Page 26 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 26
Clarence H. Bennett of Washington, D.C. was honored as Alumnus of the Year Saturday at Western Maryland College, Westminster, during Homecoming festivities. Mr. Bennett, president of the National Stan- dards Association of Washington, was guest of honor at a campus luncheon prior to the Homecoming football game on Hoffa Field. The alumnus is a member of the class of 1928, a former president of the Alumni Association, and .. is a member of the college's Board of Trustees. Mr. Bennett received a citation and a silver bowl. during the luncheon sponsored by the Awards Committee of the Alumni Association. The citation, signed by President Lowell S. Ensor, Board Chairman Wilbur D. Preston, Jr., and Alumni President Homer C. Earll, read as follows: "The Western Maryland College -Alumni Association acknowledges Clarence H. Bennett as the 1971 Alumnus of the Year in recognition of honor reflected upon his Alma Mater through demonstrated leadership to the Alumni Association where imaginative planning and dedicated loyalty worked to the benefit of all alumni...a philosophy of generosity towards his fellow man which has reflected itself within his church, business, and civic activities ...and for Halloween is for gypsies, magic shows, toothy pumpkins, and WMC recognition by the aerospace industry of a students who gavea Halloweenparty last Friday in BigBaker basement. unique and valuable standards service, the product of his ingenuity." WMC Organizations to Help Pakistan East Pakistan ...November 1970: A cyclone kills 500,000 and destroys a year's crop ...March Day and from their car rally. Sigma Sigma Tau billion dollars in economic aid for their care. 1971: Civil strife leaves millions homeless, collected money from the parents Saturday at India cannot sustain such a huge amount, starving, and creates a flood of refugees into lunch. Phi Alpha Mu -soltctted contributions from especially since that country is facing the threat India (nine million so far) that has not the townspeople Friday at the shopping center of famine this year in the West Bengali province ceased.r.Rf Gl+T NOW: Nine million people are and on Main Street. Delta Sigma Kappa decided due to monsoon flooding. Unless generous aid dyi.ng_of starvation and disease and despair. to give part of their intake from the bake sale comes from outside sources, a significant Western Maryland, along with the rest of the they sponsored on Parents' Day. amount of the refugees will die. nation's concerned colleges and high schools, is Oxfam-Amencan and Project Relief, Inc., are Western Maryland is not participating of- involved in a plan to halt these figures. the two agencies that brought about the ficially in the fast because the cafeteria is not set The relief drive, which has as its goal here nationwide program to aid the refugee situation. up to refund money when a student does not eat $1100 or $1 per student, was kicked off last Actually the program is designed as a fast, with Other campuses, in addition to the fast, are Tuesday by the Greek system with Alpha the money that students would normally use in holding teach-ins, Pakistani ritual dance Gamma Tau donating a percentage of their cafeterias on November 3, the target day of the ceremonies, and dramatic productions. Oxfam upcoming "Balloon Contest" profits to the needy project, being contributed. The fast is designed suggested creating a mock refugee settlement or cause. Gamma Beta Chi voted to give three- as a radical measure to draw attention to the sewer pipe village on campus grounds to further fourths of the profits they took in from con- rapidly declining situation of the East Pakistani dramatize the situation. For the people who fast, cessions on Parents' Day, plus contributions people, It is estimated that more than thirty the organization suggested reading poems by from fraternity members, to the Pakistani thousand people are immigrating intoIndia every Donne in the "hungry" hours of the afternoon, project. Phi Delta Theta is turning in part of day. India, in opening her borders to the They recommend breaking the fast the following their profit from the selling of mums on Parents' refugees, is committing herself to at least a day with an easy diet, consisting of lentils, rice, and multiple' vitamins. "Twelfth Night" was a bit of magic from students contributions are sorely needed Individual and faculty. Mark Vidor, SGA will be in the SGA office from 7-8 vice-cresident, by jim Sollers .. P.M. until wednesday night to collect money from the campus. An all-out effort is needed to I had been told before I left to see the The screening period fOI WMC's region is cooperate with the East Pakistani project. In production of "Twelfth Night" last week that it completed. The Regional the words of Marshall Bear and Peter Sprague, was, to use my friends' exact words, "gre~t." begins next January, lasting co-dlrectore of the nationwide program, "It will Long before I walked back out of Alumm at the plays nominated for the keep a dreadful catastrophe from playing itself play's end I knew they were right. announced. out" One left with a collage of bright Impressions, composed equally of the production and the THE GOLO BUG audience itself -- a marveling that the audience was laughing at lines written by a man over three hundred years dead; a respect for the Editor: donna herbst Associate: chris bothe News: twentieth-century people whose treatment and cathy nelson Business: belinda bonds Photography: action added point to the jest. Fascinating, the dave korbonits bob sklar mark steele Art: jim sol- ease with which they filled their costumes, their lers Circulation: cindy thayer Hard Work: nellie ar- roles, creating and shaping a fantasy world that rington steve haje bob ramsdale derasse francois would only exist for two hours ... lit by those tom tretize jeff bell connie erhardt special thanks strange lights that always look brighter than to Miss Nancy Winkleman, PR Director, for press reo they are; and in and out of it was woven a medieval tune that seemed to sum up it all. And leases WallySurlaw now try as Ican I can't recall a note of it. . . . Entered as second class material at the Westminster, ... On the crowded way out, the small crowd Maryland post office, 21157. Second class postage surging through exits, a girl turned to her date: "I liked it . " paid at Westminster. Published by and for the stu." dents of Western Maryland College. The opinions in' This production of "Twelfth Night," directed this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the Ad- by Tim' Weinfeld, is Western Maryland's ministration. Regional entry in the American College Theatre Festival. The Festival's objective is to select and Address mail to: Box 394, Western Maryland College, present the best student productions culled from Westminster, Maryland 21157. 2300 college and university companies nation- wide. There are Regional Festivals from at least nine areas across the country; the best- presentations from these are selected as entries in a " two-week noncompetitive program. part of the opening season of the Kennedy Center" for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. The chief criteria for entrants is excellence in the total production, including acting, direction and .d~sign.
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