Page 21 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 21
OCTOBER 19, 1970 GOLD BUG PAGES leHersto the editor- To the Editor Maggie Ellis ends her letter to the editor with the question "are we so backward and beind the times that we can't even make a start?" I'm afraid it's a near yes ... and the persons responsible for this stagnant situation are the least noticed most unobtrusive ... cronies of slow change and neglibile reform. I'm talking about the ad- ministration's right hand ... the women's cccncu and the individual house councITs. - Admittedly it's a huge responsibility ... representing all the women on campus in bi-weekly meetings with the dean of women ... except that these "elected" represen- tatives don't really do that. As a non voting participant for one year on women's council, I watched a . hopeful group of notorious "liberals" mold themselves and thereby mold hundreds of others in a precut prefab moral pattern - with rules iby laws to rules: Any creativity was stifled into bureaucratic "presentable': form . for the administration ... in other words, water-ed down and compromised .... As for r.epresentation, the motions described above are so clouded in exception and conditims that the bulk of those "represented" vote carelessly, not at all, or leave it up to the "representative". What is drawn from this is that the entire elective system is useless because it does not fulfill it's function. II a law-making elite is desired, call it not' call it representation Cases in point of ineffectual and impotent rules and regulations: a "liberal" key system not put into effect until two weeks - a.fter school started, requiring a women to sign and initial no less than three times eacn time she requests a key, plus comply with one page of key regulations and the offenses connected with late minutes for curfew; an outmoded overnight permission system wherein a woman student acquires a permission status as a freshman and keeps it until her parents write to the dean of women to change it, plus 'compliance with a series of on signing out, sealed envelopes, and change of colored pin; and 'study hours requiring freshman women to sign out the. dorm between the hours of seven to ten each weeknight for only two destinations, the library or club meetings. Three examples of outmoded rules for every occasion that are always worked around in cases of Street. Many of those houses are rented by the college and To The Editor: smarter, individual-thinking women. Women's upkeep is either non-existent or minimal, according to i must confess that I seldom see The Gold Bug these council has made it easy for house councils to punish what I have been told. If nothing else, I would liketo see days, although I was a member of the' fraternity that 'offenders ci whatever rule though by offering a list of WMC students volunteer to fix up the houses the college established its ancestor, The Black and White, years ago. "suggested punishments for offenders" from which a My attention was called to the current Freshman issue, farcical imitation of "judgment by peers" (an effective Sincerely, however, when an angry citizen, knowing that I am an administrative cover tool to put the whole system over on Roy A. Johnson alumnus, waved the front page in my face with the women students in the first place) can choose the ap- question, "what kind of a college is this?" No amount of .propriate verdict. No matter if an individual, though To The Editor: reference to the better materials inside could convince unwillingly still within the system, makes a "mistake" While silting in Mr. Rice's office Wednesday, October 7. this individual that the cover page is not (in my opinion) and perhaps "regrets" it for the system then admits the waiting to talk to him concerning a meat order, Iread the representative of the College. need of a martyr and I quote, " ... at least to show Gold Bug dated October 5, concerning food at the College As a one-time editor-in-chief of the Aloha, and for the other girls." Any woman who accepts a punish- I have spent twenty five years in the meat business as several years a "class agent" for the Alumni Association, ment on these gr-ounds isa fool. The final intellectual insult salesman and later as Treasurer and Sales Manager of may Iconstructively suggest the hope that this particular Hahn's of Westminster. I have seen many college food illustration is not indicative of the editorial tone of the ~~a~~~ ~~~ ~~~~itiooof s~~~~~ ~;!~h~~' o~s ~t~~:; operations and met most of the stewards in colleges, college newspaper for the year. A college journal has such afraid to accept responsibility for themselves be it in hospitals, hotels etc., in the Maryland and Washington, a potential for improving the image of the Alma Mater thearea of curfew, open house, or study hours. There is no D.C. area. Those that I have not met personally I hear and for directing the attention of the student body to the excuse for women 01 college age to elect token about often as we have two salesmen who do nothing but many fine emphases that I know Western Maryland to 'representatives who in turn spend ninety sell the institutional trade. have. Sincerely, per cent of each council "meeting" foolishly sitting I was positively shocked as I read the two articles Gerald E. Richter around thinking of rules to impose upon themselves and concerning the food at the College. WMC '26 others. And there certainly is no excuse for college I think if you had an opportunity to eat at other schools women to allow themselves to be gislated your opinion would change rapidly. THE GOLD BUG against in an undesirable system where it is not necessary All meat packers make several grades of various to willingly and unthinkingly obey rules which strip products because there is demand for top quality, medium them of their right to decide their own lives. It is the in- quality and poorer quality. Published bi-weekly, except during vacations and dividual who is responsible for herself ... be it curfew, Western Maryland College buys nothing but the best exams, by and for the students of Western Maryland study hours or open house. It is wrong to accept a han- quality only that we or any other packer sells. I can not College. dicap such as weak and procrastinating councils' to say this for too many other college accounts. QUite a few invent bylaws to an already rruserable situation. It is look for some of the lesser priced products to stay within a wrong to fall in to the pattern and then intimidate others tight budget. I am not criticizing them as you can only STAFF for fear of making waves. It is right, I beleive, to think for spend what is allowed, but only bringing ouLthat your -nesetr and assume personal respons ibility. As school never mentioned this to me or any Hahn Editor in Chief - Michael Shultz system will not always be available to assume it for the tepresentative since we nave been dealing with the Associate Editor Richard Anderson Cathy ShtLItz Business Manager cowardly individual who refuses it now and there Wherever you travel in the area I previously mentioned will be even less time after college to start. Respon- you hear nothing but complimentary remarks concerning A.dvertising Managers M~ ~:;:; siblility is an overplayed word here ... because at Western the abilities of Mr. Rice. Everyone in the business who Typing Editor Lynn Tarbutton know and even many who have only heard of him have the Chrio Bothe, Joel Kehm, Dllve Korbonlt., Tim Smith, carol Bilrker, :~;:laf~mCo~~~i~~~~~eto o~~f~~ tOa~:r~~~A~lI~kin~ utmost respect for his ability in the field of stewards and Clilrke, Su,le Aye~, Grell Greg Hermann, Belinda l,..vy, Rosanne Milrthil Blrnel, Jilnet Tinger, BOndI., Jackie assumeitfor oneself.. Think for yourself. Do it now. caterers. PlnOnl., l,.lnd. VilUllh, Pat l,.Ogan, Anne StUbblefield, Nellie Mary Rutledge Your varied menu looks more like a hotel menu than Arrington, l,.a' McNilmee, l,.anny Swift, Ma'Slarel Ellil, college and if you grew up with just average means as I ~i~I~:m S~~~~a.,,:' Clrol wud, Tom VlnglinSl, Mark corke, To The Edltor: did, you probably didn't eat nearly so good at home. If you In the last issue of the Gold Bug I noticed a photo caption did you were the exception to the rule. on HOPE. We appreciate your interest and publicity. As My conclusion to these articles is that the person or Address all mail to: one of the founders and as Vice President, let me express persons who wrote them could in my opinion be a lot more Box 352 my appreciation. factual if they just became more knowledgeable about the Western Maryland College I would like to point out one error. The house is located food business. Westminster, Maryland, 21157 on Union St., not Charles. It is just off campus and in full Ifrankly am of the opinion you have one of the best food Entered II _ond cills matte. at the Pod Office, We.tminlter view of students. operations in this area. Maryillmt, 21151. SecondclIss postaSle p.ld ill Weltmin.t.r. One other point. I have been wondering why the Yours truly, students of WMC do not exert pressure on the ad- HAHN'S OF WESTMINSTER SUBSCRIPTION-$S.OO yearly. ministration to cease functioning as a "slumlord" in the . Henry F. Redmere w3f_th:r )}r:r-etu?te the substandard housing on Union Treasur~r - Sales Manager.
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