Page 104 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 104
the Baseball, golf, league contenders Linksman Young undefeated After defeating their first six opponents by lopsided margins, the WMC golf team was upset by Hopjdns, 10 1/2-7 1/2, on Hopkins' home course. The team's 6::1 record ts still the best first-half record In their history, but the loss naturally ended hopes for the first undefeat- ed season since the team's beginning. The first six matches saw the Terrors defeat mckm- son.Jumata, Delaware Valley, Shepard, Mt.St.Mary'sand America U. in that order. All the matches were easily won by the WMC golfers despite the fact that most of the teams are ranked .as ravorttes in their respective con- ferences. During the llrst seven matches, numerous WMC gQU records have fallen including: most consecutive wins 1n a season (6); lowest round on an away course (73-2 over par, by Roger !oung vs, Hopkins): and lowest total stro- kes at home (53 vs 4merlcan U and Mt. st. Mary's). Rather than recap every match In detail It would be easier to list the Individual records and accomplish- ments. Bin. Dayton--{5-2)--not haVing his best year but sUli the man to beat in the MAC and M-D conferences. "Play- er of the Match" vs, Juniata. Roger Wynkoop--(6-1)--"Player of the Match" vs. American U. Can not say much because he's writing this article. Roger Young-{7-0)--haVingaphenomenal season. Leads team in every category. Roger will be a strong contender " for both the MAC andM-Dcrowns. "Playerof the Match" vs. Dlcldnson. Tom Trlce--(5-2)--dolng a great job in the number 4 position. Tom's swing looks better than ever and wlll ?roVide strong support In the coming tournaments. Captain Billy Dayton-Possible Conference Champ? John Nesbltt--{5-2)--havlng his best year yet. "Player of the Match" vs, Delaware VaUey.Johnhas been medalist Spring football underway on several occasions and will be a factor In tournament play. Cary Jones--(5-2)--does a good job holding down the dominate the spring Once again it's spring, and sports rear. Cary's solid performance has kept several matches thing. After being shut in all winter, the athletes are get- from being close. Coaches Ron Sisk and Bob Erb remain optimistic about ting out onto the fields. Among lacrosse, baseball, tennis, going the rest of the way undefeated and bringing home at and track, spring football is in high gear, spring ball is a valuable train- With a two fold propose, least one championship, The coaches have done an out- Ing aid. First for the new comers, It teaches the basic standing job so far In knowing where to play everyone and sldUs and gives them an idea of college football. And for organizing the logistical aspects of the season. the old veterans it helps them get back in shape and pick up a few new skills with new plays. Western Maryland has a number of coaches, helping The intramural scene to shape a prospective team. Starting wfth head coach Ron Jones, there a-re also anumberofold and new assist- Piemen squash Animals ant coaches. Now coaching are Rick Carpenter, Rich White, Major Curcio, Bill Fanning and new from West- minster High, Bud Gettemy. Other new assistants are It's once again that time of year when softballs arch Keith Porter, Jon Seaman, and Don Jancewskl. a.o.d gracefully over the center fielder's head, Yes, sports The spring team will be laden ww. lre-sltm~ sopho- The spring team will be ladenwltlJfreshmenand !ans, Its Intramural Softball season, This year, with more teams than ever before, the season covers nve weeks, more talent, Some returntng mamstops are F'red Kfemla, Ten teams go Into action this week; the Gamma Bete, Jim Nopplos, Roy SkIles, Larry (eene, mobile and vlrUe) Preacher, Bachelor, and Black and White first teams Garro, Jim Patiitucci, Fred Lawrence, Wayne(Somerez- and also the Animals, the Black and White second team, fish) Sommers, Arn Hines and Ken Bowman. the snent Majority, the GBX Association, the Fourth Also, the new members of the teamhavea good chance Floor D.O.'s and the Rouzer Reacttonarvs. of breaking in the lineup. Playing ends are Steve Haja, Little more needs to be said about the frat rlvalrys Tony Oceanrlder and Craig Weller. From BJC comes Bill except that the games look to be small wars and I thank Powers, a powerful prospect at halfback. With mod desire running in their veins, the attitude and a never-say-die God I'm not umptrtng any of them. Although they may be participants plan to pick up critical skills and valuable better playing teams, outside of a Vince Vidor, Joe Slert, training for the 1970 football campaign. Larry Luv, or Latrell Jones the frat teams lack the box- ofl1ce personalities which draw out the fans. Closing the spring season, the annual green-white The fourth floor has a double advantage in that they scrimmage, popularly known as the toilet bowl, will take have a good playing team and plenty of personalities. They place May 1, on Hoffa field. Analysis of the films of this star Marv "Pheasant Man" Bayne at pitcher, Jim "Huff- scrimmage will provide the coaching starr with a head in planning the fall campaign. start er" Harne at thtr-d, and «stock': Joe Zick at second. The team seems to think they can go all the way, and have the talent to give it a good try. Womans VB at 4-3 The Animals, wtth Zippy at second, Ron P at thJrd and Greg "Spunky" Barnes on the mound, got off to a slow start, losing to the FAA first team 14-1, but show pro- mise and will certainly help keep alive the tradition of playing for the fun of It. The women's volleyball team has chalked up three wins But the big game wit undoubtedly be the battle for the against two losses in the past twoweeksto give a present country's pOUtical dominance between the Silent Majority 4-3 record, Coached by Miss Carol Fritz, the team has and the Rouzer Reactlonarys. This promises to be a shown skill and enthusfasrn , However, the girls do have pitching dual between ex-rv star Mike Foster and Earl difficulties. The major problem could be termed lapses Schwartz. The Silent Major\ty got a very bad break by of memory. Although not professionally analyzed, the having to forfeit their first game to the Fourth Floor team at times falls apart and must then regain its com- due to hall their team being home for Passover. posure. This makes three in a row for Western Maryland, The title race seems to come down to five learns, the Both of the losses were at the hands of Towson. Most asked the reason for the teams success, Mr. four frat teams and the Fourth Floor D.C/s. Since this of the girls feel that the Towson team wins as much on heard to remar k, "Well, there are a number of writer hasn't seen enough of the teams he is not about to their supposed ability as actual playing. It is as but I feel that Dr. Clower's and my sideburns have been stick out his neck and make enemies of the four other if Towson must be conquered mentally before Whimsee decisive factor." teams with a prediction. can beat them physically, This year has proved a be For the sake of a shorter schedule so that the players one for mental exertion, however: WMC came back to Saturday there is a game at Gettysburg anc-oext we play under the lights at Westminster nesday can prepare for exams, such a lar::e number of teams take wins from UMBC, Salisbury, and Essex. The most against Mount st. Mary's, should,1nto two divisions with 1ntra.divis1on eXCIting game was in a match against Essex. The Essex play and .. 2 out of 3 game playoff between the diVision team had skUls as good as anyone WMC will play. A Don't forget that Ron P. starts his trans-Atlantic: winners. real team effort was needed to overcome them. trip on the twelth of June; Leon is still pound for Even with this long season the race promises to be Only_ three more games remain on the schedule. The the heaviest person on campus and Mrs. Zauche Ught, so, as Shelby Whitfield would say, "If you're not girls have a chance for a notable seasonwith some handy great apple pie. too far away come on out to the stadium." team-work.
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