Page 95 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 95
april 13,1970 the gold bug page 9 fOR THE fRESHEST PASTRIES AROUND GOTO WOLFSON'S BUE SHOP hiro LOCATED NEAR THE COLLEGE IN WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER "See Love, Peace, Music, and yes, GrasS,forthe first The movie opened with shots of Yasgur's farm before time ever appearing in a movie together, in beautiful preparations began; rolling pastures of wheat and thick PHONE 848,2133 lysergic-color", the adds for Woodstock: The Movie forests graced the eye accompanied by Crosby, Stills, blasted at top volume. After they turned down the volume Nash and Young's renditionofJoni Mitchells song, "Wood- and I could understand what they were saying, I hopped stock." Then the bull-dozers and long haired-construc- YaYu A LL!ERS right in my car and headed off for the silver screen Cat- tion workers pushed across the film and proceeded to skills on north-west Wisconsin avenue. I went mainly out entangle the entire area with festival preparations. .UI' of curiosity, just to see how the whole thing had been Suddenly, flash *PEOPLE*. Masses and hordes or peo- & LAUNDERERS, INC. portrayed and represented through the 35 mm lens, and to pie, on foot, in cars, on cars, Swimming, climbing trees, see how much of the festival I had missed; but 1 did not talking in microphones, smoking, loving, just people all LAUNDIRING DRTeLiANING go there with the intent of re-experiencingthatWoodstock over the screen. Everybody making noise and having fun natural high which the three days in August produced. and sitting in front of the stage. The following three and a TAILORING I was highly cynical in respect to the ability of anyone to half hours of the movie documented the event through do Woodstock justice onfilm, and highly disillusioned when people, their actions, their opinions and their rlt spostticns, Carmcnr Stor.uic &: Linen Rental Service I stepped up to the ticket window and was asked for four The film captured the YES of the festival through the Service tor Students in WMC Student Center dollars a ticket, This was no free movie. YES of the people, all types of people. Monday through Friday So I borrowed a buck from thiS chtckwho reminded me To descend to specifics would be to dis-credit the 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily Janis Joplin and Grace Slick mixed, only much more achievement of the film through my meager description, beautiful, went to the back of the line which was forming and would take the joy out of the film for the prospec- outside the theatre, and waited a hall hour in the rain for tive viewer. All 1 feel qualified to say is that the four the doors to open. Already I was getting in the Woodstock dollars were not ill-spent, and anyone who has any de- spirit with the rain Ialling tn m ye yes and the slow moving sire to know what Woodstock was all about, or anyone who line of people, which was reminiscent of the original fes- already knows, or just plain anyone, should go to Wood- tival. Finally, 1got to a seat, and eventually silver majesty stock: The Movie, It's playing at the Cinema, 5100 N. W. Earle H. Brewer, Prop. began to appear on the screen and the beautiful re-crea- Wisconsin Avenue in Washington. And be prepared .. As tion of the Woodstock experience began. critiC James Garro says, "Anyone who was there will Marvin J. Brewer. Prop. Hair Cuts By Appointment never be the same." Phonc . 848-2820 or 848ยท5220 Sympathy for the devil Requiem for my Mothers 58\1l w. MainS!. Westminster, Md. oy Steve Grant O. K., klddles, this is not R. J. Raccoon and this guitar work by Zappa, a mind-blowing electric violin review isn't on a country album. This is a review of solo and a rush of organ solo ending that somhow leaves Tk~ an album called Burnt Weeny sancwucn by the Mothers you completely sattsired. The last cut Is valar le , an- Sense- of Invention. If you don't like the title, you won't like other oldie but a goodie. Sometimes Jazz, sometimes the music Inside. And if you don't like the Mother's hard rock, and sometimes plain zappa weirdness, this music, you certainly won't like this review. Funny album is further evidence (as if any more were needed) thing about the Mothers, either you love them, or you that Zappa and the Mothers are, or rather wer;, the G~e5i.~h.t hate them. Trouble Is, you can't ignore them, just as most musically inventive, tightest, best group on the you can't ignore all the other ugly things in your life. rock and perhaps jazz scene, bar none. AND THEY Unless, perhaps, you refuse to ever look in a mirror ARE ALL MUSICIANS! HOTCHA! again, or your mind for that matter. They are demonic, they posses you, make you run around foaming at the mouth, performing all kinds of anti-social acts, like "Z" laughing and crying hysterically, and dancing untt! you drop. They make you love your sweat, and your smell, and your armpits, or at least recognize them as part of you, And even If you don't, they certainly will, because by Keith Thurlow they are really after you and your Impressionable teen- ".,. Six years ago the letter Z suddenly appeared every- age mind. A sort of musical Lenny Bruce. where in Athens; on walls, on stdewalks. on poster-s, even WC.'lminsler, Md. Sandwitch is their first album since they broke up, on official government bulletins, Z stands for the Greek Frank Zappa, the driving force behind the Mothers verb ZEI, he lives. He was G~egorios Lambr-akis , (I an understatement at best) and a native Balttrnortan Unfortunately Lambr-akis was not alive. On Wednesday, GET YOUR FOLLIES TICKETS (bctchal), said he has enough tapes to release twelve March 22, 1963, In Sa.lonlca, Hewaskilledas he address- more albums, I hope he Is right. Sandwltch Is some- ed a rally protesting the placement of Polaris missles in what different -from the Mothers' earlier albums and Greece. He was struck by a truck, knocked unconctous completely different fr-om anything else going on in the and taken to hospital where died three days later without rock scene (Actually, the closest music to them is that ever regaining consciousness. of Str-anvmsky and Varese). For four years they have The pro-government paper described the incident as a been playing music so weird you have to run out of the "regrettable traffic accident." However segments of the room screaming. Don't expect me to explain any more press and members of Lambracis's political team were un- than this, after all would you expect a run-down of the satisfied with the report, and when they conducted a post- evolution of the BeaUes' music in a review of Abbey mortem exammattcn they rnscoverec that death had been Road? As a matter of fact, Santfwitch is the Mothe r s" caused by a blow to the top of the head that could never Abbey Road. In fact one could make a good case for have resulted from the fall or the truck as it hit him. the Mothers' being the dark side of the Beatla s , PubliC pressure over the tnctoent forced the government Anyway, if you are a Zappa neophyte and kinda scar- to appoint an investigator to look into the death of Mr. ed of uglyness and reality, Burnt Weeny Sandwitch is a Lambrakis. The investigator was a supporter of Lam- good place for you to start. "Wp&W", written by the brakis and he perused the investigation in spite of advice, Four Deuces, is where the record starts in any case, The investigation very careruny probed into the incident It is a clean, tight arrangement of a 50's song you never to discover that the neathw as actually the re sult of a var-v heard on the radio, all about the joys of getting drunk carefully planned murder by their Chief qf Police. on White Port and Lemon Juice (WP&W, tricky no?); As I sat watching this very reansncauy done suspense It is fun and clean, and has a good beat to it, I'd give it mystery unfold before me I couldn't help but think that a 90, Dick. The rest of the album is instrumental,es- Lambraksi actually lived and he was actually killed. And sentlally one long cut. Actually, all their albums have this movie is the story of his assassination, The truths been one long cut, and lately mostly instrumental, What that it reveals about Grecian politics and Grecian govern- follows WP&LJ is some of the happiest, most lilting ment will shock anyone even remotely sensitive to the wan- spr-tngtrrne music In a long time, including a slightly ton destruction of human lives, The shock is constantly out-of-tune carousel. Zappa is grlnnin' and right in the reinforced as youkeeponthinkging"Thisactuallyhappen- Inside of the jacket, too. The music 15 still pretty ed, That man was alive." heavy (listening to it wrecked takes a lot of nerve), but The movie is a lesson in policltal government and It the cynicism so predominant in their previous works pcrnts out that a government in power will do anything is absent. The music no longer leaves a bizarre audial necessary to stay in power. It will use Us power to force residue all over your teen age record player. peasants to do its dirty work and it will freely interpret There is, for example, the "Theme from Burnt weeny law so that violence by pro-government forces will go Sandwitch," four minutes of Zappa on wa-wa guitar ac- unchecked while protestors are destroyed without mercy companied by a percussion section that somehow pro- whether they were violent or not. We see the evil that can duces a rhythm out of chaos. Zappa's talent as a must- grow out of a military beaur acr-acy and we wonder, just clan has long been over-shadowed by his talent in the how common is this phenonemon? Does it exist in our studio, this album (and his solo album HOT RATS) milltaryestablishments? These are ugly questions but they puts Zappa up with the best of rock guitarists. The needn't be asked In order to spend an impressionable eve- second side is titled "The Little House 1 used to Live ning at the movies, Director Costa Graves does an admir- ON SALE NOW! In" and starts with a jazz piano 5010 by Jan Underwood. able job holding the suspension and political tanston the straight member of the group, goes on to a triumph- throughout most of the show. . REDUCED RATES ALL THIS WEEK I'd say see "Z" and bring glasses if you need them be- ant blast of organ and saxe s, the now ususal amaztna cause the English is in caps.
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