Page 88 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 88
the gold bug "Tell me, what should a guy with my qualifications do? " Shriver talks with students by Mike Shultz on kidnappers. A law under which pushers and manufact- urers ot drugs would get a stiff sentence is the kind that R. Sargent Shriver held what he termed "antnrcrmarcuu Shriver hopes for. He suggested ci1nics to handle addicts session" with about 50 Western Maryland students InMc- and the use of methadone programs to help addicts. It Is Daniel Lounge, Western Maryland College, TuesdaY,AprU important to reaUze what drugs do to our bodies he stated 7at8a.m. and stressed that under the influence of any drug the body During a rambling, 40 minute question andanswerses- does not perform to the maximum. sion the ex-ambassador to France replied to questions Shriver, who instituted the Peace Corps and the War on ranging from the bussing of school children to the problems Poverty during J.F.K.'s term, said "an Inequality of the of responsibility to the government. In his answers he most baste sort" exists in community health today. "If stressed the importance of education in dealing with the you have money and knowledge there is a good chance that problems of today. you can have health," he said, but added, "If you are poor Shriver, who served for five years as the head of the and ignorant there is a good chance that you will be sick." board of education in Chicago, said he felt that many of According to Shriver this Is because the method of {'de_ the court cases on bussing were "red herrings" and that Itvering'" care to the people is outdated. The medical ninety percent of these cases showed that children had services are still working under the craft system on a fee basts the Peace Corps founder said and added «we've been bussed farther to achieve segregation than they are moved away from craft industry to mass industry." He now bussed to achieve integration. Bussing is useful, suggested that some system using volunteers could help Shriver mentioned, adding "but like any method 11 is by spreading education about health In problem areas. useful sometimes and not others." "Anyone in this room can learn to give an injection or to world that is close in every way," he said. "The fact Is integration helps education," he said be- teach the basic rules of healthandnutrltion,"Shriver as- cause "we're going to have to learnto live in a world that serted but added that there are groups, such as the AMA is close In every way. We have to live in a world where that strongly oppose the training of volunteers. A coali- tion of private concerns and government, such as the health caucastons are in the minority. We need education to pre- care program operating out of Johns-Hopkins university pare for the real world. Thatworld is mostly a "colored" world in the sense we used to use that word." In Baltimore, is the most effective wayofgetting the vol- to the needy areas Shriver thought. unteers Shriver --- home again brem-csurt, suggested a three-prong-attackonthe drug pro- Education, he said, Is Important because It creates Shriver well enforced laws, a program of treatment for addIcts and an intensive program of education about responsibillty and, he added, "unfortunately I think to a drugs. He asserted "we should begin to treat drugs the growing extent people feel they are not responsible for by Mike Shultz what the government Is doing. But our original American way we treat other noxious poiJutants. I think the drug tradition stressed representative power. You college peo- R. Sargent Shriver, former Ambassador to France, I have in my hand, caffein, isn't any good for me." The ple have done a lot to show that you care about the way addressed a capacity crowd in western Maryland Coll- well-tanned and healthy-looking Shriver noted that he thing are going. I realize that many cf you feel that nothing alcohol. ege's Alumni Hall, Monday, April 6, at 8 p.m , rarely drank coffee, dldnotsmokeandfrownedon after the has been accomplished." Shriver added that he hoped He used the law (instituted Shriver, who is a native of Carroll County was ambassa- Linuberghjddnap Americans would not lose faith In the government and dor to France for two years. This was his first speech famous flyer's Infant son was kidnapped) as an example of would again feel responsIble for what government does. since returning to the states two weeks ago. The speech the kind of law he would llke to see Instituted to control The American people must combat the "I can't do any- focused on what he termed a "conservatism of trust." thing about that he conclude,;;d.~. __ .... This country's history was based on trust, a trust that recognized "the equality of man, the respectlor individual rights, the belief in human dignity and decency," the ex- ambassador said. He noted that "Today our nation, which was founded on trust, Is riddled and undermined with a conservatism of fear. We not only read each others mall but tap each others' telephones. We are not only afraid of physical violence, but we fear the power of opposing Ideas. We not only distrust each other as individuals, but we have lost rartn In those institutions by which our Individual rights and freedoms have traditionally been secured." Shr lver- said that he was seeking a "return to trust" because "trust Is the Opposite of fear, the antidote to fear." Such a return to trust, he stressed, is not a hope to return to the past and he pointed out Ihat he considered trust to be one of the most powerful forces for change. Only through a return to trust "will we again have a sys- tem based not on benign neglect but on passionate com- mtnment-, a life buf.It not on competition and coercion but on caring and communion." said Shriver. And he added that government at all levels must be based on trust. feel will enter Shriver, who many political observers pointed out that Bombs in Ellicott City the democratic gubernatorial primary, Maryland was called "Miniature America" and that this state in which to begin a "re- Howard County prepares for Rap Brown state truly was a micro-cosm of the United States with aU the advantages and disadvantages Involved. He felt this would be the perfect turn to trust." The ex-ambassador said thai thIs country Is more sus- by Susan Baker .ne wm then evacuate. ceptible than any other country In history to "tensions {'A sleepy, little, anemic man," according toone of the among individuals and groups" because of the size of the People are increasingly active around the Howard courthOuse employees, has been situated at the main land and the diversity of the people and the attempt to County Courthouse as H. Rapp Brown'sApril20trial date entrance to frisk all entering persons for weapons or forge "one nation." TheorlginalAmericandreamwas the fast approaches. bomb~. Already one empty revolver has been Smuggled "embodiment and hope for the rest of the world." Brown, militant Negro leader of the 50's, is under Indict- ~ast him. Wrapped as a piece of pie, the revolver entered Shriver said and added that Europeans still thought of "our ment for Inciting to riot and arson durIng the 1957 Cam- m the lunch bag of an employee. 'country as an American of Freedom, of genercsttyand of bridge, Maryland riots. Brown will be tried by Circuit In addition to the security officer, the front doors of the trust. Court Judge James MacGU! in the courthouse In the seat Courthouse have been barricaded on the Inside "But" What these people remember is the image of ourselves of Howard County, Ellicott City. says one courthouse employee, secretary to the 'tax a;_ that we at home seem to have forgotten: America the trust- Howard Countyisthelatestinaserlesof trial locations. se sscr , "the barricades are only two pieces ot2X6 lum , tng, America that believes In itself because it oeueves in The trial has been moved from Cambridge, Maryland, to ber. Three men with a log could easily break through its people. AU of them. The young asweU as the old. The Bel Air, Maryland, and then to Ellicott City, Maryland. the m. Also, nothing's been done to the samu windows on man with long hair as well as the fellow with a crewcut. Brown's attorney, wnuam Kunstler, who most recently either side of the door, and a skinny man could climb In without a problem.' The black man as well as the white. The policeman In served as defense for the Chicago Seven, is now seeking uniform as well as the poor man in overalls." to have the trial returned to Cambridge, but an tnctca, Courthouse employees are being Issued" identification During a question and answer session after the speech lions are that it will remain in Ellicott City. badges, and once the trial begins, onlypeoplewlth badges Shriver noted that he was currently unemployed. He has In preparation, Howard County is taking many precau- or peopl.e involved in the trial proceedings will be allow_ been a journalist, an Ambassador, a business manager, a tions. The bomb scares that have plagued the previous ed to enter the courthouse~ This means the employee Said government employee and a lawyer. He said that he had trial locations are one of the major and most potentially citizens with business In one of the 'county department~ come home "to help wherever I can," and he asked the dangerous problems. In preparation, a bomb alarm sys- will not be permitted entrance and that the offices in the crowd how they thought he could best help. One bass voice tem has been installed throughout·the old stone court- coururouse will be relatively work-free. replied, "Run for governor." house. Similar to a fire alarm, the bells will ring when a Another of the precautions ~:fthe POSitioning of a state bomb warning is received and the occupants of the but.ld, ~ cont.onpage3
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