Page 74 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE TWO THE GOLD BUG Harrison house initiates career seminars for undergraduate counseling programs "We'd like to bridge the gap between the Alumni meeting- a need that the college itself does not Association and the undergraduate students," said statsry, that of career counseling. This committee Mr. Jerry Clark, of Harrison House. is not a social one, as is the one .that plans the Mr. Clark went on to say that the association brunches. It is a constructive one, if informal. wanted to make the undergraduates more aware- Alumni representing different fields and careers or aware at all- that the association is a functioning return to the college to speak frankly and one, interested in the students. informally to anyone interested, especially juniors To bring about such an awareness, the and seniors. The discussions are not recruitment association established an undergraduate projects for specific firms or businesses. The relations committee, headed by Dr. James E. alumni association plans them as occasions where Lightner, chairman of the mathematics students can get information about careers in department. The purpose of the committee, stated which they are interested. The first such discussion Mr. Clark, was to "bring about an increased was held on February 23, with the fields of visibility of the alumni by the undergraduates." journalism and banking represented. The speakers The 8200 alumni endorsed the committee, and the were George and Eleanor Healy Taylor, Baltimore "He was luckier than most dogs even though he only committee's work to get the students and alumni News American, Isaac B. Rehert, Baltimore Sun, lived a year." Spirit, the little burnt-auburn colored together began to take two channels. The first Thomas M. Scott III and Edward S. Crawford, of cocker spaniel who had the run of the campus first consists of Sunday morning brunches at Harrison the Union Trust company. semester, was thus eulogized by Mr.Dick Kline, who took House, and has proven very successful, with over Mr. Clark- affirmed the success of the first care of the dog. 100 students already having attended. These program, and stated that although the second Spirit, owned by Dawn Zinkhand, was killed on brunches are run completely by the alumni, and are programs' speakers have not yet been decided on, February 17 while running with a pack of dogs on open to the students strictly on an invitational possible fields which may be represented are Main Street. The driver of the car which hit the dog had basis. This is mainly because of the sheer number computer 'programming, ecology and seen the larger animals, but because of Spirit's size did of students wish to attend. The association tries to environmental studies in the Chesapeake Bay with not stop in time to miss him. He would have been a year get .a good cross-section of the campus at each both public and private agencies, and possibly old the next day. informal brunch, with both upper and under advertising. This is being planned for sometime Spirit was a pedigreed cocker spaniel, with a long and classmen mingling with and meeting the alumni. after spring break. impressive family tree. He was shipped to Maryland from Mr. Clark said that because of the unbounded Jerry Clark emphasized that most of the alumni Missouri. Mr. Cline, assistant treasurer at Western Mary- success of the brunches, they will definitely be were very willing to help with the program, and he continued throughout the spring as an ongoing stated that any opinions or reactions to the land, remembered back a time in October when he "told" the and at 3 after roaming the campus, dog to come service to the students. discussions or brunches by the students would The second channel originated by the alumni for certainly be a help to the committee. .Any ideas can Spirit showed up at 2:55. "He had a thousand masters the students is in the form of a professional be submitted to the Undergraduates Relation running around the way he did. He was very inde- vocational information and guidance service, committee, located at Harrison House. pendent," said Mr. Cline. NEWS BRIEFS SGA Senate's abolition proposed Jrs.create HMajor Bones" for follies A proposal for the abolition of the Student Government Association Senate was discussed at On April 17 the Junior class will present their Dean Ira Zepp, in conjunction with the Religious . the last SGA meeting on March 1. The proposal, presented by the executive council, generated some answer to the Junior Follies when Alumni Hall will Life Council, is sponsoring a Pre-Marriage seminar be subjected to Major Bones Magical Talent and which will concentrate on four major areas of controversy but no definitive decision was reached. Acording to the SGA officers, the Senate has Variety show. marriage. become a superfluous institution which should be In an attempt to break the shackles of tradition Dr. Miller of the psychology department will discarded. The officers voiced the criticism that the and give the entire campus a chance to say "Up speak on personal adjustment while Mrs. Elwell, 'of' Senate was not functioning successfully. One of yours" to the world, participation in this blatant the sociology department, will explain marriage their main charges was that-Senate members often display of exhibitionism will be open to the entire and the family as changing institution. Dr. fail to report back to their constituents. It was also campus. In a more serious artery (get it, you Margaret Paxson will discuss sexual adjustment thought we would say vein) the show will be a and Dean Zepp will discuss marriage as a human argued that the Senate fails to participate in policy making. combination of serious student and faculty talent relationship. In the ensuing discussion, various members of and variety interspersed with unsundry, Dean Zepp, dean of the chapel, has counseled the Senate defended or attacked their uninhibited, unrehearsed, and unnatural acts of individuals about marriage in the past but wanted representative body. One senator emphasized that humor. Cash prizes totaling over $50 will be to'estabhsh a more thorough counseling service. It the weakness of the Senate reflects the general awarded to the best acts. (No stuff, this is real U. S. is open to any student considering marriage. weakness of the SGA, the fact that important currency, count it- 50 clams- look at your toes and Interested persons should contact Dean Zepp no issues are handled by other committees. Another multiply by five- you're right, it's fifty big cnes.) later than March ts. senator attributed the problem to student apathy. This menage of talent should arouse the In defense of the Senate, one member noted that the adrenalin of those who sing in the shower, dance rne Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference will be organization does perform a valuable behind closed doors, and have never had the held on Saturday, April 24, 1971, at Morgan State communication function. Much of the discussion chance, the incentive, or the ability to perform College, announces Dr. C. P. Darcy, WMC history centered around the problem of what to provide in before a live' audience. department chairman. The conference schedule place of the existing system. The idea of open All persons and organizations wishing to enter revolves around the presentation of papers by both _meetings for all students and the concept of an All- acts in this entertainment extravanganza or' graduate and undergraduate' students. There will College Government were both mentioned. seeking further information thereupon should be awards for first, second and third prizes in the "Sentiment failed to crystalize around any concrete contact Mark Vidor, ANW 344, 848-9717, on or before readings. proposal, however. _- March 15. Any Junior interested in helping with Also of interest to WMC·history students is the A straw vote revealed that the Senate was fairly publicity, set design, etc., should contact one of the National Conference on Technology and Social evenly split on the question of abolition. It was Junior class officers, Fred Lawrence, Randy Change, to be held April 1-4 at the University of finally decided to refer the question to a special Blazer. Bill Eberhart. or Bonnie Green. Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the International committee, which was charged with re-evaluating Affairs Association, the Conference will feature the SGA. Vice-President Dan Wiles is chairing the such noted speakers as Lewis Mumford, Ashley committee. 1The Quota Clubs of the Middle Atlantic region Montagu, Karl Hess and Max Lerner. Various have awarded scholarship help to a student in the symposiwns will be offered thrsughout the four education of the deaf program at Western days on specialized subjects .. The second semester schedule of the WMC Coffee Maryland College, Westminster. Anyone wishing to obtain further information on' HOuse has attempted to diversify its format. The service club for women, as one of its projects, either of these events is asked to contact Dr. Darcy. Included will be a free coffee house, with such gives aid to those with hearing problems. The Mid- shining local talent as Charlie Bean and Jim Bean, Atlantic region includes Marylal;ld, Pennsylvania, Jeff Bell, Janet Osborne and John Sloan. Delaware, District of Columbia, and Virginia. The Religious Life Council will sponsor an The recipient _ofthe award, Miss Betty Hicks of assembly on April 21, 1971. The guest speaker will Remaining WMC Coffee House Second Semester Little Rock, Arkansas, is deaf. She is working in the be Dr. Akbar Haqq, noted evangelist. In addition to Schedule cooperative program between Western Maryland the assembly, time will be set aside both on the 28th and the Maryland School for the Deaf in Frederick. and 30th, for special meetings and personal Apr. '3-River-8:30 p.m.-~l.OO Miss Hicks is a graduate of Gallaudet College in conferences. Anyone wishing further information is Apr. 24-Local Talent-8:30 p.m.-free Washington, D.C. and is working toward an M.Ed. urged to contact Kathy Grist or any other member May 22-Mike Hunt-8:30 p.m.-$l.OO in education of the deaf. of the RLC.
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