Page 91 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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page 5 the gold bug april 13, 1970 NEW YORK TO LONDON Candidates for Student Government President ROUND TRIP $169 TRIPS _ SUMMER VACATION Gary Scholl Danny Wiles NOW FILLING· SMALL DEPOSIT AND PAYMENTS SEND FOR FREE DETAILS. According to Gary Scholl, candidate for SGApresident, Dan Wiles, a candidate for SGApresident, says fie Is an the Student Government Association should be a more toea man with very extensive SGA experience and broad STUDENT GLORE ROAMERS abilities. He said he decided to run be- organizational political organization. cause he is confident that he canellminatethe frustrating BOX 6575 In a recent interview, Scholl discussed the role of the Ineffectiveness that he has seen all around him in the SGA. HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 SGA on campus. His comments covered the power of the His stated goals are to streamline the SGA, rejuvinate SGA in both political and social aspects. "The SGA should be involved," SchoU emphattcally it and increase Its potency as an active student co -orutnat- stated. "lts responslb1l1ty shouldn't stop at entertainment. ing body while simultaneously sensitizing the SGA to the The political issues of the campus should be debated in political and social desires of each individual student. Italian Through his close association with the SGA he believes the SGA, in the Senate. We should change the Image from he has gainedtheinsightneededtodeslgna comprehensive just an or-ganization that offers entertainment __although program to accomplish his goals. Wiles says he would ap- Dining Room' I recognize this to be Important - to a more political or- point executive committees staffed and headed by any in- SSW.MainSt. ganization." terested students to carry out specific student activities. Westminster SchoU believes that the SGA should be the voice of the Such as specific GIGIF, movie and concert committees. students but Is prevented from this by a number of official An ombudsman, appointed to represent individuaJstudents 848 2848 and ad hoc committees. "There are too many different to the administration through the SGA would, he reasons, organizations sanctioned by the administration," the can- give each student the bargaining power of the SGA. The didate said. "When the SGA passes something, the admin- ombudsman, treasurer and all of the standing committees istration should say either yes or no. As it is now, they THE TOP HAT DRIVE·IN DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SUBS RT.140 5 MILES EAST OF WESTMINSTER WE'LL TRUST YOU would be required to periodically publish their activities say take it to another organization, like the Student Life in the GOLD BUG, Wiles said. He would do this, he said, Council, Mens Council, or whatever." for all students to scrutinize and respond to the ideas. [Even If You're Over 30 J Ad hoc committees often do work that should be done by the SGA, Scholl stated. "When something big happens, it's He plans to foster more functional ties with other student not because of SGA but because of some ad hoc commit- organizations and he would publicize SGA and executive tee," he explained. courcn meetings to encourage anyone to attend • .~.'.."Different student's groups have different demands," While making these executive improvements, Wiles em- the candidate continued. "SGA should meet the needs of all phasized that he would also act to impllment some tncva- the students. If they're willing to work through the SGA, Hone into the SGA which he believeswouldadd to the well U should be able to give them what they want." being of each indivudal student. He pointed out that he Scholl said that Omicron Delta Kappa is going to study has been working, and will continue to wor ktc gain com- Student Charge Accounts are invited at committees and the power structure of decision making plete student control of the grill and the coffee house. He Columbia Jewelers, and there are so many needed funds to improve the atmos- intends to request next fall. From their findings, he feels the SGA can act phere and facilities of the grill area. Wiles enjoys big ways to develop a meaningful relationship to avoid overlapping or" organizational responstbtltties, name entertainment and he plans for a coalition program with us . like Keepsake Diamonds Famous- In his discussion of the social responsibilities of the with other schools JO provide more varied and bigger big Brand Watches and Gifts Wild Charms. student governing body, Scholl criticized the handling of name entertamment. Under his plan, he satd, the SGA from only 88¢ Pierced Earrings for girls big name entertainment. "It could be more efficiently (or men with highly individualistic traits) run," he opined. "It seems to me that they take pot luck would subsidize transportation and ticket costs so that Come in and get your shopping jollys at the on their concerts - just take who's available." students would go to other schools at the reduced student rates and the SGA could invite other schools to attend our store that was chosen from all of America's Jerry Hopple concerts to help defray our costs. He also stressed the Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The Jerry Hopple's campaign for the presidency oftheSGA Importance of establishing the GOLD BUG as a publisher Year" . friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers control. Independent of administrative is based on the Idea that the student government can be- Dan Wiles is confident that he Is qualified to carry out in the Westminsler Shopping Center. come more Important In campus life. "After a great deal his program ot effective student government designed to of thought," Hopple announced, "I've decided to run. The increase the potential for the social and political activi- SGA has floundered around for too long. I hope to see the ties available to each Individual student. Wiles believes SGA become effective." that a student leader has to have the courage and imag- Hopple accused the SGA of being an "exalted GIGIF ination as well as experiencetosupportunprecidentedand committee." He asserted that most people have a "high new activities. This year Dan is his floor representtttve school" conception of the Western Maryland SGA. "The to the SGA. He is chairman of the coffee house comm. and presidency is supposed to be a prestige office which pro- the grill improvement comm. Last yearhewas on the dorm vides good recommendations for law or grad school and council of Rouzer, the students for Academic Integrity the group in general is conceived of as an organization Committee,_ and the Ad Hoc Committee on Compulsory which meets weekly and does little else. This attitude has R.O.T.C .. COSTUMES AND FORMALS to change." One of the essentlal features of Hopple's campaign is the Idea that the scope of theSGAshould be expanded. He FOR RENT said that the SGA Is "usuallyCorgotten"whenlt comes to making Important decisions. Accordingto Hopple, theSGA Phone For Appointment can become more effective by assuming more power. . j'Thl!'; Isn't a radical 'student power' idea. We can and 75 W. Green 848·4630 .snoord cooperate wUh the administration. But in fact ·is that students deserve representation, and onlytheSGA can provide direct, effective representation." Hopple reets that he can represent all students. He commented, "As a frat member who's not bllnded by my fraternity affiliaUon, I can represent aU Greeks and all independents. I plan to utilize all human resources on this campus-c-Um not going to be relying on just frat WTTR members or just Independents." Hopple identified this as one of the majorproblemsfacingtheSGA, He felt that the fragmentation of the campus could be cured by a dyna- AM-1470KC FM-Stereo mlcSGA. As a freshman, Hopple was editorial page editor of the GOLD BUG. He then served as editor-in-chlef. He is WESTMINSTER secretary oC the ·-Student Life Councll, a member of MARYLAND ODK, co-author oC the Junior FoUles and was involved In the campus moratorium in October.
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