Page 98 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 98
page 2 the gold bug April 27, 1970 Sex must be coupled 0, with love and maturity by Donna Dacier In a welcomed change, the WMC students had the op- portunity of meetingwUh the scheduled lecture speaker, Dr. Peter Bertoccl, two days prior to the assembly. The event responsible for his presence was athree-dayforum and lecture series on everyone's favorite toplc--sex. Had Dr. Bertoccl's credentials not been announced In classes, he still would have been assured a turn-out, due to the drawing ability of the subject. However, any of those who listened, even for the shortest time, found that sex Is deficient as a pleasure unless coupled with love and maturlty. Although a part of our parents' generation, Dr. Bertoccl recognizes the new morality, and Its vehicle, the Pill, but he refused to teueve that taking the biological worry out of sex Is adequate reason for premarital relations. Blunt- ly, he does not sanction Intercourse before marriage at all. There are too many ethical, psychological and spir- itual problems which can arise from it. In the informal group he addressed Monday night, Dr. Bertoccl began by explaining some biological terms, as they were understood by him. The wise doctor may have been thinking of the students' predicament concerning ......... and , this is my .. their famUlarity with specific, accurate terms "describ- on sex and indicate to the children that their parents time in his life than what you bring in". Specifically, Ing the pertinent parts of the human body". In his at- are willing totalkwUh them abcuc anything, He continues, you bring love, and build your marriage into your own tempt to show the amount of biological ignorance there the so-called "facts of life" talk will help estabUsh an institution. Sex will increase in meaning through love. Is, he used his body for a chart and asked the students essential rapport between parent and child. Dr. Sertocci Dr. aertocct clearly f states that waiting until man\a-gt! what they would call our auditory and otaractorv organs. cautioned against children who tell their parents they al- before having sex is against one instincts for" Immediate Then he pointed to a little depression that the belt ready know everything; the majority are as ignorant of gratification, but thinking a release of sexual frustrations buckles cover over (incidentally, they catch lint if you human sex facts as the birds and the bees. When talking Is the answer to problems really just ma~s new ones. don't get the description). There was a lengthy snence to the child it is important to Impress upon him that the Without a doubt, sex can only be consecrated by marriage. until someone finally said navel. Dr. Bertoccl's point subject is not regular conversation for his playmates. It Dr. Bertocci subjected himself to student's questions In this A-V demonstration was that most of us do not Is nece ssary to help the ctntd learn the distinction of what and had more than he really had time to answer. His have the emotional poise to explain to another one is proper to discuss and when. casual manner and respectful attitude invited Inqulr-Ie s, physiological processes in the correct terminology. A Turning away from this elementary topic,Dr. Bartocct whether or not they happened to cotnctde with his navel Is a navel and not a belly-button. It Is necessary began to mix sex and love together. To his mind, this is philosophy. to be precise, especially when talking to inquisitive the only level the sexual act can exist on and have sig- children. nificant meaning. Sex without love is like using a com- The thread of Dr. eertocct's talk, which he borrows This question of sex education Is one that the doctor modity. The real satisfaction to it disappears as the from Erich Fromm, clearly shows the emotional maturity feels very strongly about. The dissemination of this partners are aware that they are merely using one an- one must have to enter into a meaningful and creative Information should not be leftforotherstodo (e.g. schools; other. life of sex and love with another person--"not I want to rather the frank discussion of sex by parents with their Sex should be exciting and rewarding, and love Is what be loved, but I want to love." Ultimately this will de- children can make for a more' natural, positive attitude keeps it creative. "Nobody gets more out of sex at any- termine. one's readiness to marry. Bookstore policies: A Gold Bug rap with R. Rudrow, book store manager Gold Bug: Who decides the price of books? order for me to compete with them I would have to buy complimentary copies, and say we have something new in R.R. : The publishers Iix the price for the books, I In case lots of 25. If you can Imagine 25 cases of tooth- Sociology or we have something new In Chemistry or mean they have what they call a suggested retail price. paste, It wouldn't be fit to sell In that length of time. Biology or English or so on like that. The publishing bus- However, you have to qualify this because unlike a regular Gold Bug: What Is the average cost per student, would you Iness, from what I know of it, Is very competitive. private enterprise, the book pubUsher allows us to return say, each semester for buying books that would cover Gold Bug: Is there a chance to gIve the students a better a certain per-centage of the books a year if they are not courses? deal on their purchases in the Bookstore? used. Therefore we are working on a lower markup say R.R. : $60.00-it depends on the r:l
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