Page 75 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 75
r --- Letters to theeditor--- march 2, 1970 gold bug' page 5 Dear Mr. Editor: the wrong approach, the attitude of the organizers The so-called of this affair that can only be regarded celved as a turned strike people were students off. Some of these this action as anything Any attempt to represent failure. misbegotten "strike" on February 19 was an lll-con- Personally, I like chicken loaf. BesIdes poor timing and interested more than achievIng in playing at revolution successful can only be grandiose dreaming or complete results. They put revolutionary-type slogans on posters, disregard for the truth. The Great Cafeteria Strike was struck dramatic poses and used revolutionary vocabulary organized at a meeting called at 8:00 on the t ani. This over loud speaker systems. Tremendously Impressed with their own importance they aped the actions of coll- ~:;t~n:h~_~~h~u~:~~~z~~t~:l\v~i!~a~~~~~~:~~:~s;:t~;~l~~ ege revolutionary heroes. But this imitation did not breed this resulted in a large turn-out with a representative success. It betrayed the good Intentions of the majority cross-section of the student body. The pranner s of the of the strikers. strike appeared at the game and posted signs proclaiming, Students at WMC have a deep interest in cafeteria in 108 pt. Cectt B. DeMille Bold, that a strike would take problems. The tacker support of this strtke w as not apathy. place. The only reasons gtvenror the strike on these pro- Nobody likes things the way they are now. Barney Rice ductions were bad chicken loaf and the vague assertion runs his own show and apparently takes orders from no that the strike would improve the cafeteria situation. When one. The .appearance of appeasement sandwiches proves the game ended the organizers of the strike did some' pro- that the man is afraid of student coercion. Chicken loaf motion on the grass roots level. I was grabbed by three and the same kind' of meat twice in one day is a minor different members of this sell-proclaimed vanguard of complaint, and wasting food is a drastic act, and In Wed- "J'm fit to be tied!" the proletariat and told to "eat breakfast, get your lunch nesday's case an irresponsible act. We pays our money so Co.",..,. M"gH" 5", .. $M
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