Page 94 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 94
page 8 the gold bug On April 24 the student's of Western Maryland (Continued from page 7) will decide who will lead the Student Government for are going to play. Typical student government __ since with the next year. the changing of the weeks the selection of the groups also In the past there has been a good turn out for changes. Don't forget Spring Weekend is only three weeks the voting. We hope that once again the student's will away, will we get anyone? qet.out the vote. If a group has been decided uponwhat is the price of the Perhaps, more than ever before, it is important weekend? At least count, the price still has not been de- that the student's vote. The S.G.A. has gone steadily cided upon, if a price is to be decided upon. down. New leaders who have energy are desperately Point in focus, the supposed student government has yet needed. A fresh approach to overcome the inertia to make a decision. An Indecisive government Is a useless gathered by the S.G.A. in the last few years and to get government. between In a school where the lines of communication the government functioning again is desperately need. students and administration are open and operable, the ed. The S.G.A. has to enchant the now disenchanted supposed student government is not taking advantage of students. those lines and if anything, is in the long run serving to sever those lines. M.L.S. students, who complain that there is nothing to do here on weekends, that nothing ever gets done, have only to look to their own government. A government whose blindness or perhaps funkishes, Endorsement government whose indecisiveness fails to fulfill U's goal a is as stated before -- useless and thus has no purpose to exist, LARRY LAZOPOULOS The Gold Bug is as concerned about the effectiveness of the S.G.A. as anyone In light of this concern, we endorse Jerry Hopple for the S.G.A. presidency Our reasons for this endorsement have nothing to do with Jerry's past affiliation with the paper Rather they are based on our belief that Jerry is the candidate most qualified to enhance the image and effectiveness of the S.G.A. This year, all indications are that the presidential race will be close and hard fought. This says a great deal about the quality of all three of this year's can. didates. We feel that anyone of them would fill the McCay Vernon-- position, well, but feel that Jerry can fil/ it best. Hope tor the deaf Gold Bug Staff by Frank Howe For the second time within a year, students at GaUau- det College, the world's only liberal arts college for deaf Grille rail people, are enthusiastically talking about a McCay Ver- non article in the Deal American that hit them where they live. "Deafness and Minority Group Dynamics," which ap- Reactions to Last year the college's ground crew built a railing peared in the July-August issue started it all, becoming to the grille. It was the result of several years of cam. an instant classic with deaf people all over America. paigning by the students. In December a car slipped its Writing in collaboration with Bernard Makowsky, Ver- cafeteria changes brakes and rolled off the Lewis Hall parking lot and non analyzed the position of deal people in America by smashed through the railing. It was the second time a comparing their lot with that of such minority groups car rolled off the same lot and smashed the same rail. as the Indians and Mexican Americans. Like these The recent careterta changes were Instituted by Byron Perhaps the disaster is not so great. The railing groups, deal Americans are not permitted to run their Rice, cafeteria steward, because ofa$600010ssofequip_ ment. was ugly at best. As one sardonic student recently own affairs, to make their own dectstons, Instead, commented, "they're planning to leave it that way so these decisions, which affect the lives of thousands of The stolenequipment,which includes china and silver- when the spring art show comes the college can win children, are made by "wiser" hearing people, supposed- ware, prompted Rice to request the change of policy By contrast, ly "in the best Interests" such of the deal. first prize in the abstract sculpture division." Regard. minorities as Jews and Roman Catholics have virtual from PhilIipSchaeffer, treasurer of the couegev Schaor., less of the present artistic value of the railing we can. autonomy in runnlngx their- own schools and setting their fer granted the request, and the changes were initiated tend that something should be done about it. Some. own standards. Is it an accident, then, that these latter as of April I, 1970. thing should have been done months ago. It is a poor two groups are among the foremost contributors of out- Students have mixed feelings about the new system of comment on the school standing Americans, responsible for countless Innova- checking in, ulimited seconds, white and chocolate milk We do not believe that rebuilding the railing as it tions and advancements- Jim Thorpe was the last at all meals and not being allowed to carry food out of was will be satisfactory. One of the things that makes Indian you ever heard of, and how many outstanding the cafeteria. They generally favored the changes al- life at W.M.C. colorless is the lack of imagination dis Americans have been deaf? though they mentioned specific disadvantages. played in the college plant. The rail is a perfect Vernon answers his own questions in his second Deaf The additon of milk at all meals and unlimited se- example. Now it is an iron pipe supported by two-by- American article, "Deaf Leadership and the Community conds recieved the most favorable comments. However, in the current March which appears Council," running out of fours; a broken iron pipe. If the ground crew just reo Services The CSC, run entirely by deaf people, has made as meat, one male pinted, out, "they're still can't get firsts?" issue, Why have seconds if you builds the rail as it was then it is a fixed iron pipe, astonishing advancements in enlightening Rochester area Another student says, "if you come late, you can't get supported by two-by-fours. Probably the rust spots employers with respect to the potential of deaf people. the food. If you come real late, you can't get dessert," will be covered in the same hideous green that is on the Astonishing, that is, in comparison with what the Bureau A female says, "they give you as much as you want, but rail now. of Education of the Handicapped, which is composed they only have one choice, and who wants it?" We suggest that some imagination be shown in the almost entirely of hearing people, has been able to do Not having a choice of two entrees was sharply criti- construction of the railing. For example, a split rail In decades. It Is an effective demonstration of the ability cized by the students. Almost all commented unfavor- fence could be designed to serve the purpose of making of deal people, once they are given a chance, to run their ably about the present one entree offer. Accordingto one the hill to the student union easier to get down and add own affairs in an eminently satisfactory manner, of the Caleteriaworkers, "Barney told the administration to the general appearance of the campus. Or perhaps a The contributions McCay Vernon has madewithhistwo the reason for not having two choces is because the head brick or field-stone wall could be put up. The last two articles goes far beyond the content, far beyond the con- meat cutter is in the hospital. We infer that ther wUl be fact is that Vernon is suggestions would cost more, but they would serve a clusions he reaches. The stark leader In the field of edu- two choices again. But my suspicion is he's trying to get back to one chotca, to see If he can get away with it." the only significant practically dual purpose. They could be used as a place to sit and cation of the deaf to both to Submit articles to the Deaf In contrast with favorable student reaction- the student talk in pleasant weather. American, to bother to inform and consult deaf people cafeteria workers expressed dissatisfaction with the new The rail to the grille is, unfortunately, not the about matters which vitally concern their lives, Vernon system, "I hate it," said one of the waiters, The check- only example of ugliness and poor planning on the chose the Deal American because he knew he would be ers complained that lack of student cooperation made it campus. There should be flowers and perhaps flowering reaching an audience conststmg almost exclusively of dlffcuIt to Check students off as they entered the care- bushes planted along paths and in the quads. As one deaf people. At long last, someone is looking to deal terta. Another checker questions the purpose of check- member of the faculty pointed out, bushes could be persons, showing confidence in their abilities, consult- Ing names, "Why do you have to circle the names--why used to control the ugly spreading of cross campus ing them, informing them. We, the deal people of can't you just count: The purpose before was to prevent to Dr. Vernon, but walkways. They could be planted in such a way as to America, owe a profound gratitude there, Opportunity is kids from going through both lines, but now that they got she said. seconds, what's the purpose?" rest we must not let the matter help cover and control the appearance of more ugly, knocking, but will we answer? Will we finally assume One of the servers suggested that students Should talk brown paths across the quads. positions of leader-ship, finally leading this field out of to Rice If they are dissatisfied, But she added, "He'll darkness into light, out of sterility Into creativity, and explain things to you, he'll explain your head off, but it M.L.S. ultimately out of deafness into sound? won't make the food any better." by Susan Baker
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