Page 75 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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MARCH 8, 1971 I THE GOLD BUG' , PAlit;THREE Renaissance seeks re-birth for campus by Donna Herbst In an effort to unite the campus under a misconception that the RLC would present a Peaceful protest will follow if steps are not taken, humanitarian concept of love, a movement that has platform, but the reason behind the meeting was and civil disobedience will be used as a last resort if been coded Renaissance has been born at Western just to make the student body aware that there was measures are not instituted one way or another. Maryland. a student group with these interests," said Fred Rudman, in outlining the plan, commented Under the auspices of the Religious Life Council, ~Rudman. that "A non-violent movement is a pretty slow "Renaissance" was originated the Sunday Several issues were raised by the Religious Life process. It's backed by real emotionalism, but this preceding second semester at an all-dey meeting in Council: emotionalism is backed by realism." Rudman went New Windsor. The members of- the chapel .. student self-regulation. Rudman explained that on to say that part of the work involves opening up committee and RLC,_after discussing the role of the "We are trying to educate the campus and the campus comrnunlcations system. He stated that religious group on campus, decided that there is an administration that open housing is not the issue." the Renaissance is a movement of conscience and undeniable liturgical basis for becoming an activist "The issue, as he saw it, is sectional autonomy commitment, and that different factions on campus group rather than continuing as a passive without restrictions, or, allowing students to set need not hinder the accomplishment of the aims. organization who merely plan chapel services. their own limits on open housing on a 24-hour basis. Since the chapel service and meeting, four Using the emulation of Christ as this basis, the "This entails a great deal of responsibility on the meetings with Dr. Lowell Ensor have taken place, Religious Life Council decided on a love doctrine to students' part - we trust that the students will be up at which the role of the chapel committee, student- help spread the cause of student and community to it," said Rudman. self-rule, and students on the board of trustees were rights. .. senior oral comprehensives. Rudman: "It discussed. Dr. Ensor was concerned about the To kick off the program, the RLC .sponsored a seems grossly unfair that one day's performance means outlined by the council, but stated that he chapel service in Baker Memorial chapel two should be equivalent to four years work." would be most happy to participate in open weeks ago using passages from the Bible and .. student representation on certain committees, discussion. Dean Mowbray emphasized that he is contemporary quotes from such activists as Daniel including the board of trustees and the committee theoretically pro student self-rule, but that student Berrigan to emphasize the fssue of responsibility. that will elect the next president. The RLC responsibility would have to be recognized on a Approximately 110 students attended the service, expressed the opinion that students ought to be large scale. "many who had never been to chapel before," involved in college policy making. The Religious Life Council, in keeping with the according to Fred Rudman, one of the program's .. the Union Street situation. There is a concern ideas of the Renaissance movement, is planning an coordinators. Leading the program along with over the lack of benefits that black workers receive, open forum between students and administrators to Rudman were Sue Seney, Steve Judd, Steve including retirement pension and insurance take place within the next two months. At this Williams, and Chris wagner, all RLC members. policies. forum, "things would be presented in general Following the chapel service, a campus-wide The Religious Life Council, in seeking these terms" according to Fred Rudman, and if much of meeting was held that afternoon to present the new objectives, has stated that they will follow a four- the ground work has been completed, the objectives of the RLC. Fred Rudman estimated part policy of non-violence. First, it is necessary to propositions will be presented. Rudman expressed attendance at 120,but stated that many people'Ieft gather sufficient information and get the facts .that "Expediency will not serve to accomplish straight. Next, position papers on the various issues anything. Everything will be well thought-out, well the meeting because they didn't understand what will be constructed and presented to the proper documented, and presented in a reasonable the organization was trying to say. "There was a authorities, and negotiations will be handled. manner." Plays: r Summertree Indian scholar to speak Water hen Ron Cowen's Summertree will be presented at on Hinduism, Hesse Western Maryland College, Westminster, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 12, 13, and 14. A production of the college's department of A young Indian scholar and poet wiIllecture at dramatic art, Summertree is being directed by Tim Western Maryland College, Westminster, on Weinfeld. Mr. Weinfeld sees the playas "a poignant Thursday and Friday, March 11 and 12. drama of our times which touches the lives of all Professor P. Lal, lecturer in English at Calcutta Americans." University and St. Xavier's College in India, will Tickets, which are $1.00,go on sale in the Alumni give two talks on the campus. On Thursday at 7:30 Hall box office Monday, March 8. Box office hours p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall, Professor Lal will are one to four weekday afternoons. Curtain time discuss "The Hindu Concept of God." His second each evening for the Understage production is 8: 15 lecture, 10:00 a.m. Friday in Room 106 Memorial p.m. Summertree won the 1967-68Drama Desk Vernon :~~;il~ ~~~i~:JI~ti~~ho~~~~~:~n ~~!~:.'~sT~~ Rice Award. Critics said it marked "the impressive charge. debut of a talented playwright with an This semester the writer is visiting professor of unmistakable gift for theatre." While one called Indian Religion and Literature at Hofstra Surnmertree "direct, honest, funny, and human," University. This is the third time that he has been a another critic saw it as "an eloquent play about the visiting lecturer there. He also 'has lectured at 'tragedy of waste.'" Illinois University. Professor Lal was awarded the TOWSON STATE THEATRE Jawaharlal Nehru the Fellowship in 1969-70 to and trans create Mahanarayana Towson State Theatre will present the American Brhadaranayaka Upanisads and the Padma Shri in premiere of "The Water Hen" by Stanislaw Ignacy 1970. He is editor of The Miscellany, a bimonthly Witkiewicz, beginning Tuesday, March 2 and book-magazine published by Writers Workshop in continuing through Saturday, March 13. Curtain is __'IIIIIIII Calcutta. Professor La1 also is the author of several at 8:30 p.m., with no performances scheduled on ... works in addition to those which are poetry. He also Sunday and Monday, March 7 and 8. The play will has been editor of several anthologies and be presented in the Towson State College Studio textbooks and is the author of works of literary Theatre, on the college's campus located on York Professor P. Lal criticism as well as collections of his poetry. Road in Towson, Maryland. Tickets may be reserved by phoning 823-7500,extension 624. Witkiewicz wrote and painted in his native Alumni offers hospitality Poland in the 1920'S, before even remote popular acceptance of the now-revered Beckett and Picasso. Consepuently, the avant-garde plays of For undergraduates and alumni, a new feature seniors Carol Graves and Darlene Richardson. Witkiewicz, which also include "The Madman and has been added by the Alumni Association for This year, coffee was served in Harrison House the NWl" end "The Pragmatists," were produced another use of Harrison House. Recognizing the from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on home football weekends. only in small experimental theatres. With much need to accommodate alumni and students whose The same will be continued next season. However recent interest in the largely ignored plays of parents visit the Hill on Saturday and Sunday the new plan is to accommodate those students whc Witkiewicz, there have been, and will continue to afternoons, Harrison House has been made wish to visit with their parents in a iĀ„ace other than be, many new productions of his works outside available 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the dorms. Of couse the same applies to alumni Poland, both in professional and educational Those familiar with the Alumni House know that visiting the Hill on weekends. theatres. there are lounges on the first floor as well as rest The plan went into effect December 12. "The Water Hen" was written in 1921 and has facilities. A place to freshen up, have a cup of coffee Occasionally intervening meetings restrict having been translated into English by Daniel C. Gerould and be hosted by chosen undergraduates and some the Open House plan in effect both days of the and C. S. Durer. Mr. Gerould will be on the Towson local alumni is now available. weekend. The Alumni Association welcomes this State campus on March 4 and 5 in connection with The three stlf8'ents~helping'with 'the innovation opportunity of being of service to graduates as well the college's production. Paul Berman has directed are: Michelle Catington, whose father, Col. James as providing a meeting place for students whose "The Water Hen" with sets by G. Mark Halpin, Douglas Catington is an alwnnus. In addition are parents are visiting. "I. :'u ,.,. .,Ju.,"
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