth but to all 430,000 blind Americans, 12. Anyone who reads for the blind is en- their friends and acquaintances, and the couraged to accept fair pay for this service. The The most professionals who serve them (Duane, 1965). Department of Vocational Rehabilitation realizes this is a necessary supplement to a blind 1. First and most important, when speaking to Meaningful Semester a blind person, always identify yourself and let person's education and underwrites the expense. When students refuse to accept pay, the blind you'll ever spend ... him know you are speaking to him. Blind people students are put in the position of taking charity They can not tell who a are not superhuman. and they feel depreciated. could be the one on stranger is until quite familiar with his voice. 13. Blind students appreciate being invited to ask a blind person 2. Under no circumstances World Campus Alloat if he knows who you are. This is embarrassing, various school events. Always keep them in- formed when there are concerts, etc. Many of frustrating, and grossly inconsiderate. It starts a Sailinlhb.1972IGAlric.OlIIdlhllrient social interaction off on the wrong foot. these announcements escape their notice in braille. because they are rarely circulated Through a transler formal. more than 5.000 3. Do not push or pull a blind person. If he 14. Do not act like blindness requires another students 110m450 campuses have participated wants assistance, be available, but let him ask lora semester in this unique program in inter you first. Then extend your arm and let this and language. Speak directly to that person, never nalionaleducalion. the motion of your body provide the guidance through a third party. One blind college student WCAwili brcadenyoulhOlilons.literally and related the following example, "Cafeteria liguralively ... andgiveycuabeUerchancelo needed. The tendency of a sighted person to push make it_muningluUy_in Ihischanging world. blind people around from behind is un- helpers always ask my friend what I would You'lI study at sea wilh an experienced ccs- satisfactory. prefer to eat. I am made to feel like an animal mopolitan faculty, and Ihen during port slops with no human feelings. Why can't they ask me yoo'li study the world ttsett. You'lI discover \hat 4. Do not be self-conscious in use of words. what I want?" no matter Ilow IOleign arid lar·away. you have a Terms such as "see" and "look" should be used lot in common with people of olhe~ lands. normally. For example, "Do you see what I 15. Teachers should accompany drawing on WCA isn't 1$ expensive as you might think;' the blackboard with comprehensive verbal we've done our best to bring it within reach 01 mean?" or "Look at this new coat." The blind most college students. Write today for free person looks through touch or other ways and is descriptions. This obvious fact is inadvertantly details. more comfortable with these words than un- overlooked unbelievably often. TU.CKIRS:Slllllllertrmlwith~reditforteleb· natural substitutes. 16. Teachers should inform blind students as ers I~d "IIIini$tTlltRrs. 5. Do not automatically assume that blind soon as possible about what books will be needed lI1I'1iaa people do not know where they are going. It is for their courses. Early notice enables the blind Writl'rOdIYtl' depreciating to them to solicitously be offered student to get these books in braille or on tape. CbaplllnCollq:l. a 801~C26.llra",e, Cll,fon1l192666 help in traveling areas they know well. Most 17. There should be an interested blind persons will ask if they need help. One knowledgable faculty advisor assign.ed to each exception is in a cafeteria. Here everything is student well ahead of time. Planning IS essential quite confusing for those who cannot see. Things for success. The GRE five test dates are December 11, are continaully moving and sight is essential. These few guidelines, while simple and self- 1971, January 15,February 26, April 22, and June Help is appreciated. - evident, can greatly facilitate a blind student's 17, 1972. Equivalent late fee and registration 6. Practical jokes are difficult to generalize social and academic adjustment to an deadlines. apply to these dates. Choice of test about. Most of all use common sense because educational setting. Rehabilitation specialists, dates should be determined by the requirements blind people do not want to be excluded from this blind persons, and their jriends can render an of graduate schools or fellowships to which one is aspect of social interacttorr- Jokes that thinly veil important service by informing the general applying. Scores are usually reported to hostility or anxiety are inappropriate. For public of these basic suggestion for facilitating graduate schools five weeks after a test date. example, never creep up and scare a blind interaction between blind and sighted persons.
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