Page 96 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 96
10 the bug Season starts for spring sports Return of Fernism New coach for tracksters by Daye Sampselle by Johnson Bowie Wednesday I was deeply embrouec In my habitual weekly argument with Coach Hitchcock, and as usual, The WMC track team is under the auspices of a new I lost my habitual WMC suavity In trying to tell him Track Coach, Rick Carpenter. He joins returning Field the only proper way to run his baseball team. In the Events Coach, Sam Case who Is aptly assisted by Jim midst of my diatribes, however, Fern Inserted a few Schartner. The general outlook is for increased strength snatches of his maddening stengel ese, and I finally In the track phase and the need for replacing departed began to see the true picture of the '70 diamond pro- "Buftalo" Bob Hatfield in the field events. This Is contin- spects. gent on the eligibility of potential star Bill Roberts and Whimsee's own John Gerstmeyer clobbers U.M.B.C. The Terror 9, plus 10, took their annual Southern improvement of last year's performers. opponent barnstorming jaunt over Spring Break, returning a Individually, the distance men are headed by defending vastly more experienced unU--we lost a few, and a Mason-Dixon 2-mile Champion Gary Macwllltam s who few were flooded out. As Fern noted, we lost many also doubles in the mile along with sophomore Bernie z le the opponents with quickness unparalleded In the annals is a Cinch to win of lacrosse history. Itisrumoredthathe good boys last year, and the gaps will have to be plug- Pfeiffer. Freshmen football- player, Joe Brockmeyer the annual Leon Crence invitational sprints to beheld later ged with a small but solid nucleus of 7 letterman and heads up the sprints. Dave ROUlette and Johnson Bowie in the year. a smatterIng of promising freshmen and sophomores. return from last year. The 440 led up by returnee John Dave SOlow has once again been at his best. His clear Each postttcn is manned, naturally, by stellar athletes, Skinner and freshman Frank Shueffer. The hurdles are thinking and atortness both on and off the field have been but many are still untested. To coin a cucne, time will controlled by Lynn Boniface and freshman Jim Zucco. an Inspiration to all who know him. For this reason he tell if the lads react well to the unending, vicious pres- These two will hopefully bolster an event that has been has been voted the player representative to the National sure of the brutal M-D conference. on the dark side in recent years. Middle distance men Space Agency. Behind the plate, Rick Diggs reigns for the fourth Steve MacSweeney and Charlie Bowers are factors in year. A steady, clutch hitter who plays rough defense, the 880. Finally school record breaker in the high jump We are going towinsome gamesthisyear so if you feel a break from your long arduous hours in- like taldng Diggs has to survive only his student Teaching and his Randy Klinger, heads up a crew that includes Jerry Mc'_ tellectual discourse, come on down to the Carroll County ineptitude on pop ups to become All-Maryland. Brea- Saughuan and a cast of thousands! reason of the Astre-Dome and watch a few games. It thing down his chest protector are bulky Jonathan M. Racqueteers rebuilding doesn't even cost any money. Berry and strong-armed frosh John Sharp; the catch- ing position is solid. by Ivan lawson Around the infield an awesome amount of potential Whim see's 1970 Tennis Team returned n-om Its annual must battle a lack of playing experience. At first Spring trip to Maryland's culture centers. After some base,. batting terror Buck Jones figured to start, with instructive matches on this trip against local Easton and frosh Buddy Orndorff close behind; both ably respond- Salisbury teams, the racqueteers dropped the first two ed to pressure on Hoffa last fall. At second, a fierce matches of the regular season. Colgate came to West- battle still rages between ali-around hustler Art p, minster to shut out the Terrers, and Washington defeated (Psycho) Blake and junior (sideburn) Steve Byrne. the Big Green in Chestertown 3-6. The team, coached If Byrne relfngufshes this position, he promises to by Ron Jones, consists of Joe Powell at the number one give sparkling freshman Joe Prado strong support at singles position, followed, in order, by Al Gober, cap- LECTURE shortstop. At third, freshman Steve Brewer and Bob tain, Bill Hickey, Thomas Brown, Ward Jarman, Tom April 13 Repsher have shown equal .eompetenca; another Jerry Barnes andAI Woltz. Sex Ethics Conference __Dr. Peter A. aertocct, profes- Borga, sans avoirdupois, could be in the making here. In the doubles department, the first pair consists of Joe sor of philosophy at Boston University. 8:00 p.m, In WMC's manicured outfield w1l1 be inhabited by three Powell and Irving Brown, the number two group will WJnslow student Center. of a cluster of five candidates. When Roy Brown can probably be Bj1J Hickey and Ward Jarman. AI Gober and April 14 stumble back from Student Teaching in time to be help- Kevin Fried are the third happy couple. The real weak- Sex Ethics Conference--sponsored by Religious Life ed into his uniform, he promises to generate the same ness of the team this year is in this doubles department. councn 8:00 p.m, Winslow Student Center home run power and antelope defense cnaractertsuc of With only two returnees from last years squad.Iaek of April 15 1969. Elsewhere, freshman Paul Peksa, Dave Duqu- experience could be a factor in this rebuilding year. Sex Ethics conrerence-cnr, BertoceJ, 10;00 a.m. Decker ette, and Dick Hall have an equally-good chance to dis- This young team has lots of desire and are really look- Lecture Hall play their awesome talents. Finally, Jimmy Schwert , Ing forward to playing the powerful Randy-Macon squad zler seems sure to roam around the 8th Green when later In the scrtns. CHAPEL not performing his pitching contortions; at either past Aoril19 he's quite adquate , Dr. William A. Keese-c-Bake r Memorial Chapel, 7:15 On the h1l1, WMC has its greatest potentlal--yet alas p.m, its greatest insecurity. Juniors Bob Merrey-he of the Whimsee women win one Apri126 torturous curve ball, tantal1zlng change up, and useless Dance Prog ram-o-St, Mark's Dance Company, Bake fastball--and Schwertzler form '70's dynamic duo and Memorial Chapel, 7:15 p.m, promise sterling performances, but beyond that there by Gloria Phillips FILM Is, to paraphrase Fern, an unanswered question mark. Four out of six varsity players are returningto spear- Seniors Pete McGlaughlin and Jeff Davis, Sophomore head a strong women's volleyball team. Practice started April 19 Barney Schulze, and frosh Peksa can all surpoass the first of March, and the women are now involved in a College Film Serles--"Rashomen," Decker Lecture Merrey when "on", but consistency might be a problem. thirteen match schedule. Hall, 8:30 p.m, Tickets are 75 cents. Aktra xurosawa-s DespUe one or two possible difficulties, I'm sorry to On 8 April the women met Madison and Goucher In Gill masierpiecev-bas been called one of the greatest Iftm say I have to agree with Fern (in Httchcocktan math, Gym. The first match against Goucher was a win. However, of all time. Set In the Middle Ages, the fUm probes his statement "I'm not discouraged" equals poor-ly- the girls went on to lose at Madison. The team Is probably the nature of truth and subjective reality. hidden exuberance), and forecast yet another successful one of the best skilled that Western Maryland has fielded. ART spring on the diamond. All the ingredients are present; Now, however, the girls must prove that they can play to- April 15ยท25 experience where needed; the exuberant Impetuesltyof gether In this verv-mucn-a-team game. Eileen Kazer Marge Courtney--Olls, watercolors, collage and prints. youth: shrewd coaching; the psychological advantage of captains a team of veterans Melissa Marten, Joanne Her- GaUery One, Fine Arts BUilding, Weekdays 10:00 a.m, being used to our gross cauneic (the biggest question man, Linda McDonald. The other major flgures finish- t04 o.m, of 1970, Is, How many victims we'll have before the ing out the team are Ruth Godfrey, Mel Coleman, and April 14 field Is de-tared a disaster areav); this reporters bril- Carol Schmidt. Opening Larry Sanders Photography Display in Gallery liant play by play accounts; the fervent support of all The remaining schedule follows: Two, Fine Arts BuUding, Weekdays 10:00 a.m. to 4:0(J WMCites. FInally, remember that these lads are winners. April 14 7:30 UMBC and Salisbury Away-UMBC p.m. WMC has always fielded successful baseball teams, and 17 7:00 Essex and CCC Home this year should be no exception. The team deserves 20 7:00 Notre Dame and CCC Home MUSIC yciur support. Come out for the first game--last Satur- 22 7:30 Towson Home day. 27 4:40 Baltimore CC Away April 14 ColUer Away Adams, Flogmen may take all May 7 8 7:30 Morgan Home Junior Recital--Jean 4:15 p.m. In Levine Hall piano and Carol Graves, soprano, 4:30 UMBC by Roger Wynkoop April 21 The 1970 edition of the WMC gall team opened its sea- Stickmen drop openers Junior Recltal--Johnada Elliott, plano, 4:15 p.m. In Le- vine Hall son with a 11-7 win over Dickinson College. This victory by Amos McCoy was extremely gratifying as WMC has never defeated April 24 The 1970 lacrosse It open- season has belrl1nat WMC. Dickinson on the gall course. ed against a highly touted UMBC team which managed onl;v Senior Recital--Marjory Richards, plano, 8:30 p.m. Co-captains Bill Dayton and Roger Wynkoop took the Levelne Hall opening matches by scores of 3-0 and 21/2~l/2 respec- a 12-7 victory and itwas a closer game than the score Apri126 7-7 and Indicated. GoingintothefourthquarteritwasUed tively. Sophomore Roger Young had the day's best round no one had dominated play. This last quarter was a dif- The Evangelical Lutheran ChUrch in Frederick, Md., of 70 and added 3 more points. senior Tom Trice and ferent story but overall It was a good showing for Western presenting a Choral and instrUmental concert of rna.jor Sophomore Cary Jones added 1 1/2 and 1 points to the Md. prepart1ons, at 8:00 p.m. in the church. Open to public winning effort. The second game was played at Georgetown University at no charge. This year's team, under rookie coach Ron Sisk, is In Washington. It wasn't as skillful agame as UMBC but favored to win both the Mason~Dixon and mid-Atlantic with the final score a 5-4 in favor of c'(,nferences_ In addition, Bill Dayton is listed asfavorite !twas much closer, The next game is at Dicldnson. If you have any upcoming events that you would like to the home team. for both Individual titles. have publ1cized, free, write to Post No B1I1s. Deadline Ron Tar-Tar Christy has done an excellent job in the The Terror linksmen will open their home scheuie goal after big shift from midfield. As you all know Ron is for copy is the Friday belore the Monday publishing against Juniata and Shepard on Saturday, April 11, at 10 remembered for patenting his famous "slow break" of date. (every two weeks) at 3:00 p.m. Include names,. a.m. The public and student body are welcome to attend. last season. Now he is using his blinding speed to bedaz~ time, place, charge and other pertinent Information.
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