Page 76 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 76
MARCH 8, 1971 . PAGE FOUR THE GOLD BUG WMC implicated in nation's future By Richard Anderson to find ways for the people here to realize their It is not often that the lecture committee here at potential by finding constructive ways to release W.M.C. invites a truly worthwhile speaker. Most of their psychic energy. It would be hard for anyone te the time they are content to bring us sensational disagree with this. W.M.C. still uses the old phone 848-586fJ superficialities such as BetUeheim or Sidney Hook formula curriculum of lectures and exams almost whose talks are as predictable as the clock on the universally even though only a minority of subjects wall, but not that up to date. William EYlald! who need to De taught that way. There is almost no lectured here on February 18, was an exception to outlet for creativity, and even worse the students ESHELMAN'S this rule. Ewald may even have been too much of an who take advantage of the outlets that exist, such as exception in that he had almost too much to say. the Goldbug, Contrast, and Drama must often SHOES Ewald's basic point was that we are in the epoch sacrifice grades in other courses. Still, students here, if they try hard enough and . of the technocracy. This is a thought that is as h~rd are willing to sacrifice enough, can become to graspas the concept of infinity. Everybody relies involved in more than ingesting lectures and meals The Fines! in Foo!wear on their ties to the past for security, but Ewald is in the dining hall. However, this is no excuse for saying that the ties are broken. Accepting this is making it hard for them. • 23 EAST MAIN ST. like volunteering to be insecure, but more and more More serious, and harder for even the most student to overcome, is the lack of WESTMINSTER, MD. we find that the insecurity will take us over as we independent in much of the curriculum. Just ~ne subconsciously lose faith in our ties with the past. creativity We lose faith because the evidence that this is an example is the approach of the economics Phone 848·3606 , epoch_is becoming omni-present, an~ much of this department. I pick it because it is one of the best evidence is disturbing. Ewald mentioned Jacques Ellul as a prophet of this epoch. Ellul offers this the description of the direction the epoch is moving: Technique reques predictability and, no less, top hat exactness of prediction. It is necessary, then, that technique prevail over the human being. For drive in technique, this is a matter of life .and d~ath. Technique must reduce man to a technical, the ding of the slaves of technique. Human caprice DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP crumbles before this necessity; there can be no FOUNT AI N SUBS human autonomy in the face of technical autonomy. The individual must be fashioned by techniques, open 24 hours rn on-sar closed sun. 3am· 11p m either negatively man) (by or the techniques the of positively understanding (by route 140 phone 876-1030 adaptation of man to the technical framework), in order to wipe out the blots his personal DAVIDS JEWELERS determination introduces into the perfect design of the organization. I . ... Ewald said this means, that existentialism m the wrnc college rings gifts sense of moral nihilism, and lack of ideals, will panasonic expert allow Ellul's prophecy to come true. Ewald feels that the challenge of this epoch hasn't been met or keepsake even recognized because the generation in power now ..."have been the model existentialists." But diamonds existentialism will lead to physical disaster. Technology has made the world a place where the 19 East· Westminster,!. .Main Street - Maryland ~~a~~~~~~l::::~t~~~~~o~~n :~~U!~~e~n~~~:, ~~ ::~b~~ry ~:e~k~f~~t~~:rd ~~c:sn~~~fiYth~o~:: William R. Ewald Jr. Development Consultant. issues moral" from here on out are headquarters for existentialist does not work with morals. and as JOHN OF Ewald argues that the key to the future lies in departments in the school, and I stand little chance of being criticized for attacking a straw man. making long range plans, and the basis for long A creative approach to the teaching of economics MEYER ~NORWICH range planning rests on moral decisions. There .are would involve the integration of the latest other factors necessary for long range planning. information developed in other social sciences into One of these is institutions that can handle the long the economics curriculum. This is essential range decisions. Ewald argues that they can. just . because an economist's view of society is a very barely keep up with current problems. Both private narrow one, which makes it unreal, and a poor T.W· Mathers & Son enterprise and government are inadequate guide to policy. Economic theory as it exists today, .31 east main street planners because their established way of making cannot relate to the technocratic epoch, because it decisions is oriented to immediate payoffs. Ewald theory of the hedonistic feels that long range planning, if we ever get assumes by Adam Smith'. Unfortunately, behavior much described around to it, will be handled by voluntary non-pr.ofit economic behavior is in fact inconsistent with THE GOLD BUG institutions, such as Ralph Nader's operation. Adam Smith's simpleminded hedonistic calculus, Ewald also mentioned John Gardener as the Entered as second class matter at the post office, Westmin- epitomy of the creative, non-profit planner, more and in many cases is likely to be based on habits ste{, Maryland, 21157. Second class postage paid at West- and attitudes directly contradictory to the assumed minster. concerned with the future than with immediate behavior pattern. A few econominists are working profits. A second factor necessary for long range with new economic theories that are based on more Editor-in-chief Donna Herbst planning is more effective communication. complex and realistic assumptions of ~wnaJl Associate editor Chris Bothe Because it is imperative for more people to News Cathy Nelson understand the world more thoroughly than ever ~~:::::[~ b~~~i~~U: ~~~~ ~o~.~~ra~i_~ ~~_ before, there must be a better way to communicate Sports Bernie Pfiefer information. The film Ewald showed was an arrival of a new Keynes I'm sure that the economics department will see to it that students Business manager Belinda Bonds example of using to bring ideas together to convey will learn it just as they now learn principles, but concepts and to show the interrelationships of facts. the creative approach now would be to offer a Dave Korbcnits, *Mike Schultz, *Gary Kilbourne, This film communicated the contrast between the course on the new directions the developing theory "Bob Miller, *Richard Anderson, *Greta Herrman, city and untouched nature in about ten minutes. is taking. Another approach that should be taken *Dawn Campaigne, *Malia Weinstein, *Nellie Arring- Something that would be impossible to do in ten now is to work with the related departments of ton, *Chip Rouse, *Keith Thurlow, *Jackie Parsons, years without pictures. psychology, sociology, anthropology, and political The value of Ewald's ideas lies in what they mean "Don Delaney, *Bruce Lindsey, *Bill McCormick, for W.M.C. One faculty member made the startling science so that students can realize that economic development and economic growth does not take *Joe Prado, =Dennis Kirkwood, ·Jeff Karr suggestion that Ewald would be nearly the ultimate .place in a social and political vacuwn, and that college President for W.M.C., I don't th!nk Ewald economists know little about this total social Address all mail to: would be interested in the post, but he did seem, to process. have a better understanding what a liberal arts Box 352 education is than a lot of people around this place. Knowing about the total social process is of Western Maryland College Ewald feels that the small liberal arts college can course what Ewald was talking about all along. If Westminster, Maryland 21157 we can improve that knowledge in our own little be the ideal place to create the type of people who sphere here at W.M.C., than maybe we have a Published by and for the students of Western Maryland can run the new institutions. Ewald feels that the chance at creating the new institutions that will College. The opinions in this paper do not necessarily small liberal arts college has this potential because discredit Jacques Ellul as the pessimistic prophet rellect those or the Administration. it trys to deal with the whole person. Ewald made of our time. . the suggestion to me that while W.M.C. seems to have a strong academic program, and even some SUBSCRIPTION, $5.00 yearly good books in the library, it does little to foster 1 Jacques Ellul,_The Technological Society, trans. emotional growth. What he means by this, is to try John Wilkinson' (N.Y.: A. A. Knopf, 1964),P.l38
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