Page 72 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 72
FEBRUARY 15, 1971 PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG PEACE, WAR One man's opinion: AND THE CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE By Jooeph Fahey Has apathy overtaken concern in war? by Tom Yingling Another rhetorical question, and perhaps a more Under the ambiguous and dubious guise of deeply disturbing and perplexing one, to come out speeding: American withdrawal from Vietnam, of the latest military adventure is: why were Saigon forces with U.S. air support invaded Laos in American journalists forced by embargo to early February, nine months after the allied withhold news of the operation until after it was Peaee600klel invasion of Cambodia. underway') It certainly could not have been for The Chrislophen Now is not the time for us to argue right or wrong security, because Soviet and Japanese newspapers Deportment SC about the war. All of the points on both sides have carried the story days before Americans were told. 12 Eost4Sth Street Or if it was a mistake that the Soviet and Jpanese NewYork,N.Y.l0017 been enumerated for years, and those of us who are capable of decision have decided. A much more pess uncovered the story, why was the embargo not bobby's serious question has been raised by this new then lifted, and the truth told to the American offensive. Is there no one in public life who will people? Even militarists must be outraged by such hobby speak unadulterated truth, who will free himself of practices which, inen analagous situation, if Nixon were a doctor or a lawyer, would be considered unterior motives? When the allied invasion of Cambodia began, lobby President Nicon gave his assurance of a unethical. question of responsible government The withdrawal date, and promised that the invasion transcends even the arguments for responsive was by no means' an escalation. His promise of a and/ or unmilitaristic government. Also at the very 65 east main st. 848·4350 withdrawal was kept, but we can now see that the core is American listlessness and forgetfulness, invasion set an unfortunate precedent for often confused with apathy, so maybe in nine more months when we invade North Vietnam in order to ,""===::::==========:-11 but now it becomes the third country in Indochina to bring home for withdrawal-we won't even realize ARTS escalation. Laos was an officially neutral country, MODELS CRAFTS victory is a more troops-surely MODEL CAR RACING prerequisite be torn by Washington-Hanoi hostilities. it. In 1967, at the peak of American involvement, f General Westmoreland wanted President Johnson to order an invasion of Laos in order to sever the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Johnson chose instead to begin de- escalation at that time. Not that President Nixon has promised withdrawal, and is slowly What you should know about diamonds accomplishing: it, the invasion has started. There • . U.S. troops withdraw. Remember speaks to invade when you know it's for keeps seems to be nothing that Nixon, who is calling the shots regardless of the fact that no American troops .. are on Laotian soil, cannot do under the catch-all philosophy of strengthening South Vietnam while the Bombing? If the operation is successful, the Vietcong would . be in a vulnerable position. The next logical step would be for the Saigon government North Nixon of de- Vietnam. While actions prove otherwise. It is clear that we are now, You',·. drramro ~b<>UlYOUT escalation and continues to discount victory, his diamond ~ng.g.m<:nl 'ing a thou· as ever, commited to military victory in southeast Asia. Here is the problem every American faces, regardless of his military conviction or non- f~:ld'~~~~~~~i;,~~:~~1t~~i~i conviction. We have in office a golden-throated 8«:."", no ''''0 di.mond. aT. '>3"ly .Iike. je,,'d~'" h3\'. president who speaks in sugar coated euphemisms, ~~r"!i'~~ ~:~:~t:.~'~~I'~~'o:oe:Ch but his breath reeks of bullshit. This is a problem and every di.mond in Ihe world tantamount to the momentary fact of the war. Can The"" st.nd .. d, include 3 di.· mond', ,i" (can' weight), color. the most prominent elected official, who we are eu,.ndd.,il¥. expected to respect, be allowed to crate and act in contrary fashions? Much of the disenchantment in our time is purported to be connected with a lack of respect, but how can we respect what is not virtuous? NEWS BRIEFS COLOR; Fine white diamond, ore Sophs sponsor experimental theatre production 6~~:r ':~~J;.d i~a~~~';~'~<~r~;rgl,ri ,heir "'orlh arc: blue, yello", bTo",n and black CUT: Th< wi of 3 diamond-'he ~~~~~~~:r~~:,O~U):,~~!g~2::?:~ * The Poe's Courtyard Theatre company wil. * Harrison House, the alumni association of corrcct<.u,re<:,u'y.bril. present their production of Frederick Jaines' play Western Maryland college, is preparing to fianccandv.lue Your 1(e<:p"'hJe",.k, has introduce an undergraduate vocational lectures • The New Chautauqua Saturday, February 20 at CL,\RITY; n"ermine'ionb1'a,.-.inoJqe was originally written by Mr. James for the specified fields of interest. The program will begin CARAT: A diamond', .if. i, experimental Any Place Theatre in Minneapolis .. February 23 at 2:15 with talks by a journalism and m<3."'('('1 in <3, .... A,adiamond an banking: emplpyees. AU lectures will be held in inCTe.scs;n.ile.i"pric ... ·il1 There are no sets or costumes, and a minimum Harrison House. A schedule of information will be in""""" "eI' more;f 'he qualily number of props are used. Tem.;ns const.nt. BUI_large' d,.· available later. mond,of 'nl"iorqual"1'm.y ac The company of ten actors will share some fifty tual1)' 1><' "'otlh leu ,hon ,m.II ... speaking parts throughout the sixteen scenes in this pcrfC
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