Page 99 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 99
April 27, 1970 page 3 Students plant trees in Campus curfew rumor earth day celebration squelched by Mowbray by Cathy Shultz Wednesday, April 22, was declared National Earth Day, Dean Mowbray squelched the rumor that there was a U.S,A" and In keeping with the occasion, Western Mary- 2:30 campus curfew In a recent GOLD BUG Interview. land's chapter of Tri-Beta sponsored a tree plant in Man- Any student is subject to belngstoppedbythe Pinkerton chester, a town located ten miles north on Manchester man and asked to provide identification that will prove Pike, he is a student, the Dean explained. However, he added, The tree plant was designed to provide erosion con- once identified the student may continue with his activities. trol for a hill side that was too steep to cultivate, Natur- The reason for these checks, accordin'g to Dean Mow- ally the hill side is covered in grass, but this has two bray, is to keep off-campuspeoplefromwanderingaround main disadvantages. First of all, in a real bad "wash" the the campus late at night. The Dean hopes that this crack- roots of the grass won't hold the soil, and once erosion down will stop the increase tn vandattam, tire theft, and starts itisverydifficulttostop,SecondlY,the grass grows theft from the dorms. Mowbray noted that he really had three or fourfeethighinthesummer, and it creates a bad no way of knowing whether students or non-students were fire hazard, Both of these problems are eliminated by responsible for these acts. Emphasizing that the Pinker- planting the hill in pine because the pine root system will ton checkwas for the benefit of students. the Dean said that hold the soli and pine stays permanently green, those students tbat the Pinkerton man recognized would Students signed up to plant trees for hour long periods not even be stopped. starting at 9:00 a.m, and continuing until4:00p,m, School Dean Mowbr-ay had to have two local drunks arrested buses were provided to carry students to and from the recently to get them off campus late one night. In another site, incident, he had to ask three off-campus people sleeping Once at the tree planting site, the boys were handed in the grille to leave the campus. The three were guests mattocks and the girls were handed sman.foot mgn trees of students who had failed to find them sleeping quarters. wrapped up l1ke small tomato plants, • The Dean pointed out that the student center was not for sleeping and that students were responsible for their A long rope wa~strung from the guide tree down the hill and every eight feet or so there was a little black piece guests. of tape. At each tape mark a boy-gtr t team was stationed, In answering the charge that thegrillewasbeing locked We all received a brief lesson on how to plant a pine tree at I :00 a.m., the Dean explained that this was completely and then they turned us loose, The guys would dig a hole untrue. He added that the coffee house section, however, and the girls would stick in a tree. Then the rope was was being locked at 2:00 a.m. "This is the decision of moved to the next guide tree and the entire line of teams the SGA, that is to say, tbe cectston of Dan Wiles, coffee foUowed and piantedanother tree at the black mark, We an house committee chairman, and this office," Mowbray had a lot of fun complaining about the stickers and mak- explained. ing brilliant witicisms about Carroll County farm life, The Dan Wiles later explained that the Pinkerton man had girls were the only ones who had to do any work because yet to throw anyone out. they had to put a tree inthe hole that the guys conveniently Dean Mowbray cautioned that it might be necessary to located in as many stieker-s as they couto nno, lock the student center in the future if damage to the Before any of us had a chance to get-bored with physical grille continues. So far all student damage to the grille labor, the planners rushed us off to our waiting bus, and we has been handled by the Dean's office and not through all rode home feeling like we had done a fine day's work. the courts. The Dean hinted that this policy may change to send non-stu- and added that he "would not hesitate Dr. Kerschner masterminded the whole thing, including dents to the courts." cookies and lemonade for the hungry hands to eat and The girls were the only ones who had any work "The Company, of course, has the rigbt to take drink. Debbie Bell, WMC co-ed. Macke anyone to court for theft or damage to their machines," Prince resigns due to pressure from above; forsees Dean Mowbray continued. The micro-wave theft, accord- ing to Mowbray', is still in police hands and he has not been informed of any new developments. confrontation of faculty and move toward mechanism by Mike Shultz E. W. "Woody" Prince, assistant professor of psy- c-wno is responsible for this change? chology, is leaving his position here because he was re- A-I don't feel anyone person has enough power to make fused tenure. the changes that are coming forth. It seems to be this ap- The psych teacher came up for tenure this fall. He said proach has to have support from part of the faculty and ad- that he was refused because he did not have a Ph. D, He ministration. However, I sense a resistance building a- added that he had been offered a contract on a year to mong another part of the faculty and I rorsee some in- year basis, but after a lot of thought refused it. fighting before this is over. Two factions, call them the Prince said that until the last year there were many humanists and the mechanists if you wish, have peace- professors with tenure who did not have a Ph, D. degree. Iully co-existed in the past but now we seem to be heading This year several professors were reviewed for tenure, for a confrontation. .L but Prince pointedoutthathewastheonly one in the group Q-What are some examples of this mechanistic approach that neither had his doctorate nor was working on it, He you mentioned? how- t!- ) said that when he began teaching here there was no pres- A-First there is a big push now for Ph. D.s. This is sure to get the advanced degree and he could put his being done in the name of profe sstona l excellence, energies into teaching, The psych teacher felt that he ever, the Ph.D. is a research degree and it won't neces- should have been given some warning that he would have sarily make you a tetter teacher. The legitimate goal of Dean Mowbray: There's a possibility that student dam- to work on his doctorate. keeping up with your field can be accomplished by other age to grille may be handfed by courts. Assistant professor Prince has an M.A. in psychology methods (I,e. study on your own, attending professional from West Virginia University and has been teaching meetings, reading journals, etc.) I'm not against taking Dichotomy and Butterfield entertain college for five years, Befor'e he got his psych. degree more courses, I'm against being forced to get a degree he was a civil engineer. Hespenttwoyears on the Gemini that's more related to research than teaching. project with McDonnell Aircraft, He has a B,S, in Civil Secondly, I see more emphasis on, and pressure to do, as prices plague May weekend Engineering from West Virginia University and an M.S. research and to publish and I have yet-to find a direct in the same field from North Carolina State, He is active cause and effect relationship between abiUty to do re- In the Civil Air Patrol and was a Captain in the Air Force. search and write books and ability to teach. The prime The annual May Weekend festivities sponsored by the In an Interview Wednesday, AprIl 22, Prince answered business of schools and especially small colleges like SGA will begin Friday, May I and continue through Sunday, several questions about why he was leaving and what he W.M.C, is teaching. Unfortunately it seems that some May 3. felt about the school. educators have gotten so wrapped up in playing academic An open party Friday night at big FrockS will inlttfi(e Q-Why are you leaving? games and looking for prestige that they forgot that the the weekend. Dichotomy, a band, will provide the music. A-I'm leaving because I was required by W.M.C. to get job of a teacher is teaching. I'm not against research Tickets will cost $1.50 a person with an SGA card and a Ph,D. and I didn't want to commute to Washington for and publications, I just feel that a man should not be held $3.00 without. Couples only. They may be bought in advance years to accomplish this. Also under this system I felt back in the teaching field because he doesn't publish or for both Friday and Saturday nights from Chris Spencer, that my teaching wculu surrer since getting the Ph, D, was spend his time in research, Jeff Davis, Sue Phoebus, Barbie Payne or Mike Wein- made a matter of my professional survival. If there was Other evidence of a tightening system can be seen In blatt. a conflict of interests I know my energy would be direct- attempts to put more rigid rules on teachers (I,a. sche- On Saturday. May 2, there will be a free outdoor art ed towards my studies other than teaching, duling of classes). Now I'm not about to')say do away wittl exposition in front of Baker Chapel between 11 a.m , and Q-Where are you going and what will you do? and rules, and I in no way favor anarchy and chaos but I 5 p.m. In conjunction with tbe art exhibit, which will A-I'm going to West Virginia University. I'll be teach- am in favor of the least amount of structure to get the feature works of W,M,C. and other colleges' students, ing one graduate level course per semester and working job done. A person is more creative when he is free to there will be a rock band playing In the exhibit area and on my Ed. D. in counseling, move on his own t.ha n when he is hemmed in. mime and puppet shows wm be presented. le~~~ere there any other factors that caused yo~ to Q-What do you feel W.M.C. should be like then? The Butterfield Blues Band will give a concert In Eng- A-W.M,C. is a liberal arts college and should take an jar Dining HaU at 8:30 p.m , Saturday, Admittance will be A-The Ph.D, requirement was the prime reason, how- over an numantsttc approach. Now, I am not against struc- $1.50 per person with an SGA card and $3.00 without, ever, I see some trends starting here that bother me. ture and certain sctenunc methods, I spent six years in Paul Butterfield Blues Band ts worto renownror tts inter- The school seems to be moving away from a humanistic engineering school obtaining two degrees and then worked pretation of blues. The band is noted for its type concerts. approach toward more of a rigid mechanistic system. seven years in the field before' changed to Psychology. The dress to the concert will be casual. Also, I sense an attempt here to copy the style of larger 1 simply believe that the prime approach of a school that Concluding the main activities of theweekendwill be an universities in that research and publications are being claims to be a liberal arts college should be humarustto, SGA sponsored movie, "Elvira Madigan" on Sunday night pushed more and more. This is not the kind of atmosphere not rigid and mechanistic. You allow more tolerance In a at 8:00 p.m, The cost will be 50~ per person with SGA In which I can best operate. human ~1i1gqlia'n you co trra bridge. card and $1.00 without.
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