Page 71 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 71
FEBRUARY 15, 1971 THE GOLD BUG ,PAGE 3 Comment: The,end justifies 7 Letters to the Editor Ed. Note: The following poem was sent to Madelyn express joyousness; and on all imaginable articles The proposals were made. Campus-wide of personal use. And yet it has no definite tran- meetings were called, talk of student protests Long from her son, who is stationed in Vietnam. slation, or rather, perhaps, almost any translation Bell, medic of 3rd platoon It was written by "Doc" andwas circulated, threats to increase action Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 50i Infantry, IOlst will do. It is a greeting and a farewell; it expresses were made, and plenty of letters to the editor Airborne Division. the feeling of the heart whether that be the ordinary were written. The proposals were passed. courtesy of hospitality or the tender sympathy of Reaction ranged from sighs of relief to yells of J landed in this country, personal affection. And no one could fail to respect a word that adapted itself to so many uses and did happiness. The proposals were made and the One year of life to give, so much down- right hard work. If your friend loses proposals were passed. But what happened in . My only friend a weapon, his wife, you send him Aloha, if he gets married between? And my only prayer, to live. again, you send him Aloha, if you pay a visit, your The middle of October saw the formulation I walked away from freedom, first word is Aloha, and with Aloha you bow of the student regulations committee, a body And the life that I had known, yourself out." which professed to be trying to represent I passed the weary faces It was therefore quite natural for the Class of 1893 Of the others going home. student interests. After they drew up the to adopt this word as the name of their yearbook and on the cover sheet they explained why they had initial proposals, the SRC members Boorne Rats, Boonie Rats, chosen it announced their ideas to the student body, Scared but not alone, True, when, in 1896, the second class to publish a stating the necessity of making this a "more 300 days more or less, printed yearbook named theirs, they used part of natural, less contrived atmosphere of making Than I am going home. their class yell , of which they were apparently quite this a "more natural, less contrived proud, and broke from what had been started in atmosphere to live in." Emphasis was placed The first few days were hectic, 1893. But the next printed yearbook, 1899, returned As they psyched my mind for war, on seeing the policies passed through the I often got the feeling, to the original name, and, since then whenever a Western Maryland College yearbook has been proper college channels, with an ultimatum They are trying to tie the score. published, it has borne the name Aloha. delivered that if action was not taken within a The first day with my unit, Surely by this time the name has become a the patioJfJ month's time, the student regulation We climbed a two chick hill, tradition, and one wonders if it is not a tradition committee would" take full responsibility for To find an enemy soldier that should be followed, particularly when it will be organizing a meaningful student protest to To capture, wound or kill. hard to find another name that so well fits the 'achieve our aims." The exact nature of a Boonie Rat, Boonie Rat, purpose of a class yearbook. "meaningful student protest" was never Scared but not alone. Samuel B. Schofield, '19. disclosed, and since it never materialized, it is 200 days, more or less, hard to tell what might have happened if the Then I am going home. entire issue had not been compromised and put off thrugh the complicated committee The air was hot and humid, system. The ground was hard and dry, November came, and discussion of the Ten times I cursed my rucksack, issues was heavy. Most of the student body And wished that I could die. seemed inclined to agree with the proposals, Boonie Rat, Boonie Rat, as evidenced ill the poll taken by the SRC to Scared but not alone, determine student opionion. The majority of roo-days more or less, students backed the resolutions, and with this Then I am going home. phone 848..5860 behind them, the SRC headed for confrontation with the administration. We learned to look for danger, In the trees and on the ground, December came. And went. Nothing more We learned to shake with terror, than "The proposals are being considered" When we heard an A-K round. ESHELMAN'S was said. January came, and also left without Strike Force is our motto, any more said. Finally February 10 brought Airborne, is our cry, SHOES about full administrative acknowledgement of Freedom is our mission the policies. For this we do or die. ·The Finest in Footwear The sad thing is that such a display of interest, which in itself was a refreshing Boonie Rat, Boonie Rat, 23 EAST MAIN ST. Scared but not alone, change from the usual campus mood, was 50 days more or less, replaced with a kind of hopeful apathy. The Then I am going home. WESTMINSTER, MD. campus was content to sit back and let a Phone 848-3606 handful of people discuss the issue. Maybe it Boonie Rat's a legend, was this diminishing of visible enthusiasm For now and time to come, that kept the proposals from reaching a Whenerever there are soldiers, They'll speak of what we've done, swifter conclusion. Maybe the answer to the They say there always will be a war, DAVIDS JEWELERS too-long lapse of time between October's I hope they are very wrong, proposals and February's answers lies within To the Boonie Rats of Viet Nam, wmc college rings gifts the slowness of the committee system. The J dedicate this song. panasonic expert point is, that there WAS a long time between the resolutions and the end result. How long Boonie Rats, Boorne Rat, keepsake does it take to consider three questons? Scared but not alone, Today I see my freedom bird, diamonds DMH Today I'm going home 19 East: Westminster,:. TO THE EDITOR: Main Street Maryland The Federal service entrance examination will I read with considerable disappointment the be given on a walk-in basis on February 20, 8:30 announcement in the Goldbug of November 16 that a.m. to seniors and graduate students in any the 1971 yearbook would bear some other name academic major. than the traditional one, Aloha. GIRLS When the first printed yearbook was planned in ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SUMMER Jl top hat President Lewis' account of his trip around the Applicants are eow being considered for the 1971 were familiar with 1893, Western Marylanders COUNSELING POSITION? the world. All were impressed with his writing of his discovery of a word in Hawaii. And this was long camp season. before Hawaii became a favorite place for tourists Must be able to leach one of the following: and also long before the popular son using the same drive in About the word word as a title was published. Tennis Archery, Tennis, Director, Golf, Director, Aloha, Dr. Lewis wrote as follows: "And one other Arts and Crafts Director, Dancing, Music, Theater DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP word must be noticed for its exquisite beauty, both Trampoline, Cheerleading, Riflery, Scout Craft and. FOUNTAIN SUBS of sound and sense, it is Aloha. Could any syllable Nature Study, A.R.C. Swimming Instructor, SmaU breathe more delicious music or suggest mo-e Craft Instructor .or General Athletics. Secretary and Open 24 hours man-sat tender significance? And just what it sounds Ii). '~ Bookkeeper also needed. closed sun. 3am·· 11pm means-Aloha. It meets you everywhere. Over ,. Write Camp Director, 2409 Shellydale Drive, rout!;! 140 phone 876-1030 doorway, to give welcome; .on illuminations, .to Baltimore, Maryland 21209
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