Page 23 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 23
OCTOBER 19. 1971 THE GOLD BUG f - . encounte Comment: Students are vital to committee system By Jef£erson Dakota hv Boh .lacohs Rocky Fensworthy, noted private investigator, Who or what legislates the college policies at dashed over to the phone. He found it in the western Maryland? Does anyone reaIly know or, The last committee I wish to briefly expose is, mind. the "Big Daddy" of all the com- cookie jar, picked up the receiver and im- what is more important, care? Speaking for inmy The Student Life Council. The ex- mittees: mediately forgot why when .the doorbell rang. mxself. , didn't know anything about the policy planation of the SLC in the handbook is more making process until I directed a few questions than adequate: "The SLC concerns itself with Inspector Henrecks schlepped briskly into the to the right people: and, read pages 11-13 in my not-very commodious commode. Realizing his student handbook (how impressive-what can I campus life in all its phases; has the purpose to mistake, he back tracked into the living room say? I The answer r found to my opening question increase the awareness of the student, faculty, and administration that education is a 24 hour "Rocky, there appears to be some disturbance was that Hi various committees are the source of in Turbulence," he said, referring to a small any college policy that is handed down to the process and not just something that takes place New Mexico border town. students and faculty of Western Maryland. in the classroom: to clarify the relationship the out-of-class life of the student to his "Hmmm," Rocky said. "Termites, gophers, Another interesting fact is that a major portion between bad TV reception?" of these committees are composed of both acquisition of a liberal education." An example "No, something worse." student and faculty members (hence, the title, of the SLC carrying out its stated purpose was the institution of the liberalized open house rules student-faculty commttteesl ). I deduced from that were enacted last year. The composition of Instantly, Rocky thought of the 17-year locust. this hit of information that we students indeed this committee is most interesting: six faculty "There's been a kidnapping." have a say in the important policy making "Excuse me a moment, I want to go put a process of Western .Maryland. members and six students. Equal representation cavity in a pack of Fatimas." Rocky was always For example, Jim Zucco and Bernie Pfeiffer 0[" the students on this committee might denote confused by crimes obviously based on arbitrary ,Ire the student representatives on the Athletic the administration's desire to give us students a when it comes to deciding what "fair shake" choice. It seemed to present the added problem The purpose of this committee is to Counc!l. of figuring out who the victim was. establish policy regarding the College's par- type of campus life is suitable for the College. so. this was the result of my investigation. Due "Hey, Rock", the Inspector liked to wax in- ticipation in intercollegiate athletic events. The to a certain laziness inherent in my being, I formal at times. "It's all right, we know who did ract that the responsibilities of this committee decline to produce further explanations on the it." include the coordiantton of short and long term remaining l:l committees. This I will leave up to "Anybody in particular?" athletic events illustrates the proportion of the ~'01J if you are interested. The importance of committee's area of action. For, the Athletic committeesat Western Maryland cannot, for one Council has to administer to participants and moment. be forgotten. They make the rules by "Yes, the Scorpion, that diabolical genius of spectators alike. crime. His ingenious master plan is to turn the Another important committee is the Ad- which we live here at WMC. So, you got a gripe military's mind into peanut butter and turn the Go find your SGA rep. or the student rep. on people against them." Henrecks was pensively missions and Standards Committee. Student the commfttee that could effectively deal with nibbling on a macaroon. representatives Woody Merkle and Amy Shaw, vour problem. Just don't sit around and bitch "So what's left to do?" along with seven faculty members, make and waste your hot air ...DO SOMETHING! As Noting that Rocky still got off a good one every decisions not only on prospective freshmen but nrvson Popham, the SGA president, said i;-; his now and again, the good Inspector ignored him also on resident students who wish to leave introduction to the handbook, "As we move Western Maryland and study elsewhere with the and continued chewing on macaroons. farther into the new decade and the second intention of returning to the College. Yes, here is hundred years for Western Maryland, the "It seems that Major Mills has been kid- another committee that allows students to student body has acquired, via student-faculty napped. Abducted. Whisked away into the participate in a crucial policy making process, committees. an increased influence in College night." the selection of new students (that is, assuming arratrs." I say to you, then. don't ignore this "When did he get demoted?" that new students are important to the future of opportunity: use it to improve and develop . Western Marylandl. Puzzled, Henrecks moved on to the coconut Western Maryland College. crumblies that Rocky's mother sent him. "Never mind, Inspector, let's go to headquarters," Rocky said, yanking the force's Jellema still resounds best away from a half-eaten coconut crumblie. As they dashed out of the door full of crime fighting spirit, something lightening fast ran away from the elevator into the sanction of the dark By Cathy Nelson hallway. _ Two weeks after the fact, ecnoes of Rod "Did you hear something lightening fast go Jellema still resound. His soft-spoken intensity filaments of sensitivity ...keeping the thinking by?" With those immortal words Rocky walked keeps coming back. The poet, director..of the muscles toned up, Poetry is a process of into the elevator shaft and on the way down he creative writing program at University of discovery." Like fishing. "Each poet must sit in noticed that the elevator car was missing. Maryland and onetime WMC prof" spent the his own loneliness." JeIlema's loneliness extends "Strange," the Inspector mused, "he usually better (yes, J do mean better) part of the af- to the poetry he shares. He reads, "You, my kept it there," ternoon of October 4 talking, listening, and three daughters all born dead, would now be DID ROCKY GET THE SHAFT? reading poetry. Because poetry is special. Poets growing round and sweet and shy.. .." And WILL THEY EVER CATCH UP WITH THAT are special. Rod Jellema is special. "Poetry gets suddenly everyone is. wrapped in, loneliness. BLACK HEART AMONG BLACK HEARTS, me into states of mind ..i.Intc edges of Then his eyes twinkle. "Bass dismissed': and THE SCORPION? awareness ... ," he says, and you can just see the we all smile. The magic of poetry, its tightening the words of WILL INSPECTOR HENH.1!:t;K.s 1!:VE;.t{ eyes misting and the brain spinning. His writing and slackening. We remember FINISH HIS HALF-EATEN COCONUT bears him out, in the fishy metaphors he loves. William Stafford as Jellema repeats them, CRUMBLIE? "I know that seeing lidless; seeing behind would "First there isn't something, then there is." A For the answer to these and other exciting not be enough: light is bent like line and cannot process of discovery. We are all discovering. questions, phase in to the next issue for: tra vel far." (from Swivel) There is a gentle "Language is the embodiment of consciousness, - THE ALL-NEW ADVENTURES OF ROCKY pride about him as he speaks of the school of men not the clothing of an idea." Poetry is language. [ENSW~~T~~,;r'~"!:~!~~~~J~';~~b; ~ to which he belongs"~':~;~:T:~y'~:~~2g Poetry is consciousness. So says Rod Jellema. Amen. ~"•.,__,,_ •., ._._.__.--t _ _ _ ) • •. 1.... __ .
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