Page 78 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 78
PAGE SIX encounter Comment: UA day together" "Whether looking for program advice, help with a difficult problem, or just someone to talk to over coffee, students seek out the faculty, sure of their welcome and confident of the teacher's abilities." The above statement, lifted verbatim from the college catalogue, sounds good and looks nice in college advertising. It gives the prospective WMC student the feeling that there is an established closeness between student and is often altered faculty here: professor or the student has too much else to do to Co-ed housing views by Jan. students list Unfortunately, the impression following enrollment, because frequently either the worry about getting chummy with each other. Proving that the Western Maryland student really is on the ball, a group of them decided to do "family-type situation", good rapport something about the dilemma of a desk between student and teacher. The fruit of their thinking has resulted in a planned day of activities designed to bring together students and faculty on an informal.. by Cathy Nelson casual basis. On March 13 the confrontation will The topic of coed housing has been discussed on definitely not one big, happy family," she re- take place, with such items on the agenda as college campuses throughout the country, but, as marked, "but there was a difference in the breakfast in Englar together, a hike, lunch, games on any subject, the most intelligent discussion attitudes of the guys. They were more gentle- through the afternoon, and dinner at the professor's comes from those who have actually experienced menly, but it wasn't overdone." The close-knit homes. coed living. Four of WMC's January term students, times prevalent in the other trips occurred, said Maybe it's insignificant. Maybe people are too each of whom participated in a trip to another Susan, "when we all lined up to share the same hung up on their tests and papers and chapters that country, have offered comments on their individual bathroom." Generally, the coed experience did not need to be read to bother with taking off a day to get experiences while living with their fellow students seem to improve relationships or deter them. to know their instructor when he's not wearing coat in foreign lands. However, Susan concluded, "If this is what coed and tie. Maybe Saturday is too good a morning to The four students, freshman Susan Lempfert, dorms are like, I wouldn't like to live in one." sleep to give it up. The point is, the opportunity is sophomore Brenda Weitzel, and seniors Keith Different points of view from different people there, presented to us by our own peers; and if we Muller and Gary McWilliams, reacted differently who have experienced coed living; pro and con. snub it on this occasion, there can be no hue and cry to their respective surroundings of the United in the future about the lack of communication Kingdom, Paris, and British Honduras, but all between student and faculty. The student needs to agreed in one respect; coed living was definitely an Reisenweber art debuts see his professor as a human being who really is enlightening experience. trying to impart some information to him while he's Brenda and Keith, who participated in the study making a living; and the professor needs to see his tour of Paris, felt that their coed experience helped by Michelle Catlngron students as something more than reading and to bring the boys and girls on the trip closer writing machines. together as friends. With the boys next door to the Sunday, February 28, marked the opening of a Before there can be communication, there has to girts, Brenda said, it created a "family-type showing, in the Fine Arts Building, of the work of be understanding. And understanding cannot be situation" and a "brother-sister relation- Mr. Charles Reisenweber, a well-known Maryland created from nothing. For once, it would be nice if ship." Keith agreed, saying, "There was artist. The exhibit will remain at Western the Western Maryland student would break out of a definite feeling of being at ease fear or Maryland through March 19, and features work of the fixed mold and feel the enthusiasm needed to skepticism." "It worked out beautifully," high quality and appeal to a wide public. turn a terrific idea into a successful one. explained Brenda, "because before the trip Ireally Subject matter in the showing ranges from didn't know the boys very well, but I got to know lacrosse to teeny-boppers and Mr. Reisenweber has DMH and like them very much ...with the situation being intentionally hit upon the familiar aspects of life in what it was, we could have just as easily lived next his attempt to "arouse a response by couching a hangups such as Peripheral Balti more view door to two girls." rollers or pajamas seemed serious visual statement in familiar terms." being seen in In style, his work is closely related to tnat of Circus, "Coco" "irrelevant" according to Keith. Both students felt poster design and commercial displays. Variety that this kind of communication are achieved between the sexes and a' broad means of expression was a beneficial thing, because a "totally different through the use of three-dimentional "stacking" of "Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus- perspective was achieved." And both agreed that forms, mirrors which reflect the viewer's face in March 4-15 escept March 8 during the Frazier-Ali the situation on the Parisian tour was similar to goggles and gas masks, glass, newsprint, and fight on closed circuit TV-Baltimore Civic Center. what might be expected from a coed dorm, due to varied media. His color is brilliant and fresh, and the rapport created. "It's more of a real-life he uses it most effectively in contrasts of flat color v'coco'' starring Katherine Hepburn-two week run situation," said Keith, "and perhaps in a coed and molding which is sometimes so realistic that starting M~rch 2-Morris Mechanics Theatre dorm, the rapport would deepen." the viewer feels impelled to touch the paintings. A similar reaction to Keith and Brenda's was that Perhaps one of the most striking qualities of Mr. ·"Civilization"-one of continuing series of Peabody of Gary McWilliams. Gary's group went to the Reisenweber's work is his talent for rendering film series shown every Thursday, 7 P.M., at British Honduras, where the accommodations reflections. Faces of a crowd mirrored in the gleam Peabody-story focuses on western man and his art. varied from "large old wooden house" to a hotel of a football helmet and the images from a "average by American standards." According to speedway setting reflected in the glass of a race ·"A Century 'of Lithography" and "Oriental Art"- Gary the setup was quite comparable to a coed car's headlamp are but two of the many instances displays of Amalie Rothschild plexiglas, acrylic dorm, since the boys and girls stayed on alternate of his use of this unusual technique. paintings, and metal work-Baltimore Museum of floors. Gary echoed the sentiments of Keith and The exhibit has thus far been well-received by Art, Art Museum Drive. thru March 14. Brenda by saying, "There was definitely a sort of faculty, students, and the general public, and if you family relationship. It was a good haven't seen it you're missing an unique atmosphere." A big advantage of coed dorms, Gary experience. ~~~~klY film series-Corner Theatre, Sundays 8 observed, "is that you learn how to relate adjust to the members of the opposite sex." sFilm Festival-Baltimore University, Langsdale Contrasting sharply with the favorable reactions 50 Years Ago Today Auditorium April 2,3.~,19, 8 P.M.-$1.5O admission. of the upperclassmen, were Susan Lempfert's =Upstairs-nve entertainment coffee house, open til observations. While takina into account that her 2 A.M. weekends-am Charles St. Noted philosopher-poet Frederick Getty, and his faithful group, which 'visited the United Kingdom, was not side-kick Butcnie, were stoned to death by an angry mob "Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar", directed by Peter as closely bound together by such things as as they attempted to get on the elevator of the HOl.elPat- Snell -currently playing-Tower Theatre in Charles language barriers, and small numbers, Susan terson in Edison,N.J. on March 8th, ]921, after proclaiming nevertheless observed that her experiences in coed Center-$1.5O before 5, except Sundays; $2.50 living were not particularly outstanding. "It was that light was just a figment at the imagirwtion.. evenings and Sundays.
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