Page 30 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 30
an a rayer; Christian Fellowship by Dona Herbst "Christ is the common denominator. He gives "Things like Barteycakes and Christian us the capacity to love one another. That's Fellowship are really different attitudes-they're something you grow in all your life." open to everyone," said Blucher. "The Lord has Rich Blucher was speaking of the Christian given lIS many ways to minister to the campus. Fellowship movement on campus, a loosely We try to be as open as possible, and sensitive to structured but highly active community that the people around." meets every night from Monday through /\ weekly Christian Fellowship agenda is Thursday. The only thing the members have to diversified. Monday nights are simply a group have in common is prayer. uathertng , a time to have fun and work on such Prayer is the impetus behindjthe group, projects as making banners for the somewhat judging from Blucher's comments. He spoke of stark interior of Baker Chapel. Tuesday night the forming of the fellowship: "Two people, about focuses on Bible study. The members break up two years ago. had fellowship one night, and . into rour areas of study: leadership, the life of St. prayed for a real Christian community here. The Peter. basic Christianity, or the writings of St. . Lord added one new person to the group every \1;11'1,- Books used for study come from the In- night Ior a month. They grew together, and felt tcrvarsitv press. who supply high school Young the power of the Lord coming through." Li Fe groups with m<.lterial. The books give an uarteycakes grew out of the Christian emotional and an intellectual basis to the study. Fellowship. Burleycakes is a group of thirty 'vl'hc truth is applied to self." said Blucher. stllderij:s who entertain for churches and wednesday riight is reserved for prayer. This orgunizattons in and around Maryland, and have \'e,II' it has been noted that the group has grown become quite popular over the last year. They into ;1 stronger community. which enables the to become aware of a greater scope i ~ 1iI~ ~l~ COl\terll.: got off the ground, like Fellowship, because of Fellowship of intentions for prayer. "The beautiful thing." prayer. that they had no Blucher remarked s,lid Blucher. "is sharing problems and burdens musical talent at first-they just liked to sing "'=h~-sho-t 01\ rna\" together: but they relt that the Lord wanted them It builds lip one another." are discussed on The week's experiences to organize a singing group. That night" they ~-t d..l/Jt\f.wl\(?)-t'ne received ,I' call from ML Gilead church in Carroll Tlnusdav night. Also included in the weekly schedule is a communion service at 9:30 p.m. in county. asking if they would perform for them I.ittle Baker Chapel. The service is carefully One. w~~ «-e. l..-bt They .rgced. and began a schedule that keeps planned hy students. and is intimately concerned them orr campus for weekends much of the year with emphasizing that communion is an act of Barleycakes uses harmony har- to spread ~~iOW\S' ~e. ne.we.s+ mony. The members of the group rehearse love, Snid Blucher: "People forget this is an act i of love and they try to he solemn with it. The Last several times a week to put together a sound that ~\~ISWI. re.\~Se5 -+ Ae is professional and impressive. Their repertoire of "upper symbolized Christ's love for man." When asked if he was aware of the stereotyped increasing with the theme is constantly leaving .a .message behind them when they role that milch of the campus places the ~+ r~&ic.q(oUS~ \ OW perform. Barleycakes members dress in chrisunn Fellowship members into, 'Rich utucher nodded. "We want to be used by the costume for shows: the girls in long graceful 'fn~sj H,~ "e~b-t dresses, and the men in loose-fitting shirts. Right t.ord. we're not trying to force an idealogy on .mvone. we want to be examples of God's love, to a possible ap- now the group is anticipating pearance on a Sunday morning television touch other people's Iives." With a smile, he co\~(.WOnJI ~ firesj program, further proof of the success they have .rddcd. "tt all stems from the Lord." known in a relatively short time. H,~ $ttI~lI~st if)ce..nse..j Junction gets it together with youth ~ fN)J .r~ro",t a~50rt- WWI~~t O~ <:'~Vlcl~I!S' a,,(. by Dona Herbst they are allowed to ~begin on the jo-b. Two "I'm pretty excited about it." "It" is Junction, a project dedicated to serving G~ .$Of\.~ \'~ll'5\.;t- Carroll county young people. The speaker is counselors are at the center at all times after 4 p.m., and Biegle or an assistant are there during Dave Biegle, 25year-old imported. director of the the day. I.II~ ,,,ci...dca \{ ftllJ.f J project. . All conversation between counselor and youth At a press conference at Carroll county is -confidential. Necessary professional back-up is available when needed. Biegle for referral "t. to\l,"'j. s-\.,V\C? I ~J h~spital, Biegle spoke of this three-year stint remarked that Junction is "a place where youth ~vlth VISTA .in a Spanish-American community III Ne~ MeXICOand later with a southwest city\\i"j "~f;~ ) planmng council in Baltimore. He described can come and talk to other young people." and Recreation is also a part of the project, Reton, the Mew Mexican town, as a "railroad Biegle cited that more assistance is needed from bcJ.j Gil) a \-&le 'b~~o( tracks town-the whites were on one side the county agencies to get properly set up. A Spanish Americans on the other." He orga~ized speaker's society is being planned among the the teen population into rennovating an old adult sponsors, who would talk to community iQ"'~ i e-\t., e.k) ~o Oil church basement into a center for recreation an groups in hopes of soliciting funds. The im- ei.ght month project. In Baltimore, Biegle 'un- mediate problem is getting the youth involved in ~~ foG ~c-\l....- o..J~\ ~1 dertook a similar project with black and white Junction youth in a working class community. In West- "The kids and adults saw the problem, and got minster, he's also gotten involved with together to solve it," said Biegle. Junction is W'\~l +"'~tS\...o\, I i. S spearheading an important program. designed along the lines of what the county Junction grew out of an idea from the past that ,oi~~~ be., o~4 01\ ~~~ ~:~~~~~,Ya~~ ~~reae~~~~~h~:~;~~~S~:~~~~ people feel is important. "We see what the need is and try to develop a program to suit that need," involved continued the director. The teenagers objective is stated in its certificate of in- have developed it with their peer group in mind. F"i~ ~\e$ {~\ 1£:00 corporation: "To formulate and organize a youth sponsored progam with adult guidance to ~~ilJf~g ~~!t ob~~ln~dere~~~fr~:,e~naO~d'W~~t~ combat drug abuse, alcholism, mental and minster store donated gallons of paint to fix up the interior. Many youths have been coming in and bec.",,~ t~~('e.I'S physical illness, and related problems and to staying to help clean-up. Biegle estimated that otherwise pr9mote the general well-being of the IIb~;~ as they teenagers, the attempt should become a tnnvmg success. arise. The age of the counselors ranges from 17 8'18- \'too to 23. Each one undergoes skills training before
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