Page 82 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 82
PAGE TEN THE GOLD BUG Tankmen complete progressive year By Bill Witter Saturday, February 27th marked the end of an except victory. St. Mary's out-touched anchor man encouraging year in the growing sport of swimming Tom Barnes by only a fraction of a second thereby taking the meet 47-37. here at Western Maryland. The team increased from four members last season to ten this season. The final dual meet of the season was a home This year's team consisted of Al Woltz and Bill meet Tuesday, Feb .: aard, against York College. McCormick returning from last season and new Western Maryland swam to a quick lead by easily members junior Gary King; sophomores Glenn taking the 400yd. medley relay on a fine effort by English, Zane Cory, and Tom Barnes; and good team members Al Woltz, Gary King, Bill Thomas freshmen prospects Bill Thomas, Bill Witter, Steve and Tom Barnes. In individual events, firsts were taken by Al Woltz in the 20Qbackstroke and by Bill Muench, and Phil Ciborowski. Coach Rick Carpenter worked hard to set up a schedule of dual Thomas in the 200 breaststroke. York's good meets to keep his tankers happy. The season consisted of three dual meets, the Mason Dixon ~:e;:I~~~h~4~~d~~~ee~¥;r:~~f:y, i~nd~~e~g~~~ Cham pionships and three months of daily practice the winners, 43-42. each which could be described as grueling. With a seasonal record of 1-2there remained only The first meet was a road trip to St. Mary's the Mason-Dixon Championships to be held at College in southern Maryland on Feb. 13th. First Johns Hopkins University the final weekend of places were taken by Tom Barnes in the 50 and 100 February. Because the Terror tankmen are not yet yd. freestyle events and by Al Woltz in the 200 yd. strong enough to meet the caliber swimmers who competed in these championships, there was no backstroke and 1 meter diving. Running close the reason to participate as a team, though Barnes and whole meet, the score finally ended 52-43,WMC on top after the final event, the 400yd. freestyle relay, Woltz did make the trip and competed on an was won on St. Mary's disqualification. West- individual basis; 50 yd. freestyle and 100 yd. ern J Maryland:s swim team happily returned breaststroke, respectively. home eager to tear into St. Mary's again the Running parallel to the men's program was a following Friday in the first home dual meet. women's team that stood up surprisingly well to the practices. Hearing that St. Mary's also had a few A fine crowd that filled the pool spectator balcony girls, several girl's events were spread through Billas 1970-'71 saw what proved to be a thrilling meet. Trailing led th~ B-ballersthrough a fine season, after the first event, the 400 yd. medley relay, the both of the meets. The girls lost their first meet, but tankmen fought back with firsts in the 200 yd. came back in the gome meet with team depth that amount of wins over last year's record. could not be touched, and took the meet easily. The freestyle-McCormick, the 50 and 100yd. freestyle- included first place in the Wicomicoholiday i Barnes, and the 200 yd. backstroke- Woltz. Again part~cipants were Libby Fife, Diane Munkel, _tournamentand a victory over Mt. St. Mary's, the first the fate of the meet rested on the last relay and in' Momka Van der Berg, Lynne Hulse and Cathy III ten years. BillHutchinson wasnamed to the second Dudderar. team of the All Mason-Dixonteam. m~g~b~ro~ught everything Bullet's outlook for the title still good Unseld, the Lakers not only overcame the deficit By Cathy Nelson but beat the Bullets, 114-107. ' With the NBA season approaching playoff time, the Baltimore Bullets are having a little trouble converting their almost-sewn-up division lead into a solid championship. For about the last four weeks, the Central Division leaders have been experiencing difficulties all over -tbe court. The troubles started in a home-and-home series against the Atlanta Hawks. Februay 20, at the Civic Center in Baltimore, the Bullets dropped a 122-115decision to the scrappy Hawks, largely due to the magnificent play of the Hawks' rookie star, Pete Maravich. Maravich proved that the praise he has been receiving all year has been well-deserved, as he went one-on-one with Earl Monroe, who found himself ouL-manuvered by the 6'5" guard from LSU. Helping Maravich out was the incredibly sloppy play of the Bullets in the second half; only Fred Carter seemed to know what the game was all about. All in all, it was a relief when the final buzzer sounded, and the teams left for Atlanta for a rematch the next afternoon. Things went a little better for the Bullets in this As of saturday morning, the WMCTerrorettes in:p- one, as they took the Hawks 122-120. Agressive rebounding by rookie George Johnson sparked hope etltion in the MarylandState Intercollegiate tournament,. in the hearts of Bullets fans that perhaps Big had won over Catonsvilleand lost to Bowie George would convert to become a real asset to the offensive boards. Kevin Loughery was sinking long shot after long shot, and Jack Marin managed a few Tennis begins year of his patented left-handed jumpers. These outside shots were especially welcome, as the Bullets were forced once again to play without Gus Johnson, out with sore knees. Earl Monroe turned the tables on -Pete Maravich, holding the rookie under 30 points, The 1971 tennis team, recuperating from last an unusual event for anyone guarding Maravich. year's somewhat less than illustrious record, began Earl himself scored 25, and made several practice early this season. Coached by Ron Jones, magnificent behind-the-back passes to Unseld and the team line-up includes senior Joe Powell, George Johnson. A desperate basket attempt by captain, juniors Mike Kauffman, Bill Hickey, Tom Maravich at the final buzzer saw the Hawks' down "Lwnpy" Brown, and sophomore's Ward Jarman by two, and the Bullets' magic number reduced to and Al Woltz returning, and freshmen Gary Hanna, 5. Craig Serrota, Mike Sullivan, Phil Ciborowski, and Back home on February 23, the Bullets hosted the Wayne McWilliams showing much needed talent on Los Angeles Lakers, whose magic number was 9. Gene Shue, visiting WMC (or the Mt. St. the court. The game started off slowly, with both teams game on February .15, had these . Thus far when the weather has been seemingly lacking incentive to play well, but offer on college basketball: On the uncooperative for practice, the team stretches a net George Johnson, coming off the bench, gave the league coaches coming up to college games. ,,"w.,,,~,••;',l1v~n'".,,'.',orl,,;1 across Blanche Ward gym and jump rope. Coach Bullets added support, the result being a 7 point Jones claims it not only develops the legs for lead for the Baltimore team at halftime. The first in the year. An running but facilitates jumping over the net after half, however, had been costly for the Bullets, as to scout at various ,01,••• ,< our the match. they lost guard Eddie Miles for the rest of the - And finally, will college basketball This season's team will meet East Strasburg, the season with an injured Achilles tendon. The Lakers popularity? "I think's growing, 1970MAC tennis champions, late in March in a pre- came out strong in the second half, and in spite of constantly being emphasized. And, as long as season exhibition match. aggressive reboundinz bv Kevin Lougherv and Wes have fans, you have an exciting game."
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