Page 92 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 92
page 6 fast for peace After several months of grass roots nrganlztng cam- paigns In communities and a general slowIng down of the war protest movement the New Moblllzat1on Committee has endorsed a Peace Fast and a March on the IRS for April 15. A statement of purpose for the April 15 taxpayers' ratues issued by the Moratorium Committee said, "We are being income-taxed and excise-taxed until there Is nothing left to be squeezed out of us, yet the most Vital public services all around us are on the verge of colJapse." The statement goes on to attribute the money drain to war, "past, present and future." The activities for the 15 will Include a march on the national Internal Revenue Service building in Washington and marches on local offices of the Internal Revenue. The Fast for Peace will end on the 15, according to the plans set by the Mobilization Committee. Accord- ing to that commUtee the Peace Fastwilibe largely focus- ed on college and university campuses. David Hawk, a co-ordinator of the Vietnam Moratorium Committee, explained the purpose of the Fast; "We will fast for peace during AprU 13-15 for two reasons. The first Is to demonstrate our moral opposition to the con- tinuing and expanding war. The second reason is direct- ly related to the Aprll 15 Tax Payer Rallies. Because the government spends $201 milllon a day on war and the weapons of war, we are asking people not to eat for three days and to send the money saved while not eating to aid the victims of the war. Proceeds from the Peace Fast fund wm go to the American Friends Service Committee Vietnam Relief Program the National Welfare Rights Organization, and the United Farm Workers of America. The Fast represents our commitment to improve the quality orour common IUe and to alleviate human suffer- ing." . The architects of opposttton to the war have abandoned the strategies used ear'Iler c-tha campus moratoriums in Ocotber and the massive protest marches in November. The emphasis has shifted to a more de-centralized ap- proach, with nine regional offices largely replacing the central Washington committee. Larry Kudlow, a member of the national starr since October, Is in charge of the Mid-Atlantic region. KUd_ low whose headquarters are In Philadelphia, has been In the anti-war movement for several years. Sam Brown, one of the original organizes of the Viet- nam Moratorium Committee, commented in one of the Committee's periodic news releases, "It is our feeling that the regional offices will be in a better posttton to organize for the Spring activities, particularly in regard to the daily communication that must fake place if we are Feeling pent up? Get off campus and take advantage of one of the best things Carroll County has to offer; scenery. to be successful in March and April. It Is our hope that millions of people this Spring will continue the anrt., war commitment that was so dramatically expressed this Insight into the Nixon's State Department fail." Recent news releases from Mobehave stressedintlaUon, rising taxes, corporate profits resulting from the war and The State Department tossed a lecture on the Nixon has passed a resolution forbidding ground troops to be the effect of Vietnam on priorities. strikes against large Doctrine at us and their man got away with only token sent to Laos and Thatland, military contractors are being encouraged. The theme of heckling. Mostly because this school is polite and Ignor- Mr. Parker gave us athumb-naU sketch of all the coun- the February, 1970 Issue of New Mobllizeris, "Who pays ant of foreign affairs. But how can you fight a Black grad- tries organized under the Asian Desk at the State Depart- for the war? We do. Who profits from the war? They do. uate of Princeton andJHUwho lets you know when his path ment. Japan Is likely to surpass our standard of living by stop paying! Stop the war! Bring all the troops home now!" separates from the Administration's? 1990. The most potential dang-er spot: Korea. Another The tactics of New Mobe and their allies have under ; Mr. Jason Parker described the NixonorGuam Doctrine invasion from North Korea Is likely. gone a dramatic change since Novemberwhenanestlmat_ as an adjustment rather than as a bold new policy. The ed 225,000 people marched In Washington. Atthattime the United States will provide a nuclear shield, mafntatn eom-, Overthrow in Cambodia: The State Department used to ratio of young to old was estimated at 9-1. Along with mitments, but let the Asian nations provide their own de- believe Prince Sihanouk was responsible for violent de- the young, many of them college students, wenta sprinkl- fense, especially against internal aggression. Ambigui- monstrations in his country. The state department believ- Ing of paCifists, union members and professors. New ties arise because the U.S. is unlikely to use nuclear ~~t~~~tah~r~~dh~~~.h~r~o;~;i~rs~d~i~refth;tt~rng:~Ph~: Mobe is nowlaunching a determined effort to attract work- weapons except against full scale invasions. AndCongress ouk was overthrown, this theory must be discarded. His last comments were on decision making In the State Department. The world Is divided intogroupsofcountrles called Bureaus. Each country has its ownDesk.The Desk decides policy for its country normally. But Vietnam's policy has been made In the White Housefor years. Res- ponsibility for Laos recently moved from the Deputy As- sistant Secretary to the White House. Trade policy with Japan made hal! a jumpupward,fromJapan'SDesk to the Deputy Undersecretary. His final complaintwasthatwhen the China Desk makes a proposal, a year may go by be- fore It is approved. Course drop date: April 24 is the final date WMC students may drop a course without being penalized. cour dropped by that date are entered on the stu- dents's record with the letter Wslgnt!ylngthewlthdrawal. The hours are not Included In computation on the cumula- tive point index. Atter April 24, however, failure to meet course requirements results In an F. Exceptions to this SUMMER r-ule may be granted only by the Dean of the Faculty In REPERTORY cases of emergency. WMC's drop date Is a relatively late one. When the THEATRE policy was considered for revision several years ago, the faculty decided to allow nounpenalizedwlthdrawalswlthin the last four weeks of the semester. ThlsaUows the seven weeks through mid-semester exams, plus an additional DIRECTOR SUMMER SESSIONS three weeks for the student to check his grades and make up his mind. In addition, the marksolWlthdrawal Passing and Withdrawal Falling were eliminated mravor or simple Withdrawal, due to certain Iniquities within the system.
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