Page 83 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 83
MARCH8, 1911 THE GOLD BUG PAGE ELEVEN Women b-ballers bounce back by Nellie Arrington off the wrong eage. However, the WMC junior The Western Maryland Terrerette varsity squad varsity revenged the varsity loss by a score of 24-4. travels to Salisbury to the State Tournament, The jv played the game as if they were being payed for hard work. ~:~~~S~7~~~~~~gt:~:s~~~~n on March 1 with a Western Maryland lost both varsity and junior The Terrorettes came out of January Term with a varsity games to Bridgewater on February 20 at 4-2 record to playa surprisingly talented Alumnae home. The Terrorette weaknesses in both games team. Anne Clemmitt, '59, played a nice, quick were bunching on offense, lack of passing, and a game against the Terrorettes while Ginny- Brace, lack of long shots from the outside. Both WMC '69, provided several of the Alumnae's brighter teams had little trouble getting the ball, but once spots. I they gained possession, they didn't seem to know Returning to regular play after the Alumnae game, the TerroreUes traveled to Goucher College on February 18. Goucher, with a team ability for sinking long shots, beat Western Maryland, 51-30. Starting a week of tightly scheduled travel Western Maryland could not seem to pullout from games, the Terrorettes visited Notre Dame College under the offense of a very fast Goucher bench. The in Baltimore on February 23. The varsity team was Terrorettes also seemed to be hampered by a lid on really hot for this game; their shooting, their the basket; the shots rolled around the rim and fell the ball around to win it 44-18. The whole varsity contributed to the win with all five starters scoring in the first quarter of play. LVC's trouble lay in 1 wasvoted their lack of a well-developed dribble and their The Most Outstanding Wrestlerat the Mason-Dixon bunching on defense. The junior 'varsity also Tournament on Saturday. February-zv at Gallaude t, managed to take their game by a score of 57-4. The scoring started in the first quarter with Terrorette Robin Fornicula, taking the ball from the starting Matmen victorious jumpball for 2 in the first five seconds of play. The team made 8 points in the first minute and a half of action, going off the floor after first quarter with a The Western Maryland College Green Terror 27-1tally on the scoreboard. The remaining quarter matmen have captured the team trophy for the scores were 36-4,39-4,and 57-4,respectively. One of second straight year at the annual Mason-Dixon the most beautiful things about the Western Wrestling Championships held this past February Maryland jv at this game was the cooperation of the 26 - 27 at Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C. entire team in setting the ball up to score. Between First year coach Terry Conover brought back four no two players was this more evident than between individual champions in Gary School (1341bs.), Jay Kathy Martin and Penny Parsons. Penny made 17 Leverton (142 Ibs.), Wayne Gibson (167 lbs.). and points, many of them from field goals assisted by Dick Schmertzler (177 lbs.). The other individual Kathy, who made 10 points on her own. cham pions were Charles Shelsby (118Ibs.), Loyola; The Terrorettes came back home to finish the Dale Hutchinson (126 lbs.) , Towson; Howard season with two games against Dickinson on March Bowman (150 Ibs.). Baltimore; Ray Groszkowski 1. The WMC varsity took their game by a 49-19 (158 lbs.). Towson; Jack Derwalt (190 Ibs.), score with all starters scoring in the first four Baltimore; and Al Phillips (HWT.), Towson. minutes of the first quarter. The varsity fought all Three second places, two third places, and one the way, again using good team work and defense. fourth place helped in raising Western Maryland's The jv Terrorettes recovered from a slow first half winning total to 92 points with Towson State in which they made a showing which failed to finishing second with 82 points. The victory gained resemble in any way their playing ability of the revenge for the close 19 - 15 dual meet score in Comingto WMCfor a return engagment are the WCAO LVC game. Getting psyched up in the second half, which the Terrors suffered defeat at the hands of "Good Guys". The proceeds for the game, whichwill be WMC jv-took the game 37-17. - Towson on February 6, 1971. held Saturday, March 13,willgo to SOS. Western Maryland's varsity Terrorettes next Gary Scholl's championship marked the fourth travel to Salisbury State College on Maryland's straight Mason-Dixon title for this outstanding Eastern Shore for the Maryland State Tournament senior. Dick Schmertzler also successfully Baseball prospects good on March 4, 5, and 6. WMC is the smallest college to defended his title as did Ray Groszkowski The of attend the tourney, which is invitational. of Loyola. Towson and Charles Shelsby With all members of both squads eligible to tournament's outstanding wrestler award was return to basketball next vear. WMC should have a given to Jay Leverton of Western Maryland who defense, their moves, were all working to produce a pinned the defending champ, Fred Pisoni of 58-30win against a somewhat disorganized Notre season's fine showing of sixteen Dame team. Lin Van Name was high varsity Catholic University. and fiv:e defeats is not going to be an easy task scorer with 22 points during the game. The jv lost to for Coach Fern Hitchcock's Green Terror baseball Notre Dame, however, by a score of 17-15. Notre team. The home opener April third against tough Dame had the defense, and WMC didn't have the Marksmen seek members Baltimore University is going to be most important shooting that night. in determining the success of this season. Last year The TerroreUes traveled to Wilson College in B. U. beat Western Maryland to end all chances of a Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, on the 25th to drop a Riflery at Western Maryland college has been a' Mason-Dixon championship. Returning lettermen varsity game 38-26. Western Maryland led the first sort of underground sport. Besides the fact that the in all positions should make this year's team very half with a nice defense, but lost in the second half shooting range is located under the gym, rifle strong. The universal baseball variables of hitting teams also suffer from a lack of publicity. This is and pitching will be filled by players who have done due to dropping passes. Turnovers were high for understandable, however. because a rifle match both teams. The iv Terrorettes really made up for more than adequate jobs in the past. the varsity loss in an overtime squeaker that saw hardly generates the excitement found with most On paper, prospects look g~ for. another WMC make five points in extra time to take the sports, at least from the spectator's point of view. winning season. The single most 1Ofluencll~gfactor game 20-15. A rifle team was previously in existence until is the pitching staff led by hard throwing Bob On February 27,Western Maryland again hit the 1967, when it was disbanded because of a general Merry, a senior. A mound stalwart for three road to Lebanon Valley College in Annville, lack of interest. The school year 1968-69was by- previous seasons, Merry will be responsible for Pennsylvania, to win both games against a weak passed without a team, but in the fall of '69 one was much of the hurling duties. Other probable starters Valley force. The TerroreUe varsity really moved started up with satisfactory results. This year the are Barney Schulze and Paul Peksa who saw good foundation with players who are used to rifle team continues to thrive and has become very considerable action last season. In order to playing cooperatively with each other. Varsity successful, under the leadership of team coaches strengthen the starting rotation Jim Schwertzler, members are Nancy Dawkins, Kathy Walters, Lin Robert Gordon and Sergeant McMaines. who primarily played centerfield last year, will Van Name, Janie Watts, Debbie Clark, Yvette Trophies are awarded to those who exhibit probably be given a chance on the mcund. Dawson, Mel Coleman, Fran McCabe, Carolyn outstanding shooting skills ..A trophy is given to the The infield, although YOWlg(four r~t~nees ~re Slough, and Sharon Spainhour. Three of these girls, person with the best accumulative prone, kneeling sophomores) have capable leadersh~p 10 sen~or Nancy Dawkins, -Kathy Walters, and Lin Van and standing scores, and also to the shooter with the second baseman Artie Blake. Co-captain along With Name, made over 100 points each during the best over-all composite score. members Rifle team are Martin this year ~t!r~~?o~a~e r~~:~o~:~l!~~i=::, ~i~ regular season. Junior varsity players are Kathy Prather, who holds the best composite record, Parsons, Chip Robin Fornicula, Martin, Penny impressive statistics all three previous years. John Rouse, Meg Swain, Adele Gunn, Maria Petrucci, Daryl Burns, Bruce Lindsay, Ned Rhodes, and Tom Sharp at catcher, Buddy Orndoff at fi~st base, Joe Caroline Warfield, and Brenda Noble. Hopefully Resau who is team captain. Although the Prado-short stop and Bob Repsher-third base are the incoming freshman class will add a few more leadership comes from the military science the other returning infielders. members to the jv team to boost its presently low department, only two of the top six shooters are The outfield is just as impressive as Jim bench squad. Another desirable asset would be the presently enrolled in ROTC. Schwertz1er, Steve Byrne and Dick Hull ?f!er development of some outside shooting which could Western Maryland won four out of its five plenty of experience and a~~lity. Also, l?~omls1Og save the squads from tight situations such as matches this fall and winter. The team shot against freshmen will offer eompetitton at all POSltiO~S8:fld several they were in this season. Otherwise, the Gettysburg March 0, and are scheduled for a :'~ut add depth and bench strength. The wl~mn.g teams really show promise of having a great 1972 with Johns Hopkins on April 3. Any interestedfhale tradition 'for baseball at W.M.C. should prevail this or female student should contact Tom Resau about season if expectations are fulfilled. joining the team. '
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