Page 77 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 77
MARCH ,1971 PAGE FIVE Let's Get It Straight HONEST DOUBT Ql1ZIItION: You are always Quoting the Bible as your author- Heart of Man: ity, yet you can't produce one shred of the original manu- ~7~!$s:~~h:s Bi~!e~ri~~:l~o you know that what you Quote AmWEll: During the great Chicago fire, many historic docu- ments were. destroyed, incl:Jding the original parcbments cf heart of darkness? the EmanCIpation Proclamation. Vet so many copies had been made by newspapers and libraries, and kept in differ- ~nt parts of the world, that by comparing one with another It was possible toarn"e at the exact. wording of the orig- mal document. ~------_ ~itiswiththeBibleman_ your salvation in' Jesus uscnptsnowextant. By care- Christ? ful C{)m~ri~on Of. one with Jesus said, "If any man a.nother, It IS possible to .ar- will do God's will, he shall !we at th.e. correct wording know of the dt>Ctrine, wheth- ~f the o.ngmal manuscripts er it be of God, or whether I The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil narcissism is based on things such as whiteness or of m all Important respects. speak of mvself." Isn't ita Erich Fromm U.S.A.ness or greekness. The third general type Where there are still unre- question whether you Harper and Row, 1964 of necrophelia is mother fixated incestuous r.:~~.a,~:'~a~it~fmf~;~~~n:~ I :~?e~;dif~:'~l~n~o~~.rn~i· )~~ 150 pages symbiosis. Very basically, this. is the pathological tureand affect 110 Important If that que~tion makes rou desire to return to the-womb, to mother or to any d~t:::,e;_~ ~~:~. difficulties I~~~:?~n:~:,~isu,~4~s~,?t71Ii~ by Keith Thur'low mother substitute. All normal people have varying with the R,blegoabitdeeper . makes YOU thoug'htfully an~ In his book, Heart of Man, Dr. Erich Fromm degrees of desires to return to the all-protecting. ~~~r:~;~~o~oru~;'e~n\O \'~~~ I r~~:~~t~~e~x~h!',~e ith~~a}~,; seriously looks at hate or love of death, its But the desire is pathological when the person is ~~~n;'ithl~~'! i~~h~a;~c 01u~~I~:~t~~ellt; ~::.IIN~~J.~~~ unable to distinguish between himself and the unconscious causes, and how it manifests itself in Bible that would r~uire you facing yoU!' readmg with the individual and social behaviour. He discusses an mother. There aren't two separate existences individual's freedom of choice and how much it is there is only him and his her together .:Oli~ ~~~~:]e~1'1~i~~~I~!V~~:~~~ i~~~~r:'~~~.?~th~~J,Sit~:,~~ affected by unconscious elements such as the and the ~ame. When his her is threaten~ he various types of love of death. feels a~xlOus. and he seeks to destroy the Fur free booklet. "WHY I RHUHE TIIH 81111.1:."write to His theory, based on clinical experience and threatening object. In adult life, people attach Box 327. RIl!G&m:w. N. J. 07&57. Dut.(i-a research, is a broadening of Freud's theories and it themselves ~othe nation, politcal party, religion or contents that man has two basic altitudes he can any protective organization. Outsiders can't be assume towards life. One he calls biophelia or love tolerated because they are threatening. Hatred and of life, or a progressive approach to life; the other fear of communism Fromm would consider to be a he calls necrophelia or love of death, a regressive pathological manifestation of incestuous symbiosis. approach to life and a positive reaction towards death, destruction, and decay. Before discussing at These three main forms of necrophelia are the What you should know about diamonds length the three general forms of necrophelia he source of hatred for life and they all render people unable to objectively see reality. They tend to occur when you know it's for keeps attributes various forms of violence to life- together and in their most advanced pathological manifesting causes. Violence resulting from such sources as frustration, jealousy, and revenge are stated they blend together to form the "syndrome actually positive life drives which have been turned of decay." Hitler and Stalin are men who reached ~ sour and w-hich seek expressive forms that drives pathological states and who possessed great power to spread death and destruction. which have been turned sour and whJc_h seek &1' expressive forms that won't be blocked. Possibly unconcious is what Fromm calls the "syndrome of side of out The opposite pole of this dreary much of the destruction done to college property The three main elements are biophelia growth." could be explained in this manner. Students meet unconquerable barriers life to their developing and independence and freedom. People achieving drives and they react according to th dictates of (Iove-of-Ilfe) ; love for neighbor andthe stranger; You\'e dream..J about your this pure state are our great wise men. Jesus Christ diamondcngagem.", ring a ,hou· their unconscious. >and ,im... lIu, nOW thai )"ou Very, very briefly, necrophelia is the love of is the most noted Western wise man. Most of us fall know il', fo, kttp •. ir. ,;m•. ,o death and decay. There is an unconscious love in some level tnbetween where biphelia and !'t:u,d';i~:;~d:na~d'~~~i~":~\'~!. necrophelta generally view for expression. Ik<;", .. no '''''' diamond. potential that exists within every individual, but it are e,,"ctly alike. jewelers h_3ve only manifests itself when environmental In the last chapter Fromm discusses the age old adop'..J exac'ing "andard"o de· question of, is man good or evil'? He discusses it in 'erminelherel"i"evalu.ofcach conditions are anti-life. Such conditions would be and e"ery diamond in the wo,ld. unloving parents or a continually frustrated terms of the psychological nature of man's freedom The .. ".ndard. include • di. mond', .i,e (caral weight), <010', childhood. Because necrophelia condition exists to to choose whether or not he will be evil or good. For cut.ndcl>rity. him, the essence of man is a contradiction which a certain extent in us all, There are many cultural manifestations of its existence. The popularity of every man must resolve for himself. On the one dead mechanical things, especially those that are ~and man is a part of nature in that he is subject to spectacular or use large quanities of energy such as Its laws and he is largely controled by his elements fast C(!fS, missles. tanks, rapid fire weapons; the and on the other hand lacks the build in popularity of killing and death in our amusements; instinctive apparatus of the other animals. What he even sports. How many times has the excited has intead is a brain and this brain enables him audience sports-fan yelled this comand to his hero- alone to be aware of his own existeance. But what to player, "Kick his ass, that's it, Kick it some more." do with this existance, that is the problem. There COLOR: Fine whilc diamond,are Un[_ortunately this love for things in too many people are two basic choices: attempting to regress to a , 6~~':r ~~~J~d;~'~~~'i!,~<":r~i~,g~1 becom_estheir only conception of love for people. As natural state (the hate of human life route) and to ~~~!n ;~~'~I><·:": blue. yellow. progress and develop all of his humanhood. Within Fromm says about necrophelic man in his regard for CUT: The nningYour[ng.~.mcnl.nd Wt"dding' destroyed since it is inconsistant with-the sensitive the subconscious and he has no part in them though self-image. On a social scale, this pathology is he may devise a rather sophisticated system of manifested in nationalism and religious fanaticism. rationalism to validate his unconcious decision. Wars are fought because of it. That is one reason Fromm basically believes man has te ability to why there are red-necks and other reactionary choose but he must work very hard to use it and to nationals. The poor white southern is an extremely really understand it. narcissistic person and every time some uppity Fromm's book is immensly refevent and back gets out of his_place, he must be ruthlessly put valuable because based on his research he has put down because he irriatates the delicate self-image forth a comprehensive theory to explain an the white man holds on to. Fromm states that there individual's evil acts, and the evil acts of entire are benign forms of narcissism that are centered societies. His work provides social planners and upon performance and accomplishment. Though a educators with new insights into the nature of our particular group of coaches may be narcissistic, distrought and violence tom society. But in they are narcissistic because of their championship addition, his work provides a basis for each and teams so they continue to-produce teams to unhold every liberal arts student to gain new insi,ght dnto their self-images. There is no danger to -mis type the mystery of his own mind. For this reason of narcissism. 'the danger develops when the everyone should read the bQokand then think about it. ,
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