Page 76 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 76
page 6 gold bug march 2, 1970 TEACH IN GHANA OR I know where the movie "Easy Rider" ends, but I really 1. Have a Bachelor's Degree; preferably a Masters Degree have no idea how It starts. Why did these two men decide 2. Have at least 30 semester hours credit in one of the Review to go for the easy money--thatfastllftythousand and then ollowing: retire? Director Dennis Hopper says It was a very Amer- ican thingtodo.Andlguessltwas. The whole fUm seemed a. physics, b. chemistry, c. biology, d. mathematics, to point out the very dangerous climate ot American today. e. industrial arts, f. French, g. geography, h. home Here we have a country of supposed plenty and yet the economics or i. business education. Rowe Hill people lnlt have all been victimized by It at the same time. . Desire to teach at the secondary school level. Peter Fonda tells the poor dirt farmer that he should , Are in good health; single, or married (without child- on be proud that he can live off the land. He teUs Hopper that en). Both spouses much teach. the people on the commune were going to make It--even as he watches them trying to plant crops on the sandy soil es: .. If you . that can hardly grow sage brush. He knewdamn weU they ate dead horses the year before, and he knew damn well RITE: TEACHERS FOR WEST AFRICA they would eat dead horses the next wtnter-, too. Here they PROGRAM were with $50,000 in their gas tanks, and they did nothing ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE to help, except get a little sell-righteous and give a couple ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 17022 of girls a ride to the other Side of the canyon. In the scene where the commune leader gives Fonda Sportsmen's Barber Shop 848-2363 the acid, telUng him to take it at the right place at the Well right time, Fonda says, "Yea, I'm hip about time." he wasn't, for like most Americans hewasin too much of Carroll Plaza Shopping Center a hurr-y-ern a hurry to get to Mardi Gras, in a hurry to get to Florida, In a hurry to get to the promised land. No Mondey-Thursdav 9·7 Friday 9·9 Saturday 9-6 wonder they bum-tripped. What else can happen ina city, Darkness at the break of noon In a cemetery, with a couple of prostitutes. They were Shadows even the silver spoon in the wrong place at the wrong time. But Fonda knew The handmade blade the child's balloon, this. He didn't say more than fifty words the entire time. Hairstyling Satisfaction Guaranteed Eclipses both the sun and moon. He was always thinking--right from the start thinking To understand you know too soon that "We blew it," and yet heallowedhimsell to be suck- There is no sense in trying. ed right along, a helpless victim like everyone else. It seems like they and everyone else were in a hurry to Pointed threats they bluff with scorn. start living Instead of living in the presentv-Instead of Suicide remarks are torn getting into what was already there. So they just hauled From the foolsgoJd mouthpiece the hollow horn ass and got killed by a couple of duck hunters who didn't Plays wasted words proves to warn know any better. The film wasn't saying "we're right That he not busy being born is busy dying. and you're wrong" because how can anybody be right when WE'LL TRUST YOU Temptation's page flies out the door everybody Is wrong. You follow find yourself at war Two significant things in the film were Jack Nicholson Watch waterfalls of pity roar. talkin~ about his mom and dad and Fonda's trip scene [Even If You're Over 30J You feel to moan but unlike before where he cries "1 hate you mother" .Nlcholsonwas power- You discover that you'll just be one more less to escape hIs parents-c-symbols of what Is wrong, He person crying. was unable to evolve into something new and so turned to alcoholism to escape. He justdldn'tknowwhatwent wrong So don't you fear when you hear with the country. Fonda knew and so proclaimed his hatred A foreign sound to your ear for his mother. It is line to love your parents for trying It's all right rna, Im only sighing. to bring you up the best they knew how, but it Is wrong to continue to live their lives. The only way anyone can A question in your nerves is lit, Student Charge Accounts are invited at Yet you know there is no answer fit evolve is to lead his own life. Most people admit that we Columbia Jewelers, and there are so many To satisfy and assure you not to quit live In an existential world, and yet few people have the courage try to lead existential or the strength lives--to ways to develop a meaningful relationship To keep it in your mind and not forget anyway even though it won't do any good. Fonda saw that with us . like Keepsake Diamonds Famous- That It is not he she or it in the whore house, when he read the plaque about death Brand Watches and Gifts Wild Charms, That you belong to. leaving only a man's reputation which wlll judge him- . from only 8St . Pierced Earrings for girls But though the masters make the rules right or wrong. He flashes to the nrec-sees his own de- (or men with highly individualistic traits). For the wisemen and the fools. strncuon-canc knows he will be judged wrong. They blew Come in and get your shopping jollys at the I've got nothing rna, to live up to. it because they never tried andinsteadallowedtheir lives store that was chosen from all of America's to be controlled and -dlr ected by external forces. Fonda Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The For them that must obey authority had the sense to see what he did wrong, but lacked the Year" . friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers That they do not respect in any degree courage to do anything about it. "Easy Rider" presented in the Westminster Shopping Center. Who despise their jobs, their destiny a sad, but basically accurate picture of what America is Speak jealously of those who are free today. But it didn't have any answers, !orthe answer lies Do what they do just to be nothing more In the understanding how the movie began. All I know Is Than something they invest in. how it ended. ·_"It's All Right, Ma. (I'm only Bleeding)" Bob COSTUMES AND FORMALS FOR RENT Phone for Appointment 7S W. Green 848·4630 Dorot., ·114.. 41.. SIEGMAN'S All he wanted was to be free song with its flowing river-like The title melody Is TEXACO SERVICE And that's the way it turned out to be backed up with that closely woven Byrd Instrumentation created by overlapping guitar leads. But it Is some of the 39 Manchester Ave. Flow ri ver flow other tunes on the album that are particularly interesting. Let your waters wash down Take me from this road "Jesus ts ,Just Allright" comes pounding out in minor To some other town. chords like a heavy Church organ that shakes the spirit like Ballad of Easy Rider the blackest Negro spiritual. Religious music is some- thing the Byrds have been Into for several years now, For about the past six years now, the BYRDS have been beginning with "The Christian Life" back ontheirSweet- among the most influential music groups of their time. Al- heart of the Rodeo Album. And it isn't Bullshtt, either. WTIR most single-handedly they stemmed the British invasion The Byrds have forever left the psychedellic world of acid-rock life inthewHderness, for a simple, uuctuttered that has caught American music in a gigantic slump. The Folk-rock, originated Byrds later acid-rock and now the "new country". And for a.Il this they faded Into a place of particularly the Southwest. In this vein are "Deportee Dustbowl (Planewreck at Los Gates)" anoldWoodyGuthrie AM-1470KC FM-Stereo relative obscurity, still making musIc and releasing Ballad, and "Tulsa County Blue." The latter reflects the albums that Influenced other great musicians whIle they Byrd belief in the healing power of the west. themselves sat in the shadows. At last the movie "Easy My nights have been lonely MARYLAND WESTMINSTER Rider" has brought the Byrds back into public attention Since I've been In Tulsa County And I really don't know what I'm gonna do and M~Gulnn and his group have scored with their 'album Ballad of Easy Rider. (conUnued on page 7)
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