Page 29 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 29
.. NOVEMBER I, , : I PAGE FIVE • ~..•."•• ~ .... Letters to the Editor oct.zu.fwt members of the marching unit which had been To the editor and readers: practicing for two weeks to perform for football field. there was no one from the SGA to While professing to be a fairly open-minded homecoming, and which now suddenly found meet them and escort them to their supposedly and liberal school, Western Maryla,pd still itself with four fewer people. reserved seats, which was probably just as well, retains some ridiculously Victorian attitudes. I There were supposed to have been flowers since there had been no seats reserved. This is refer specifically to the women's curfews. provided for the queen and her court during the not to say that the SGA did not attempt to Having just been through a trial for curfew parade-Le., before 12:30 on Saturday-- and arrange for reserving seats, even if it was late violation, I feel I know-the story. A trial! A trial during the presentation. The flowers did finally Friday before the inspiration came. Well, no for being late! How can there logically be such arrive-half-way through the second quarter of matter. The girls managed to escort themselves complete freedom for men and such stringent the football game. to scats between the trombones and the trum- treatment of women? Are women supposed to be When the queen and her court arrived at the pets. and directly adjacent to the bass drum. so brainless. that they can't decide when they When President Ensor and his party of should be in? The men can run wild (you guys honored guests, including Mrs. Ensor; the must admit that Rouzer is quite a zoo at times) recipient of the 1971Alumnus of the Year award, but the women are to be safely caged at 11:30 Mr. Clarence H. Bennett, and his wife; Mr. P.M. or 1:00 A.M. I don't have curfews like that Alfred W. associate professor of music, at home; why should I have them here? Or emeritus; and Miss Eyler, the president's anybody else, for that matter? If a woman is old secretary, arrived at Hoffa Field, they, too, were enough to go to college, and smart enough to get obliged to find seats for themselves-In the Iron' into a college of this caliber, she can judge for encounter row of the bleachers with their feet in a puddle of herself when to be in. It is not up to the college to water. play Mom and Dad to anybody on this campus, After the president and company did find and I frankly resent being treated like I have an scats. it was discovered that the SGA had not LQ. of -3. provided an announcer for the presentation of On top of the asininity of the whole set-up, the queen and her court. It was assumed by the some extremely demeaning insinuations were SGA that the band announcer would serve in this suggested as to exactly what I was doing out so capacity. We would have been glad to comply, late. (The situation involved my boyfriend). I had we only been provided with a list of the was also told that the "punishment" (7 days' names of members of the court and their escorts. dormingl was meant simply as a type of war- Editorial At this point we had problems, but no one there ning. That's quite a warning for being late once, to care about solving them, as Mr. Vidor had not for the first time, with a good reason. Anyhow, if as yet made the scene. anyone else is as sick of being "protected" as. I January term is not far off. The term is getting The band director and the drum majorette am, feel free to answer this letter or talk to me- a f'acelift this year to keep its ideals of relaxed spent most of the first half of the game in trying I'll be in the dorm for the next week getting atmosphere and educational opportunities in to find out exactly what was going to take place "warned". I hope this gets through to someone proper perspective. A committee has been during the SGA portion of the half-time show. with some sense. formed consisting of Dean Makosky, Drs. Out of sheer desperation, the band officers would Sincerely, - Lightner and Phillips, Herr Buttner, Hugh gladly have decided to completely omit the Linda S. Hazen Dawkins, Bryson Popham, Sue Phoebus, and presentation of the court from _the half-time McDaniel Hall, ist Floor myself to make suggestions and add interest to festivities, had it not been for the embarrassment the four-week long calendar. which would have been caused the members of TO: Bryson Popham, president of the SGA; Mark To do this we need help. We have tentatively the court, the administration of the college, and Vidor, vice-president of the SGA; President agreed on a plan to allow an hour-long assembly anyone who participated in the homecoming Ensor; Dean Mowbray; Dean Laidlaw; and period to fit into each day so that films, guest activities. Dona Herbst, editor of the Gold Bug. speakers, etc. can have a certain time slot open All of the above chaos could have been avoided every day when the entire campus can attend. if one person had done the job assigned to him by This is a letter to inform you of the events This period might be used only once a week, or the president of the SGA. Mr. Vidor let the SGA which took place previous to and during the 1971 five times a week; the point is that it will be and the college down by showing his lack of Homecoming ceremonies. First of all, we would available. The SGA is planning films, an open school spirit and responsibility to his fellow men. like to say that we were very glad to see the party, and other activities for the three Jan. Technical problems over which we ha ve little tradition of a homecoming parade revived. Term weekends. A concert and a recital are in control, such as a mal-functioning scoreboard, a Planning a parade involves many hours of work, the offing. Intramural basketball will be going on bad public address system, and no rope on the and we believe that ours was extremely well- as well as the Terror team activity. Innovations flagpole, cause enough problems in any function organized and very successful, thanks to Sandy were discussed, and now it remains for us to hear of this court. We don't need the irresponsibility of Pligavko. The same cannot be said, however, for from the rest of the campus what it would enjoy one person to add to our troubles. (And with at the management of the elections of the queen seeing during January Term. least four people missing from the band due to and her court, and their presentation during the "Enjoy" is the important word. With over illness, we certainly did not need to lose four half-time program. seven hundred people expected on campus more at the last minute. The band is ultimately responsible for the half- studying only one subject for four weeks, there We feel it is our duty to inform you of this time show at homecoming, as at any other time. should be plenty of time to take advantage of situation in the sincere hope that similar Therefore, it would be logical to assume that any extracurricular activities. A concerted effort is mishaps can be avoided in the future, and that group planning to participate in the half-time being made to see to it that January term is homecoming can continue to be the great out- activities would make at least a meager attempt expanded on both the educational and the en- pouring of school spirit thaLit has been in the to contact the band and see that certain tertainment level. The committee will meet past. . arrangements would be made. There was no again on November 18 to bring together more Respectfully yours, such attempt made by the person supposedly in ideas for improvement. Comments or proposals Liz Sewell- Secretary of Band charge of coordinating the homecoming for this year's term can be submitted, signed or Elaine Johnson-Capt. of Majorettes ceremonies, Mr. Mark Vidor. unsigned, to box 394, the Gold Bug mailbox, or to Midge Wright-Capt. of Colorguard Mr. Vidor apparently neglected to realize that any member of the committee before the tath. Barbara Bula-Capt. of Pom-poms other organizations involved in the homecoming Dr. Lightner was pleased to report that 92%of Bonnie Green-Capt. of Cheerleaders show might be attempting to operate under a the students· taking Jan. term this year will Steve Robison-Pres. of Band certain degree of organization, since he failed to receive their first choice of a subject. With that Susan Horner-Drum Majorette, hold elections for the queen and her court until in mind, and with a more interesting calendar Coordinator of Band Halftime Activities. the day before the presentation ceremony. As it being drawn up, the only complaints about P.S. Apparently Mr. Vidor feels that the was, four out of the five people in the court were January term 1972should be about the cold. homecoming ceremony was. a huge success, as DMH we have not heard from him YET!
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