Page 87 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 87
the gold bug monday april 13 1970 Earth Day--chance to save our poisoned planet by Kathy Rourke scieeusts. Tri Beta encourages entire support from the student Earth Day, Apri122, has been set aside to help create a body. Each person who participates receives a free pass Earlier in the year Senator Nelson proposed a con- wider awareness on a national and local level of the in- to the GIGIF on the following Friday night. stitutional amendment stating "every person had the in- creasingly sad state of health our world is in. According to the April ar st issue of Look magazine, ablnable right to a decent environment. The united states Springtime, according to the organizers of Earth Day, and every state shall guarantee this right." Thlsis a be- will not remain a season of rebirth unless we take action ;~;:la:i~~IO!ii~~S re~~~e:~x ti:tei~~t t~~ll~~~r~~~~~_~,;;~~ ginning but much more can and must be done. Senator now. crash point beyond which the natural environment will Nelson proposes that America establishes several pro- western Maryland students have theopportunltytotake not be able to sustain life." Dr. S. Dillon Riply, secre- grams to deal with this overwhelming problem: (1). a Na- a first step towards a better environment by participat- tional Land Use Policy that would stop «pr-ogress." from Ing in the "Plant-In" sponsored by Trl-Beta on April 22. tary of the Smithsonian Institute believes that in twenty- being the rUinat.ion of land and sea by careless actions by 75-80 percent of all species of living animals five years Members of Tri-Beta will be around to all dormitories will be extinct. hIghways, housmg and industry (2). a National Policy on signing people for specific times to plant the trees. One of the major causes of this disaster is pollution. Air and water Quality requiring that all industries follow Busses will be provided to take all participating stu- The statistics are staggering. According to Senator Gay- laws to make tnarr wastes harmless no matter what the dents to the area designated for the "plant-in" on Man- lord Nelson each year progress costs "200 million tons cost of equipmentofthetimeofinstaUation.(3). a National chester. Fourteen acres have been provided by the state of smoke and fume in the air, 7 million junked cars, 30 Policy on Resource Managementthatdemandseconomical with each acre capable of growing one thousand trees. million tons of paper, 76 billion disposable containers and productive use of dwindUng minerals. (4), a National The trees to be plantedwlll be small, white pine seedlngs and tens of millions of tons of raw sewage and Industrial Oceans Policy to preserve and protect our largest bodies and planting procedure is very simple. wastes spewed Into our fragile environment." For the of water from pollution (5). an overall pollcy to protect There ~ay also be some tree planting back campus near the consumer from. unlisted products such as pestecides New Windsor Road. Any money made by the "Plant-In" wlU rtr st time, on Earth Day, America will be reacting in a and detergents, and finally (6). a National Policy on to save ananvtronment doom- more constructive program caller the cost of the days' events and any money left over ed to decay without immediate action, according to many Population to inform and protect every citizen. will go'fntc a scholarship fund.
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