Page 78 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 78
page B march 2, 1970 WMC wins linal duel deleats LebanonValley The WMC Matmen closedoutttlisdual-meetseasonwith a 24-12 victory over Lebanon Valley. This means for the March II Western Maryland grapplers an undefeated season and a consecutive win streak of 27 dual meets. Bruno Bettelhelm, 10:00 a.m., Decker Lecture Hall. In the Lebanon Valley match Jim Schartner lost by a Dr. Bettelheim of the University ot Chicago has recent- decision to a strong opponent. Kenny Myers, wrestling ly made the news because of his views on student involve- his last dual meet of his career, wrestled an exciting ment In protest movements. The psychoanalyst feels that the underlying causes of campus unrest lie as much in the match which he won by a fall. This gives Ken his first way American children are raised and educated as In the undefeated season with a record of 8 wins and no defeats. existence of Injustices In U.S. life. Don O'Brien, filling In for Gary SCholl who was shot by the ROTC department, lost by riding time to a strong CHAPEL MarchB Lebanon Valley wrestler. Terry Conover, also wrestling Dr. Will1am A. Keese, 7:15 p.m. BakerMemorialChapel. his last career dual meet, won by a eectston, Conover, captain of the Terrors for the past two years, has been M3rch IS a key figure In the success of the matmen in recent years. Coming off a 27 match winning streak the Terrors are Congressman JohnBrademas, 7:15 p.m., Baker Memorial. At the 150 pound weight Jay Leverton.won by a fall. Art favorities to win the tournament. Over the past 3 years ART March 9 Blake won by a decision while Tom Barnes lost by the the Western Maryland' grapplers have only lost 2 dual same. Freshman Dick Schmertzler won by a fall making meets, have won 2 Mason Dlxon Daul Meet ChampIonships Art Exhlbit--CoUection "Wasyl." Gallery One, Fine Arts his first season an undefeated one. Fred K1emlewon by a (and probably a third this year), Have won the Maryland Building, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A private collection of decision and th'l match ended with Leon Cronce losing on State Intercolligiate Championship, andhavewontheWMC prints, drawings, oils, and watercolors done by students, points. Quadrangular twice. The students of Western Maryland teachers, and other art friends of Wasyl Paltjczuk, In their next outing the WMC matmen travel to Towson College should be proud of the accomplishments of coach DANCE March.6ยท State for the annual Mason-Dl.xon Conference Tournament. Sam Case and his dedicated wrestlers.' GaIlaudet Modern Dance Group, 8:00 p.m., Gill Gym, -----Faculfy nipsWCAO----- tickets $1.00 at door. Sponsored by the Trumpeters tc First Down. raise money for Project by Greg Barnes MUSIC March 6 Gill Gymnasium on the night of February 18th was the David Moore, Piano Recital, 8:00 p.m. Levine Hall. scene of one of the most exctung basketball games of the March 9 season. A balding squad of select members of the Whimsee Dr. Reynaldo Reyes, Piano Recrtar, 8;00 p.m ,, Levine faculty defeated the WCAO "Good Guys" in a seesaw Hall. A selection of French Music. game by a score of 81-79. The "Good Guys", who play March 13 games of this sort for charity, season consisted 01 three Emma Moore, Piano Recital, 8:00 p.m, Levine Hall. deejays who talk the game up aflweek but never play, and 9 members of the WCAO staff who aU happen to be good FILM March 8 basketball players and over 6'3". These ringers, who Included Baltimore Colt flankerWllIieRichardsoninthelr "Short Suite," College Film Series, 8:30 p.m., Decker number, took to the court against assorted Whimsee 75 cents. A showcase of the world's best short films. academia. The high scorer of the night was Jumpin' Jim March 15 J ordy, sometime assistant Professor of Mathematics, who scored 33 points and made plays, dominated the boards "The Salt of the Earth," 8:30 p.m., Decker, free. Film and blocked shots a ta Bill Russell. Next highest scorer concerns the struggle for organization and equality by for the faculty was Greg Getty, '68 grad and former var- Mexican-American miners. Sponsored by Religious Lite, sity star, with 17 points. Willie Richardson was high Oounctt, scorer for the Good Guys. The big difference In the out- come of the game was the hustle and ball handling of the faculty oackcourt, Alex Ober and Dr. Corky Clower did Basketball hi-lites some fancy ba llbawking, "Psyco" RickWhUe came offthe bench and sparked the drive In the final minutes at the by Dave Sampselle game. The mostfantastlcplayofthegamewas turned In by Jeff Davis 5'4" Blll Fanning, who dribbled the ball down court and laid up two point right over Willie Richardson. The seldom Struggling from Suitland, Maryland, with 190 pounds defeated Good Guys dishedoutasmuchpun!shmentas they spread over a dumpy 6'3" form, Jeff brought with him a took, but the baldcs pulled out the game in the final minute reputation as a totally drab, colorless person. His WMC of play. career has been a constant- struggle against this enus , Now basketball Captain, Jeff Is a 4-year starter, and his experiences promise to remain a legend. Recklessly throw- ing around legs, elbows, and knees, he is notorious for rugged, determined play. Addthls grftty dr tve to an accur- ate jump shot, a fine eye from the charity line, and a Lee foro wicked hook (usually in combination with his rabbUpunch) and the sum Is a quality basketball player in sptte of the Terrors split two matches fact that he wears black high tops. An Mr. On campus, Davis Is equally distinguished. Engltsh major--one of his many redeeming qualities-- lnconsistancy plagued the Terrors In their final games Jeff has found the time to be anSOS Volunteer, Dean's of the year as they spllt against two opponents. Favored list student, mall runner for postmistress Irene, andfln- Lebanon Valley was upset in a come from behind effort ally, SGA President. The Increasing volume and quality by a score of 65 to 59. The Terrors then went out for of social activities are his Innovations. In the happy future, revenge against rival Hopkins, but were denied victory I can envision only continued success for Jeffrey; post- because of a cold streak from the floor. graduate work at Harvard Law School, a brilliant career The Lebanon Valley contest was a thriller as senior in court, and the coronation of his many children. When standout JeH Davis led the Terrors from behind in the you are a myth in your own time, you can do no less. closIng minutes to pUll the upset. Jeff pumped home 7 points In the f1nal 2:22 to finish with 17 for the night. I John Heisler Randy Hutcb1nson was btgh for the Terrors with 19 points including 9 for 10 from the une. Also noteworthy is the A stellar rouncoan ace at Strattford, N. J., John des- fact that Terrors shut out the visitors for the last 3 1/2 cended on WMC, hailed as the savior of sport. Then, for minutes of play. . 3 long years, he languished on the bench of the Grllle, The Hopkins contest found the Terrors In the exact unable to prove h1s mettle. When he did play, sporadic opposite role. Led by Davis, Heisler, and Decker WMC bursts of potential showed, but one thing or another always took a 31-30 lead into the locker at half time against the felled him. This year started off no better. Reporting back same team that blltzed the Terrors down in Baltimore. to the Hill at a rock-narc 170 lbs., "He Is" suffered an The contest Dever opened up during the second half until extremely-harrowing pre-season torture, otherwise kncwr just under 7 minutes. Tied at this point 53-53, the Ter- as "Student Teaching!' Exiled to the cornfields of North rors hit a cold streak while the two Hopkins" guards turn- Carroll H. S. with 140 rabid juveniles, John slowly lost ed It on. Gary Handelman and George Apple poured In 14 weight, patience,_ ant! sanity. Finally, the trauma ended, of the Jay's last 16 points as Hopkins pulled to a 66-61 he returned to his three loves--basketball, Bachelors, and victory over wtumsee, The loss wastheendof the career Barney. While the team struggled, John showed his true of two outstanding seniors, Jeff Davis (high scorer for the worth. He had the highest shooting percentage; he brought year) and John Heisler. Both shared the high scoring the ball up against every conceivable defense, without honors for the Terrors wUh 16 points each. Heisler play- error, (his reverse-pivot dribble left morethanone enemy ed one of his finest games inGillGym as he scored twice jock hanging In mid-air); he was the key to WMC's torrid on outstanding drives wtlile handling the ball well through- ~~~~gia~~J' puts one up to~~:er:~';~~ break. His final game, vs. SHU, was a fitting climax fast :~~~he cc~::~st;I~~ aon~:tl :Vi:h7:~1 C:e~:~~IYn:tm~::~ to his year as he drove at will through the hacking :a~~~U;a~~ll:,M:n;1l:a:::~;:lYv07~:s O~heJ~c~:I~~;~
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83