Page 103 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 103
fa R.J. Raccoon presents NEW YORK TO LONDON April 27, 1970 the gold bug page 7 r~' Paul Butterfield Blues Band ROUND TRIP $I 69 VACATION TR'PS _ SUMMER NOW FILLING - SMALL DEPOSIT AND PAYMENTS - SEND FOR FREE DETAILS. The Butterfield Blues Band played May 2 betore at feast six albums out (none of which are available disappointed audience of several hundred WMC, In Westminster) including Resurrection of Pigboy Crab- students in Englar Dining Hall. The most-heard shaw, which shows the transition from guitars to horns, STUDENT GLOBE ROAMERS BOX 6575 complaints were that the acccusucs were bad, people and their lastest Keep on Moving which is a well in the back couldn't see, and the band didn't play polished album but with not quite as much raw energy HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 3302"1 long enough. behind it. The difference is that the Butterfield Band The above paragraph Is, of course, fictitious, but now has el~ht members and some of that energy must be III nevertheless probably prove an accurate des- sacrificed to produce a smooth sound from so many cr tptton er Saturday's May Weekend Concert. And musicians. as long as the Butterfield Blues Band plays In the Still the fact cannot be overlooked that Butterfield's Italian dining hali, there will be no way to alter the sttuat- "Chicago Sound" (as the booldng agent calls it) came Ion. The bad performance will not be caused by the from the smoke filled bars of Chicago's South Side Dining Room band, but by the fact that the dining hall Is one of the that featured such musicians as Muddy ~aters, How ltn 8S W. Main SI. worst places to have a concert. The accousucs are Wolf and Otis Rush,andcateredtosomeof the "meanest- Westminster terrible and the band will get mad because of the bad assec muh Iuhs" around. That's where Butterfield got accousttcs and won't play long (who wants to make started, and no amount of pressure from managers and . 848 1848 nemeetves sound bad?) and everyone w1il be unhappy. producers to create a commer-cially saleable sound can The only solution is to have the concert out- alter that fact. The better cuts cntne new album Include doors, either in the amphitheatre or in the girl's "Where Did My Baby Go" and "Except You" both of quad by the gazebo. This is the only way people will which were written by producer Jerry Ragovoy. The THE TOP HAT DRIVE·IN be able to see and hear (and apprectata) the con- best cut, I think, is "SO Far So Good" which sounds cert. But ' of course that Is out of the question. Who something like Electr-ic Flag and has the most power DINING ROOM ever heard of an outdoor concert at Western Mary- of any cut on the album. However if they play "Driftin COFFEE SHOP land College? and Driftin" from Pigboy Crabshaw you will have an FOUNTAIN The situation really puts me on the spot. I can idea of wh\t' Butterfield can do. either say that the Butterfield Band is great (which Still, the problem remains of the crummy dining hall. SUBS it is) and have a lot of people disappointed when they If this concert is held inSide it is guaranteed to be a go on Saturday nite, or I can lie and say Butterfield complete bummer. It Is up to us to get it changed. The sucks in the hope that nobody will show up and get Administration sure doesn't give a damn and apparently RT.140 5 MILES EAST Of WESTMINSTER burned. But really, regardless of what happens, every- SGA doesn't either. When the suggestion was made to one loses because SGA has already spent $4-,800 of have the concert outdoors, your SGA reps laughed off your money to get the band, whether anybody goes or the idea as some kind of joke. Funny they didn't laugh not. when they voted to blow $4,800 on a concert in the dining The Butterfield Blues Band began in Chicago about hall that Is guaranteed to be lousy. If you want the con- five years ago with Mike Bloomfield and Elvin Bishop cert to be outside, talk to your representative today. on guitar and Paul Butterfield on harmonica and sing- S~GAmeets tonne. WE'LL TRUST YOU ing vocal. Since then, both guitarists have left and are _. .- ~ replaced by a four-piece brass section and guitarist I ~ ~ ,)/.~I I ~;~ ' Ralph Walsh. The result has been an Increased so- 1~''':If'''\ '*>jg' 1,_;-?,I.~ [Even If You're Over 30] phksttcatton of 'h. autternerd style '0 that they now Ie. , ~" 0 "'.......... sound a lot like Blood Sweat and Tears. Of course ,. ~~tt~r:~~d a~a~m~a~~on~ro~d f:C/o:h~o;;::;er~~~dl~:~d' /16 D, -r J~.L..I was Instrumental In the blues revival both for the SPRING WEEKEND Negro blues originators and their white Imitators Friday. May 1 such as Johnny Winter and Led Zeppelin. They have Open Party at Big Frock's. 8-12 p.m. Tickets $1.50/ person with SGA card; $3.00/ person without SGA card. Couples only. Student Charge Accounts are invited ut Coffee House blues Saturday, May 2 Columbia Jewelers, anti there are sn many Art Exposition on Chapel front law. 11 p.m , ways to develop a meaningful rebtion~hil' by Dan Wiles Concert--ButterfieJd Blues Band in Englar Dining Hall, with us - like Keepsake Diamonds Famous- 8:30 p.m. -rtckets $1.50/SGA card and $3.oo/without The Cotleehouse, entering its third month of exist- SGA card. Brand Watches and Gifts Wild Fhar ms , ence, can be labeled a success, hut a very qualified one. from only XXi Pierced Earring~ for girls The Colleehouse was supposed to provide a place where Sunday. May 3 (or men with highly individualistic Iraih) people could share a directly mrcrmar atmosphere, Film: "Elvira Madigan" 8:00 p.m. soc/cere $l.OO/wUhout Come in and get your shopping jolly~ at the where students could listen to music, rap over coffee, card. store that was chosen from all IIf America's have parties or otherwise get into the atmosphere. CHAPEL Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The Since the opening night jamboree of songs where stu- Year" - friendly, little old Columhia Jewelers dents provided continuous entertainment of folk type Sunday, May 3 on the Westminster Shopping Center music from 8 till o'clock, the performers and audience Investiture--Baker Memorial Chapel, 7:15 p.rn, have dwindled in numbers. Private groups, very small DRAMA of about 10 to 20, frequent the Coffeehouse on a normal May 6, 7, 8, 9 week-end night. Much of this lack of entertainment can be blamed directly on Dan Wiles, chairman. Other pro- Three plays--"The Man of Destiny", G. B. Shaw, "The blems Include scheduling and lack of funds for enter- Chairs", Eugene Ionesco, and "lie", Eugene O'Neill. tainment. Alumni Hall 8:15 p.m, Tickets $1.00. Another area where the present Coffeehouse has failed MUSIC Is the coffee. There is none. No money has been allotted for the purchase of equipment. The system of conces- Tuesday, April 28 sions also has not been put into effect. Because of lack Junior Recital--Ellen Ritchie, soprano; aosepn i-oweu, of funds and general scarce supplies, The Coffeehouse baritone; and Phillip Menges, baritone horn. Levine is still without rugs or tables. Without these It cannot Hall. 4:15 p.rn, be a true coffeehouse. May 1 If in anyway the Coffeehouse has succeeded, it may be friday. In atmosphere, informality and a place to sit and talk. It Senior Recltal--Susan Bauer, soprano. 8:00 p.m. Levine COSTUMES AND FORMALS has been used for this quite extensIvely andremalns open HaU until 2:00 A.M. for those extended discussions which de- SPORTS FOR RENT mandit. Monday, April 27 I) In another way, the Coffeehouse has lent Itself to meet- ~!gs such as Men's Council, religiOUS meetings such as Baseball 'Is. Franklin and Marshall 3:00 p.m. Phone For Appointment· cewman Club Masses and Satres; also anumberof blrth- TenniS vs. Franklin and Marshall 2:30 p.m. 75 W. Green 8484630 Wednesday. April 29 ~~~c~a~!e::~:~o:~nwhhe~: :~:r~:H~~:: :~:a~!~f~~t:~~: Tennis vs. Johns Hopklns 3:00 p.m. floped that it can further exten~ to more people in these Lacrosse vs. Mt. St. Mary's 3:00 p.m. manners. Saturday, May 2 I, as manager of the Coffeehouse, feel that it can be Golf vs. GaUaudet and Loyola 1;00 p.m. ~tter rWl hy someone other than myself. So as the SGA Lacrosse vs. Lebanon Valley 2:00 p.m. tdmlnlstraUon changes, I recommend a new head of the May 5 ~offe.ehouse be sought. I will, of course, continue in my Tuesday, WITR ~osUiono\lntil that tlme. Track vs. Susquehanna 3:00 p.m. I As for the future of the Coffeehouse, I feel the outlook Thursday, May 7 r bright. With a new SGA admInistration, anda new bud- Baseball vs. American ;j;00 p.m. Mi-H70KC FM.stereo ret, the coffeehouse can become a regular part of the Tennis vs. American 2:30 p.m. ¢ampus. Money can also be allotted to furnish It with rugs, tables and a lighting system. More efforts can be made Saturda." May 9 to secure outside entertainment. A real Coffeehouse is Golf vs. Klng:'s 1:00 p.m. MARYLAND WESTMINSTER within reach, and the outlook is good that it will arrive Lacrosse vs. Frostburg 2:00 p.m. late this yea~ or early next year.
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