Page 97 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 97
'VOLUME 47 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND NUMBER 6 the gold bug april 27 monday 1970 Sarah Snodgrass Corresponding Secretary Bryson Popham Treasurer Hopple~Wiles win; voting turn-out moderate classes each had a 66% turnout. The senior class had Juniors Jerry Hopple and Danny WUes were elected the poorest turnout with 47% of its members voting. Freshman Class: Number Voted Total Number by WMC students to head the 1971-72 Student Govern- Number of votes cast for each candidate is not known. Men 114 165 ment Association In last Thursday's election, SG.A crrtcers refused to give the results to the GOLD Women 149 149 Gloria Ph1lllps, a junior, was elected to recording se- BUG and would reveal only the number of people voting 263 """"3"6l cretary. Freshmen sarah Snodgrass and Bryson Popham and class and sex voting patter sn, ran unopposed for cor respondtng secretary and treasurer. Pam Zappardino was elected to Women's ccuncn Sophomore Class: Number Voted Total Number respectively, as President. Meo Hopple, president-elect, and wnes, vtce-prestdent- All classes elected a president, vice-president, se- Women 110 163 '145 113 elect, ran together as -a ticket, but students could vote cretary, and treasurer. Filling these positions for the ""223 ----ws for either of them Independently, WIles, orgfntnajty a class or '71 are Cbarfte Moore, Steve Caplan, Sandy presIdential candldate, switched to the vice-presidential Kearns, .Jeanate Castle, respectively. position a few days before the eiecnon, Fred Laurence, Randy Blazer. aonnta Green, and Junior Class: Number Voted Total Number Current SGA president Jeff DavIS announced the re- Bm Eberhart were elected by the class of ''/2 to nn the Meo sults In the grille Thursday evening. Students, who leadership postuons, respectively. Women 76 98 84 were .packed close in the room, cheered at the resuus, The Class of '73 elected EdHogan,BobbieKristiensen, ~ 61 l8""Z Hopple and wues drew the biggest cheers. Lynn Wright, and Frank Fields to these posttIons, re- navis also announced women's council president, spectively. class of!1cers, honor court roerucne, and Rose Cup Those elected to the Honor Court are: sentor-, Mark senrcr Class: Number Voted Total Number referendum. Stevens and Cynthia SUplck; junior, Sue Crowe, Bob 56 96 Approximately '10% (709 of 1045 enrolled students) Whitney, and Sandy Fargo; and sophomore, Terry Mc- Women 30 98 cast their ballots in tlle election. The junior class led Keever, Claire Eucker, JIm Zucco, and Steve Judd. 86 19"4 the turnout with 77%. The sophomore and freshman The cererenoum on Rose Cup received a no vote.
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102