Page 81 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 81
ReH 8, 1971 THE GOLD BUG PAGE-NINE One man's opinion FOREST "Free US from our Christian bonds" FIRES BURN MORE by Mike Basile his reverence, and his pride. products of a passive Christian age. Instead 01 He has been robbed of Man has been castrated. his acknowledging nobility, death and striving for a full and THAN Christianity has done this. The tools of Christianity, bold life while it lasts we are 'appeased. We are however, are not as blantant as physical oppression promised that by subjecting our wills to a god we or mental torture and thus they are not as easily will be assured of everlasting bliss in the end. But TREES recognized. Instead they appear as creeds for the man is still so easily. So, guilt was added. Each to strong accept too innately of humanity-love, mercy, non- good fortune subjugation ~ violence-and are so effectively propagandized that and every one of us is responsible for poverty, war, crime, hatred, greed, lust, inflation, deflation ...etc. they have duped mankind into believing that these are universal ideals that implicity were meant to Weall own the weight of the world. Birth is no clean be. They appear as these but locked within the slate but one so ugly and perverted that ejaculation flowered external expression is the basic inward is bottled up from the start with such effective one that commits each and every man to means of repression that many men never know subservience and humility. Our chapel committee, how. So man acce~ts it. He even believes it. though sincere in their pleas for a renaissance of an involved and active society, does not realize that So one will dare peel a peach. Why will surrounding these assertions in the passive should one? The archaic Idea of victory and philosophy of Christianity they are contradicting challenge has long been repressed as sinful pride. themselves with each new word. On February 14, Adam uttered "Not thy will but mine be done." He 1971 they presented to our campus a fist clenched in wa~ bound in chains. The most pathetic power and fortitude-and proceeded to instill within consequence of this religious blight is this; because man inherently wants to challenge and confront their audience a new sense of integrity. The Littany of Commitment echoed "No! I refuse to continue to there will always be Adams so thus there will never compromise my integrity." "They sang really be Christians. So the soul is torn between two "Free, free, free to decide conflicting urges. The first is nature's. It says seek What this campus is going to be and never be satisfied until you die. The second is This imperative is ours religion. It says submit and accept your fate. The To be free, free." end product is self-annihilation for the man who is This truly is the world's most formidable task; to from a Christian society. If he adheres to the second struggle for answers that will set men free. But, of the two he represses the first hoping to be content paradoxical as it may- seem, it is because the in his choice. He cannot be. No matter how struggle will never be over that this game of life is completely he strives for the Christian ideals all worthwhile. Through the Sumerian, Greek, and underneath nature will never let him forget that Nordic heroic societies and civilization whenever or from she a voice must eventually be heard. Thus wherever it may exist this struggle of man to there is no chance for accomplishment. There is no achieve answers to the mysteries of his essential victory even in the struggle for total submission for components and origins is omnipresent. It is this it is impossible. So there is constant defeat. struggle that feeds and nourishes the seeds of life Constant defeat leads only to self-annihilation and that makes the growth and even the inevitable inferiority. Self-annihilation and inferiority are death fruitful. negative. RegJigion is built on negatives. Life is built on positives. They were never meant to be nother man's opinion to life is foreign to modern thought for we are mixed. The idea of death providing a rightful conclusion Calls to shed apathy y Rodney Sewell misconception the institution has a nebulous way ofF1 Student powerlessness, in past years, indicated virtue of their education, knowledge, and e rule and not the exception on college campuses. experience of the system. Therefore he should have n many campuses today it is recognized as a the least, if anything, to say in policies or decisions aning attitude among students. Where this that pertain even to himself. If this is a titude prevails, i.e., at Western Maryland, one sily finds a pseudo-happy, but more often a dispelling it. Student apathy inadverteritly orly adjusted student. I don't mean poorly perpetuates it. ;.~,:,t,:;:! . djusted in strictly the academic sense, because ~~ various L-~,."~...,.,.describe-I ost people tend to agree that an educational If a student is able to awaken from this mirage of xperience entails more than just books, lectures, powerlessness, he will realize the uniqueness of his nd tests. He is poorly adjusted because he is told position. The student is the independent variable of y the school and his parents that he has more a college. Everything else depends on his presence. eedom at school than he will ever .experience Most of us would attest to this. If he is removed gain. Only when he attempts to find this freedom from the scene, all other variables would be nd to assimilate, he meets reprisal, censorship or rendered meaningless. . estriction of some form from the institution. This The technique of removing the student has taken auses confusion and in many instances an inability on many dimensions on campuses. r unwillingness to cope with the situation, Removing the student might be considered ::: campus They say, nothing happens. Weekend ~:: A close analysis of the definition of power will extreme, but, regardless of how it has been applied, :~ action is nil. The most exciting event on Saturday ~~ eveal it has been twisted and distorted by the the administrative compromises that result from it i~~night is when the streetlight comes on. ~ stitution to engender in the student the belief that show us that full recognition of the student with wer is the sole object of some ominous group or more voice on decision-making can be attained. emagogue who seeks to upset the system. And of Student reform, through the vocal power of the ~~:!The Gold Bug thinks differently. People ask us, how ~ purse anything that threatens the system directly, student body regardless of its manner _ of ::~come this (or that, or whatever) wasn't in your last :::: rea tens the future of the student indirectly. This presentation, can only come about as a result of a :::;issue. And the reason is usually because we didn't ~ s obviously a latent myth and is not objective. concerned and united effort on the part of the entire ~:~know it was happening. And neither did you. ~ ore pragmatically, the student may begin to student population. This means each of us has to liberalism, suppress our conservatism, radicalism, ssociate power with a group or force not militancy, or what have you, enough to lend support I I .ecessarity seeking revolution. The acquisition of :3: Encounter,is designed to handle the news that not ~ tudent power does not require the subjugation of to a general student cause. One need not ::~enough people hear. News like Greek-sponsored :~~ e administration. However, the student finds, compromise his label as the campus jock or honors ::::things. What's going on in clubs. Sound·ofts on env- §! wer provides an opportunity to help make those student. Nor would one have to relinquish all of his ::::thing that needs sounding·oft. Guest editorials. ~ !icies and decisions which are of direct interest to loyalty to the fraternity or sorority, or his he student. " uniqueness as the minority student on campus. This :Ii Arervsrs Lettersto the editor. " One might see a syllogism in the philosophy of the only calls for the channeling of enough student nstitution. According to the trustees, who have support to effectively bring about general student ~ If you've got news, or anything else that you think xperienced the system, they have elevated reform. emselves to the position of Big Daddy, hence they This problem is not unique to Western Maryland. U~~~,~~~~~n:~o:n ~1~~;:.:,~ell'e~s~h~lIk~::~~; • e the overseers of the school So they should not However, it is unique in that the students at nly know what is best for it, but, should also have Western Maryland are doing nothing about it. In ?:::write the Gold Bug at p.o. box 352. • e unequivocal right to determine its rules and essence, the student who responds to the call with unctions. The faculty and administrators are the apathy tacitly supports the status quo. To the ctive guardians of the institution, and rightly so by student who responds with support ... Right on!!! itncount'" CotorIt important.
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